Are there still students in Jinling City? Even if there is, it is too outrageous, and even if you add the Jiangnan area, it will not be.
Besides, how many days have passed?
Su Yun then picked up the phone and connected to the company headquarters.
“Ding Yan, are there many people signing up during this time?”
Su Yun asked, frowning slightly, just hope things weren’t so bad.
“Yes, boss, during this time, people from Guangdong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Hubei, Hunan and other places have come to sign up, and they have charged about 400,000 tuition fees.”
Ding Yanhui reported that the voice was a little excited. This time, it was parents from all over the country, so Ding Yan was naturally excited.
For him, the better the company, the better they are.
“okay, I get it!”
The corner of Su Yun’s mouth twitched when he heard this, and sure enough, what should have come is still here. The influence of Huayin School City has begun to spread to the whole country.
If people from all over the country come to sign up, the tuition fee of 400,000 yuan is indeed not too much.
After all, although there are many rich people in Jinling, there are also many rich people all over the country. These rich people will not let such a good school town go.
Moreover, Su Yun’s charges were not too expensive. With such a good price/performance ratio, these rich people had to sharpen their heads and squeeze in.
After Su Yun hung up the phone, he was not as surprised as before, and he began to think slowly.
“There are less than ten days left until the system settles.”
Su Yun thought in his heart, now is the most critical time, he can’t mess up, he still has time.
Now that we have come this far, we can’t drop the 4.2 chain at the end.
Besides, although there are still 2.3 million in the company’s account, the 455,000 paid for industrial talents has to be deducted.
Even if it is 450,000, there will be 1.85 million left in the company’s account.
“But there will definitely be some accidents at this time, I have to prepare both hands!”
Su Yun thought in his heart, in this case, there are less than ten days left or the last few days, and it is most likely to suffer a backstab.
As a senior backstabbed person, 1.85 million Xianyang is obviously not the final result.
There will definitely be more by then. He had to do some calculations in advance.
“It should cost 2.2 million in the end!”
Su Yun calculated in his heart, the others should add up to the same, and there are not many places that can increase his money.
His main purpose is to prevent those who sign up and pay tuition fees that suddenly increase by hundreds of thousands of dollars.
After all, people from all over the country are now rushing to Jinling City, and more people will sign up by then.
These rich people in the country rushed to send him money, and he couldn’t stop it. I could only accept it with tears.
At that time, there will be more people who sign up, and more money will be made. By then, if you don’t spend it all, you will lose a lot of money.
“In the restaurant, there shouldn’t be any need.”
Su Yun thought of Shengqing Restaurant and Xinyue Restaurant again, but then he thought that it was unnecessary. He had already planned the money there.
“It should be fine this time, right?”
Su Yun thought in his heart that the calculation of his funds this time should not be too different.
Su Yun felt that everything was under his control, and he had already begun to see fifty million oceans appear in front of him.
Chapter 65: If you want to be poor, build roads first
After all the funds were counted, Su Yun began to count the next things to do.
It will cost more than two million yuan in the next time, so you have to plan well.
“On the factory side, in a short period of time, it is mainly the loss after the factory is established!”
Su Yun began to figure it out in his heart. Now that the heavy industry factories are still under construction, there should be no other expenses for the time being within ten days.
It shouldn’t be a big problem, and it’s not necessary to calculate for the time being.
If he wants to spend more than two million yuan in nine days, it is not impossible. He now has a wonderful method in his heart.
“Recruit people to farm and grow food!”
Su Yun thought in his heart, knowing that in future generations using mechanical farming on the plains, the cost is not so high, and they can make some money.
But this is based on the case of mechanical farming, what if he does not use this method?
What if he directly used intensive farming to grow food?
Now that the price of food is so low, if you still choose to cultivate food in this way, you have to lose a lot of money?
So it’s not right to spend a lot of money?
“But if you ask people to farm the land, the price can’t be higher!”
Su Yun calculated in his heart that according to the requirements of the system, the salary should not be too high, at most not more than 50%.
Even if it is self-sustaining and housing, and the benefits are good, if you ask a farmer to farm the land for yourself, your monthly salary can only be five or six yuan at most, and then add these expenses for food and housing. The total cost is not even more than fifteen yuan.
No matter how high it is, it is estimated that the system will not agree.
“It’s not realistic to want to spend 2.2 million by recruiting people now!”
