What about trouble?
He questioned the system: “Where do I still have 180,000 to spend?”
I said it with my mouth, and I sorted it out again and again in my heart.Several times, make sure you can’t have money without spending.
“‘ ‘The host asked Li F to build a factory building. He did not spend all the money as you ordered, but only paid part of the materials and part of the wages first.”
The mechanical sound of the system rang out.
Su Yun was stunned when he heard it, Li �F didn’t finish spending?
He didn’t think it was possible. He had calculated that if it was given to the workers who built the factory, the food would be better.
In addition, the workers’ salaries, materials, etc., 200,000 were spent casually.
But this time he didn’t speak in a hurry, after pondering for a long time, he said, “I want specific data!”
If you lose, you have to understand it. He didn’t want to lose fifty million in such a vague way.
At least, let him know how there are 180,000 left.
“Li �F helped the host build the factory. At first, he only paid part of the materials and wages. After each factory is completed, the wages of the workers who built the factory and the remaining building materials will be paid after the inspection and acceptance.”
Su Yun opened his mouth when he heard the words, but couldn’t say a word.
What did you ask him to say? Blame Li F for not doing what he ordered?
But think about it carefully, I was in order to spend money, so I started to order like that.
Such an order would sound a little unreliable to anyone listening to it.
This method used by Li �F is actually strict in normal terms, avoiding the tofu slag project caused by substandard construction materials and non-standard construction of workers.
It can be said that Li F is almost doing it in the standard engineering way of this era.
“The factory over there has only started construction. Some of the materials and wages paid by Li F are only 20,000 yuan, so the rest of the money still belongs to the host. You still have 180,000 yuan to spend.”
Hearing the sound of the system ringing again, Su Yun could only accept such a result in his heart, but he was helpless.
In all fairness, Li Fei did this for his own good, and he was very concerned about money, so he didn’t pay the money at will.
It stands to reason that Su Yun can’t blame him, just thinking about the 50 million yuan that he didn’t have, Su Yun now has the heart to beat people.
“Why don’t you do as I tell you?” (Zhao Li Zhao)
Su Yun now wants to cry but has no tears, and can’t find a place to cry.
Are you really going to question Li F?
That’s also impossible, Li F doesn’t know about him, other people’s intention is for your own good, but you go to question others, then what kind of person is he Su Yuncheng?
Li �F is good, really good. He helped him build the factory and built it well, and the funds are also good.
In normal times, such a good teammate, Su Yun couldn’t find it even with a lantern.
It’s just that Su Yun also hates it in his heart!
If I knew that Li F was so reliable, I didn’t look for him in the first place.
I don’t know how long it took for Su Yun to recover from the helpless expression, but there was unstoppable pain in his heart.
After two months of busy work, I failed when I was close to the door. Thinking about it, I felt that it was not worth it.
“Hey, why does it feel so difficult to spend money now?”
A helpless sigh came out of Su Yun’s mouth, and his mind was blank now, and his heart felt empty.
“Half a year ~ that is”
He said, a little helpless, but the only thing that made him feel a little comforted was that the profits of the past two days belonged to him personally.
In the past two days, the material money for the construction site outside the city can be temporarily stopped and given together on the first day, so that his personal funds can be a little more.
Thinking about it, I felt helpless again: “Hey, it’s okay, now that the boat is done, I can only think about how to spend the money.”
Ten million oceans were spent in half a year, including all the profits from the properties under the name in the past six months.
Estimated in my heart, I feel that I have to spend 30 million to go out in half a year. Thinking of this is a big head, 30 million is not a small number.
Think about this era, an infantry division, more than 10,000 people, seems to be only more than 200,000 oceans for a month’s military expenditure, right?
Thirty million oceans is enough to support more than 100 infantry divisions for a month, and if he wants to spend all this money within half a year, it must be a commercial investment.
Chapter 67: My relatives, where are you?
Everyone regrets it. When I was in Xinyue Restaurant, I told myself not to regret it, but when I returned to the mansion, I regretted it for a whole night.
If Li F was not allowed to help, it would be great to assign an employee of the company to help, and the task would be accomplished.
The reward of 50,000,000 Yuanyang can also be obtained.
But now that the boat is done, it is useless for him to be sad, and in the end there is only a look of helplessness left.
Li �F is also not clear about his own thoughts, and it is excusable to do so. He can only say that he does bad things with good intentions.

