Su Yun understood what Li F.F. meant, no wonder he was favored by the military, all because of the heavy industry he was engaged in would build an arsenal.
If the military had their own military factories, they would not be so favored by themselves.
Hearing this, Li F. immediately smiled and said, “Brother, what you said is right. So this time I received an order from the peak and immediately dispatched a battalion.
I’m afraid Mr. Su doesn’t know. Now many generals in our army are looking forward to Mr. Su, hoping that your arsenal will produce as soon as possible. Today’s affairs, let alone receiving an order from the peak, even if you did not receive an order from the peak.
If someone dares to assassinate you, Mr. Su, it will be difficult for our military brothers, and the brothers will lead troops to destroy him. ”
Li �F continued to talk with Su Yun, and the two pushed the cup.After changing the cup, I have eaten a lot of food and drank a lot of wine.
But Su Yun was calculating in his heart. From Li F’s words, he could confirm one thing.
Once its own arsenal starts production, there will be no less orders.
It’s just that the last thing I want is an order, because this thing will make money.
The so-called cannon is fired, gold is ten thousand taels, Su Yun remembers that the Great Wall War of Resistance was in 33 years, right?
Of course, if he remembered it wrong, he would say otherwise.
After thinking about it, Su Yun raised his eyebrows slightly, and he seemed to remember another thing.
Now the government’s financial situation seems to be not very good, and military spending, that is, military salaries, is too much.
Thinking of this, Su Yun had some thoughts in his heart. The finances were not good, and the war broke out. Then he seemed to have a way to lose money.
“Brother, come to eat, don’t be stunned~”
Just as he was thinking, Li F’s voice came, interrupting Su Yun’s contemplation.
“Ah~ eat, eat~ Master Li also eats.”
Su Yun said with a smile, but his heart was a lot more relaxed.
When the wine was over, Li F looked at Su Yun and asked, “What factory is this time my brother is building in Lu’an?”
Su Yun heard the words: “Buy land to build heavy industrial plants such as iron smelters and steel plants.”
Upon hearing this, Li F said to Su Yun, “Then you have come to the right place.”
After the two clinked glasses, they drank it all at once. Li F felt that it was not enough, so he picked up a bottle of wine and took a sip, and then took out a new bottle.
He added: “I’ve heard people say that people from the Geological Survey Bureau of the Ministry of the Interior have surveyed here.
It seems that there are iron ore and coal mines, and it is just right for you to build a factory here. ”
When Li F said this, he took off his outer coat and threw it aside at will. Apparently it was a little hot.
Su Yun smiled and nodded. He naturally knew this, otherwise he wouldn’t have come to Lu’an to build a factory, just right next to these mineral resources.
After drinking a glass of wine, Li Fei said to Su Yun: “You don’t need to buy land, there is free wasteland here, you can use it as you like.”
When he said that, he waved his hand with a casual expression on his face, as if these places had something to do with him.
“Isn’t that bad? You can’t take other people’s land by force.”
Su Yun said softly, frowning slightly, he mainly didn’t want to be troublesome, and when he broke it, he couldn’t tell at all.
And the gain outweighs the loss. Besides, if he can buy it, he is naturally happy. After all, it also helped him spend a fortune here.
“Fucking! Those lands are all unowned wasteland. The melee was so fierce in the past few years that the common people ran away to avoid the war.”
Li �F took another sip of alcohol to relieve his anger, and then said slowly: “The place near the mountains used to be fertile land, but now it is a wasteland. The grass grows to the waist, and there is no owner.”
“It turns out that it saves Su a lot of trouble.”
Su Yun nodded and sighed helplessly. He thought of the poor people in Jinling City. They are all people who are struggling for their lives!
It is a pity that these poor people have to wait another seventeen or eighteen years if they want to live in peace.
After that, I pushed the glass with Li F to change the cup and went to bed after eating.
Early the next morning, Su Yun was escorted by a battalion and set off for Lu’an.
Lu’an is very close to Hefei. Even if it snows, they can drive there for most of the day.
It was just an army escort, those soldiers were walking and trotting, it was impossible for Su Yun and others to speed up and leave these soldiers behind. So we have to go to Lu’an at night.
In the evening, after Su Yun arrived in Lu’an, he looked at the soldiers.
“These soldiers escorted him, kept him safe, invited the soldiers to eat, and gave them money. Is it an investment?”
Su Yun had a whim and asked the system, it was not easy for these soldiers to run all the way, and he couldn’t bear it in the winter.
“The host sends them money and invites them to eat, and they are responsible for protecting the life and safety of the host, which is the biggest investment.”
The mechanical sound of the system rang out, and Su Yun understood the meaning of investment in the system when he heard the words, and also had a general understanding of a bottom line of the system.
In the setting of the system, investing in the life safety of the host should be the biggest investment.
Su Yun immediately called Xie An and Wang Qing, and said to them, “You go and send money to the soldiers in the battalion who escorted him, ten fiat money each.”
This battalion of more than 600 soldiers sent out more than 6,000 yuan.
Then Su Yun finally invited them to dinner, buying meat or something, costing more than 140 yuan.