Su Yun thought about it again, a farmer gave him six yuan in the sky, and he had to hire hundreds of thousands of people.
Even if he can find hundreds of thousands of farmers to help him cultivate the land, he can’t find a land that can accommodate 440,000 people, right?
But soon, Su Yun thought of a good way to spend money.
He got up immediately. I’m afraid he won’t be able to do this alone, so he has to find someone.
subsequentlySu Yun got up and walked out of the mansion, and the driver was already on standby at this time.
“Go to the Department of Transportation!”
Su Yun said and got into the car, and the driver then took his 09 straight to the Ministry of Transportation.
After he came to the Ministry of Communications, he successfully met Chen Mingshu, the Minister of Communications through the secretary’s briefing.
“Ziwen, did you encounter something in such a hurry to find me?”
Chen Mingshu said with a smile on his face, and at the same time invited Su Yun to take a seat.
“Minister Chen, Ziwen interrupted today, I really want to ask you for help!”
Su Yun cupped his hands and said softly, with a smile on his face. His method of spending money is related to the Ministry of Communications, otherwise, can you be in a hurry?
“Just say anything, as long as I can help, it’s not a problem!”
Chen Mingshu said with a smile, his face a little relaxed.
“My business trip this time is from Pukou to Lu’an, and the road along the way is too difficult.”
Su Yun said, restraining his smile, this time on a business trip made him suddenly develop a method of burning money.
“Most domestic roads are bumpy now!”
Chen Mingshu nodded when he heard the words and agreed, but at this time he didn’t know Su Yun’s earth-shattering plan.
He picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.
“In the future, my factory will be built in Lu’an and Hefei, in order to facilitate the operation of the company in the future.
I want to build a road from Pukou to Lu’an. And it has to be a good road, a road built with cement. ”
Su Yun then said seriously, his face turned solemn.
Before he came, he had already thought about it. If he wants to get rich, he must build roads first. If he wants to lose money, if he loses a lot of money, building roads is a must.
He will build more roads when the heavy industry factory is built.
The more repairs, the faster the heavy industry factory runs, and the more money he loses. What he wants is this effect, burning money, burning money hard.
This is a series of money-losing plans, and since he chose to build a road, he must not be stingy.
Is it far from Pukou to Lu’an? Not far, not far at all.
He Su someone spends money and never knows what to save.
Cement road, just straight up.
Chen Mingshu was shocked when he heard it, and he almost choked while drinking the tea.
His face was startled at first, and then he looked at Su Yun in disbelief.
If he hadn’t seen the sincerity in Su Yun’s eyes, he would have thought he had heard it wrong.
It turned out that Su Yun was looking for himself today for this?
Chen Mingshu took a breath and calmed down before saying, “The government will not build such a road, because the construction of this road has no strategic role, and the chairman will not approve the funding.
What’s more, the cost of this road is huge, and all of it is built with cement, and the cost is even greater. There are few millions of oceans that cannot be built. ”
What a joke! Although he knew how important Su Yun was in the Chairman’s eyes and how high his status was.
Even the chairman of the committee has repeatedly ordered them to stop Su Yun from developing heavy industry, but they can’t build a road for the company’s convenience, right?
And it’s still a cement road, which is ridiculous.
“There is no need for government funding. This road was originally built for my company, and Huayin Corporation funded the construction!”
Su Yun was not happy when he heard it. He did not come this time to ask the government to allocate funds for him to build the road, but to build the road himself. Obviously, Chen Mingshu would be wrong.
Before Chen Mingshu could speak, Su Yun continued: “It’s just that Huayin Company doesn’t have anyone in this area, so if you want to hand over this matter to the Ministry of Communications, Su will be responsible for paying!”
The main purpose of his coming here is because Huayin Company has not found any talents in this area for the time being. After all, building roads is not so simple.
Su Yun thought that the last time the Ministry of Communications helped him build the roads outside the city was not bad, this time he thought that he could continue to cooperate.
And this time from Pukou to Lu’an, the road is longer and larger than the road outside the city, and the amount of work is even more terrifying. Without the help of the Ministry of Communications, it might not be possible.
However, Su Yun adheres to a purpose, always remembering that he has to spend money, and when he spends money, it is best to spend all the money, and it doesn’t matter if he spends millions.
In any case, he can pay, and he has no plans to let the Ministry of Communications worry about funding.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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