“Get ready, hand over the purchase to other buyers for the time being, and go on a business trip with me tomorrow!”
Su Yun explained that he thought that going to Lu’an would be delayed for a while, so he called Wang Qing, at least someone who ran errands.
Wang Qing is the general buyer of Xinyue Restaurant and Shengqing Restaurant. Apart from him, there are other buyers, so they don’t delay things.
“No problem, shopkeeper, I’ll take over the work now!”
Wang Qing said that the business trip will definitely take several days, but he only needs to temporarily hand over the work in his hands.
Hearing that, Su Yun nodded and asked Wang Qing to prepare. After the arrangement, Su Yun left Xinyue Restaurant and drove to the Ministry of Education.
He still has a very important thing to deal with!
And when he came to the Ministry of Education, it was time for get off work, and officials were already leaving the building at this time.
And Su Yun happened to meet Zhu Jiahua at the door.
“Brother Zhu!”
Su Yun greeted him, and Zhu Jiahua smiled and nodded in response.
When passing officials saw Su Yun and Zhu Jiahua, they couldn’t help but cast their eyes.
Most of them have seen Su Yun. After all, Su Yun often comes to the Ministry of Education.
However, they did not expect that Su Yun and Zhu Jiahua had become so close, and Su Yun’s status in their hearts had risen a lot.
Then Zhu Jiahua pulled Su Yun aside and asked, “YesDid something happen? ”
“I’m going on a business trip to Lu’an tomorrow to buy land and build a factory, and this “July 47″ industrial machine is coming soon.
I needed someone who could use the radio temporarily, but it was hard to find it in a short time, so I wanted to ask Brother Zhu for help. ”
Su Yun looked at Zhu Jiahua and said, he won’t use the radio, but if you throw him a cell phone, he will use it.
It’s just that there is no need to want a mobile phone in this era. In a few years, there will be a communicator, but it is for military use.
So I had to come to Zhu Jiahua for help in this matter. In these days, there are not many people who can use the radio, and they need to be trained. Generally, there are many such people in the government and the army.
“Your business trip is a little urgent!”
Zhu Jiahua frowned upon hearing this. He didn’t expect that Su Yun would go on a business trip tomorrow, but it was not impossible.
Zhu Jiahua pondered for a while, and then said: “Well, let’s go back to the office first, and I will help you find a solution.”
“Then there is Big Brother Laozhu!”
Su Yun quickly thanked, and put the stone in his heart slightly.
Then the two returned to the Ministry of Education, and Zhu Jiahua thought about it again, then picked up the phone and called.
“Let Lai Qingzhong, the chief of the confidential department, come to my office immediately!”
Zhu Jiahua gave the order, and then sat in the office with Su Yun and waited.
Zhu Jiahua looked at Su Yun and said with a smile, “Xiao Su, don’t worry, the confidential staff of the Confidential Section should be able to help.”
“It’s really troublesome Big Brother Zhu!”
Su Yun said with gratitude on his face.
Soon, there was a knock on the door.
“Come in!”
Zhu Jiahua said lightly.
A middle-aged man walked in, he was Lai Qingzhong.
“Minister Zhu!”
After Lai Qingzhong entered the door, he bowed slightly to say hello, and Zhu Jiahua nodded in response.
“Minister, is there something wrong with summoning the lowly post in such a hurry?”
Lai Qingzhong asked, feeling a little strange in his heart, and he also noticed Su Yun next to him.
“Su Yun needs someone who can use the radio on a business trip, so you need to help him find it!”
Zhu Jiahua said, while looking at Su Yun on the side.
Lai Qingzhong immediately understood that he was in such a hurry to come here to deal with Su Yun’s affairs.
Lai Qingzhong also looked at Su Yun and asked, “Mr. Su, when are you going on business?”
“We’re going out of town tomorrow morning!”
Su Yun replied softly, this matter is actually a bit urgent, and he really hopes to find someone to help.
“Don’t worry, Mr. Su, I will find a confidential officer in the confidential department tonight and let him come to you tomorrow morning!”
Lai Qingzhong readily agreed, this matter is not difficult for him.
“Then there will be Chief Laurai!”
Su Yun said with a smile, with gratitude on his face, and finally solved this matter, so some things that need to be prepared for a business trip are almost the same.