The next morning, after Su Yun came to the company after breakfast, he stayed in his office to write about the company’s benefits.
In the past, because of too many things, the company was started, and there were not many people, and the company’s benefits have not been implemented. Now that we have moved into the company headquarters, and the entire company has people, it is time to implement the benefits.
After lunch, sitting at the table and continuing to write about the morning benefits, there was a knock on the door.
“Come in!”
Su Yun said without looking up, and continued to write about the benefits in front of him.
“Boss, I’m back.”
Liang Hui’s voice sounded, causing Su Yun to look up at him in amazement.
If you count the time, Liang Hui’s business trip is not too short.
“Is everything done?”
Putting down the pen in his hand, Su Yun looked at Liang Hui and asked.
“That’s it.”
Liang Hui nodded,
“En! Yes, let’s talk about the specific situation!”
Su Yun leaned back a little to make himself more comfortable, looked at Liang Hui and asked.
“I traveled to Shanghai and Wuxi during this time, but there are not many people who can speak English. I only recruited more than 20 translators before and after, but a few of them are not high-level, and they only look like two knives.”
Liang Hui’sThe answer is a little helpless. It is too difficult to recruit some translators who are proficient in English these years.
“It’s hard work, two knives are enough, let those who are good at learning English with two knives learn more!”
After listening to Su Yun, he was not picky. He also knew that it was difficult to recruit people proficient in English these days, and even if many people are proficient in English, he may not necessarily come to be your translator.
“Okay, you are tired when you come back. Go back to the dormitory to rest first. I will hold a meeting in the conference hall at 757 tonight, remember to come on time.”
“Okay, I’ll be there on time.”
After Liang Hui finished speaking, he left, and Su Yun continued to lower his head and write about welfare benefits.

Suddenly it was five o’clock in the afternoon.
Su Yun sat in the chair, looked out the window, couldn’t help but lit a cigarette for himself, looked back, and looked at the benefits that he spent a day writing about.
There was a knock on the office door.
“Come in~”
I saw Dong Cheng and Liang Hui walking in from outside.
“The job is over today? How’s the recruitment going now?”
Looking at the two of them, Su Yun asked casually.
The two handed a thick stack of reports to Su Yun, took the reports and slowly read them.
After a while, he nodded and said, “Well done, there is a meeting at 8:30 tonight, remember to come to the meeting on time.”
“Okay, boss, let’s go first.”
Su Yun nodded and the two left. He was not surprised that the two returned to the company so early.
Because tomorrow is Saturday Music, according to the vacation system he promulgated earlier, he will not go to work from tomorrow to the 1st of New Year’s Day.
It belongs to the category of holidays, and employees can have rest time.
So they came back early in the afternoon.
Standing up from the chair and walking to the window, Su Yun smiled slightly as he looked at the employees who went to the company cafeteria to eat in twos and threes.
After the welfare system is promulgated tonight, the company’s basic welfare system will be almost the same.
Previously, he only issued a vacation system, such as seven days a week, five days to work, and weekends to rest.
If you need to work on weekends, you will be paid double. The same is true for the restaurant, except that the waiters and others in the restaurant work in shifts on weekends.
After a while, at about 5:20, Su Yun picked up the phone and called Ding Yan.
“Boss, what are your orders?”
Ding Yan asked after answering the phone, with a serious look on his face.
“Notify all employees at the company headquarters, including employees of Xinyue Restaurant and Shengqing Restaurant,
I have a meeting in the conference hall at 8:30 tonight. I want to (ajec) promulgate the company’s welfare system. ”
Su Yun looked at the paper on the welfare system that he had listed, and gave instructions.

At ten o’clock in the evening, Su Yun dragged his exhausted body back to the mansion to lie on the bed and fell asleep.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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