It cost less than 7,000 oceans in total, but Su Yun felt that it was nothing, and 7,000 oceans were just a drizzle to him.
Chapter 63: Rotating Jinling
The next morning, officials from Lu’an arrived at Su Yun’s residence.
Su Yun happened to leave the room at this time, and these officials from Lu’an surrounded him with smiles on their faces, very enthusiastic.
One of the officials looked at Su Yun and said with a smile, “Mr. Su, if you need help recently, don’t hesitate to ask, and we will do our best to help.”
They naturally knew that Su Yun was going to build a factory in Lu’an, which was a good thing for them.
“Then there are a few laborers!”
Su Yun responded with a smile and raised his brows. With the help of officials from Lu’an, he also saved a lot of trouble.
While several officials were talking and laughing, the group came to the west of Liu’an, on a plain near the mountains.
Looking around, the grass on the plain is very deep, as Li F said, some of the grass has grown to the waist of the person.
Looking around, if Su Yun remembered correctly, there are iron ore and coal mines all around. It is just right to build an industrial zone on this plain, with mineral resources nearby.
Su Yun looked at them and asked, “How much will I need to take these lands?”
After looking at it for a while, Su Yun felt that this was a good place to open a factory and he had to take it down.
“Now this plain is a barren wasteland, if Mr. Su needs it, just take it and use it! ”
One of them looked at Su Yun and said with a casual expression on his face. The war had left many lands desolate, and this plain used to be a fertile field.
It’s just that it has been deserted and completely abolished over the years, and it has to be reclaimed. It will take several years before and after the food production can return to normal, so no one has ever asked for it.
“That being the case, Su Mou thanked a few people in advance. Build a few factories here.”
Hearing this, Su Yun had no choice but to thank him in advance. In this unowned wasteland, he couldn’t force them to give them money, right?
After Su Yun made up his mind, the next thing to do is to build a factory. Now he just got a piece of land, and there are still some shortcomings.
“Since Mr. Su has made up his mind, we will help you arrange the rest!”
When the group listened to Su Yun’s words, smiles appeared on their faces. The establishment of the factory can lead to employment, which is still a proper political achievement.
“Then there are a few laborers!”
Su Yun thanked him on the surface, but he was not at ease. Building a factory requires manpower and materials, and there can be no flaws in it.
After Su Yun returned to the place where Lu’an stayed, he found some large pieces of paper and some pens, and began to conceive.
“The layout of the factory building needs to be carefully thought out…”
Su Yun also started to design, thinking that the layout of the factory will have a great impact on the future development. It took a day to draw the blueprint of the factory. As for the specifics, we will wait until we return to Jinling. Let them do it.
After all, this specific drawing cannot be completed in a day or two, and he does not have so much time.
After completing the workshop drawings, Su Yun hurried back to Hefei with his people.
He came to the ninth division headquarters immediately, and after being summoned by the soldiers, he successfully met Li F.
After seeing Su Yun, Li Fei greeted him and said with a smile, “Mr. Su, but just came back from Lu’an?”
Before Su Yun could salute and open his mouth, Li F had already pulled Su Yun and sat down.
Afterwards, Li F gave a hearty smile and said, “Is everything going well in Lu’an? If someone dares to stop them,
Although tell the brother, the brother will help you solve it. ”
Li �F looked at Su Yun and said with a smile, but Su Yun didn’t take it seriously. This is just looking at the land and building a factory in the past. What difficulties can you encounter?
“It’s going well, the land issue has been resolved, but Su took the liberty to come here today, and he really wants to ask Master Li for help.”
Su Yun looked at Li Fei and said that he had no one to trust here. After he left, people were needed to build factories, recruit workers, buy building materials, etc.
Let the people in Lu’an stare at him. He can’t believe that if these people make some money from it, can they see the built factory?
After thinking about it, I still think that Li F is more reliable than them, and this matter still has something to do with Li F, he should do his best.
“Did you encounter any difficulties?”
Li �F looked at Su Yun in front of him and asked, and he was a little clear. No wonder Su Yun came back after only two days in Lu’an. It seems that he must have encountered trouble.
“This time Su came to Lu’an to see the land to build a factory, it’s only temporary, and he needs to go back to Jinling when he is optimistic, but no one here is watching.
I want to leave the construction of the factory and the recruitment of workers to Mr. Li. If there is anything, we use electricity. ”
After thinking about it, Su Yun still said to Li F. He was unfamiliar with the place in Lu’an, and he was not familiar with the people here. After thinking about it, he felt that Li F was more reliable.
Furthermore, because Su Yun knew that, although many officers during this period had the habit of eating soldiers’ empty pay. But this by no means includes direct lineage.
Most of the officers in the direct line are either Huangpu or Baoding. These officers have high literacy and some are still studying in foreign military academies.
When Li F. heard this, he immediately laughed.
“I said it was a big deal, but it turned out to be such a small matter.”
In his eyes, it is a small matter, but in Su Yun’s eyes, it is a big matter. In the future, I need these factories to help me burn money.
“Don’t worry, Mr. Su, leave this to me!”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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