After he said goodbye to Zhu Jiahua, he left the Ministry of Education.
He looked at the sky and didn’t plan to go to Xinyue Restaurant anymore. He was going to find a place to eat near Xingdaoli.
After Su Yun had dinner, he went back to his house in Xingdaoli. As soon as he got back to the door of the house, he saw a group of people standing there under the street lamp.
“Why so many people?”
Su Yun has some doubts in his heart, and these people are standing near the door of his house. Could it be that they can’t find him?
He took a closer look, and these people looked familiar again. Seems to be seen somewhere.
It wasn’t until he walked over that he realized that these people were the servants, cooks, and drivers he recruited this morning.
After these people saw Su Yun, they quickly greeted him.
Su Yun looked at them and asked, “How long have you been waiting here?”
“Boss, we’ve been waiting here for a while, let’s go to work.”
One of them replied that they had gone through the onboarding procedures and rushed over immediately after they had packed up, waiting for Su Yun to receive them.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, he was very satisfied with the speed of these people.
I was just hired this morning, and it’s been a while since I came to work.
Just at this juncture, I have to go on a business trip, and these people have arrived. Tomorrow, I will take a few people from martial arts to go on a business trip, and there is also a safety guarantee on the road.
After all, no one can guarantee absolute safety on the road, so bring some people to feel at ease.
Su Yun then looked at them, remembered one thing, and said, “It’s no problem to come to work now, and there are places where you live, but there are no quilts on the bed in the room.”
He lived alone before, so naturally he didn’t need to prepare for this.
There are so many things that need to be dealt with during this time, and the purchase of daily necessities for them will be delayed.
And he didn’t expect these people to join the job so quickly, less than a day has passed.
Coupled with the fact that he will be leaving for business tomorrow, it is even more impossible to have time to deal with these things.
“Don’t worry, boss, we brought our own quilts, just pack up and make the bed.”
One of them said with a smile, and then everyone had a smile on their faces, and then looked aside.
After Su Yun heard what they said, Ye looked to the side, and there were large packages on the ground.
These people are quite well prepared, and their hands and feet are faster than they imagined.
“Okay, then come in!”
Su Yun said, and then opened the door with the key.
The others pulled up their packages and started going in.
When Su Yun was about to go in, a middle-aged man wearing glasses also came with a large package in his hands.
Su Yun’s first reaction was that none of the people he recruited wore glasses.
Su Yun stopped him immediately.
However, when he took a closer look, wasn’t this the middle-aged man who asked himself for thirty dollars during the day?
“How did you come?”
Su Yun looks atHe asked, looking at him up and down, wearing a robe, and the package that was slipping in his hand should be filled with quilts.
It’s just that his wife isn’t sick? He should be in the hospital right now.
“Since I asked for your money, my life is yours.”
The expression on the middle-aged man’s face was serious, without the slightest hint of joking.
“The fifty dollars is what I am in a good mood to reward you, who wants your life!”
Su Yun waved his hand and said, he never thought of letting middle-aged people work for him. Not to mention fifty dollars to buy a life? When did life become so cheap?
Fifty Oceans was just a drizzle to himself, and he didn’t take it to heart at all.
“No matter what you think, but I swore that if anyone can give me money to save my wife, my life will be his.”
The middle-aged man looked at Su Yun with a serious face and said.
This made Su Yun rolled his eyes, looked at him and asked, “Don’t you need to take care of your wife?”
After speaking, he looked at him and continued earnestly: “Since you care about your wife so much, you should go back to take care of her now, instead of leaving her and running to me when she is sick.”
Su Yun can give money to the middle-aged man because he is willing to sacrifice his life for his wife, which is why he has shown kindness.
He felt that middle-aged people should stay with their wives now that they have life-saving money, instead of running over and saying that they have to sacrifice their lives for themselves.
“The boss can rest assured. She is in the hospital. I have paid all the money. The hospital will take care of her. I am very relieved. Now I am here to fulfill my promise.”
The middle-aged man looked at Su Yun and said stubbornly.
Seeing the look on his face seemed to be determined, he couldn’t help frowning slightly.
After thinking about it, I really need someone who can write by my side, so I said, “Okay, since you have decided, then follow me!”
Su Yun remembered the insistence of the middle-aged man at that time, and did not continue to refuse.
“thank you boss!”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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