The middle-aged man said: “Xu Deli is now under the post of deputy director of the logistics department.”
“The back office?”
Su Yun nodded after hearing this, he had some guesses in his heart, and the logistics office was looking for him, I am afraid the reason is very simple.
“The situation has been tense recently, and the military has a great demand for weapons and ammunition. We hope that Mr. Su’s arsenal can be established as soon as possible.”
Xu DeLi looked at Su Yun and said.
“Su did know a little about this, but the establishment of the arsenal did not happen overnight.
For those machinery and equipment, after the establishment of the machinery factory, they will produce the machinery and equipment of the arsenal, so that the arsenal can be established. ”
Su Yun’s guess on the street just now was not wrong. The fact that someone was sent over there to talk about this matter meant that it was indeed approaching a critical juncture.
“We naturally know this, so in the future we will dispatch some military-related talents from the General Administration of Military Industry to assist Mr. Su~¨.”
Hearing the words, Su Yun nodded and said, “Well, but Su also hopes that you have a mental preparation. After all, the establishment of heavy industry does not mean that it can be established.”
Xu Deli nodded to show his understanding. In fact, he himself knew this, but there was nothing he could do if he was sent here.
After Xu Deli left, Su Yun slowly pondered in his heart. The establishment of an arsenal, generally speaking, arms are huge profits, but he has a way to make arms lose money. Now he can only wait for time to see the effect.
“It seems that I have to make a trip to Lu’an myself to get the factory up and running as soon as possible.”
Su Yun thought about it and picked up the lobby phone and dialed a number to go out.
“Get me Ding Yan from Huayin Company.”
After the phone call, Su Yun said directly: “Arrange the itinerary for the workers recruited in the slums before, and send them to Lu’an in batches.”
In fact, it’s best to start shipping those recruits after the spring, when the weather isn’t so cold.
But now he needs to race against time, and that’s all there is to it.
“No problem, boss, I’ll arrange it now!”
Ding Yan said seriously.
After hanging up the phone, Su Yun started other preparations. He didn’t know how long he would stay in Lu’an this time.
But some things after the year need to be arranged, such as continuing acquisitions after the year, financing other factories, etc.
After Su Yun prepared in Jinling for a few days, everything was properly arranged.
As for the previously recruited workers in the slums, Su Yun’s original intention was to let them walk slowly, and he asked Ding Yan to prepare thick cotton jackets and food expenses for those people.
As a result, the Ministry of Communications knew about it and directly used the power of the Ministry of Communications to start the delivery. In this case, Su Yun did not object.
On the morning of the 18th, Su Yun boarded the ferry to Pukou with a group of translators and industrial talents.
As for the families of industrial talents, they will send them over after the housing is built.
After arriving at Pukou Wharf, I saw military trucks parked on the wharf, guarded by soldiers next to them.
An officer walked up to Su Yun and saluted: “On the order of Shangfeng, escort Mr. Su to Lu’an!”
Su Yun nodded and said nothing. After getting on the military truck, a group of convoys went to Lu’an under the escort of the army.

On the morning of the 20th, Su Yun and the others finally arrived in Lu’an after two days of traveling.
When he got out of the car, he saw that Li F had already been waiting there with someone.
“I would like to ask Master Li to greet him in person, but Su Mou feels a little uneasy in his heart.”
Su Yun looked at Li F and smiled.
Li �F shook his head slightly: “Mr. Su, now is not the time to talk about this, now the time is more urgent, can you let them work immediately?”
Looking at the industrial talents who got off one after another, Li F. said.
“Okay, I’ll arrange for them to start working right away.”
Su Yun knew in his heart that time was pressing, and he could not delay in this matter.
“Xie An, notify the person to start the installation of machinery and equipment.”
He brought out not many people this time, but not a lot, like Xie An and the others.
“My people will help you install the equipment as soon as possible. If there are not enough people, I will send troops over.”
Li F looked at Su Yun and said.
Su Yun smiled and didn’t speak, just turned around to arrange things.
The urgent installation task came. Those industrial talents, including translators, did not rest for two days on the road. Instead, they got off the bus and threw themselves into the intense work.
The soldiers of the ninth division carried machines and equipment into the workshop, ready to install them.
First was the iron smelting plant, then the steelmaking plant. These industrial talents and soldiers were almost in series, desperately putting machinery and equipment into the workshop.
The wind was howling, and the snow was flying.
These still can’t blow away these struggling people.

On the morning of the 21st, Su Yun went directly to the industrial park after having breakfast.
The first one came to the No. 1 Iron Smelting Factory. When I came here, I saw some foreigners holding some equipment to test the data of the machine, and some people were checking whether the installation was qualified.
Then I went to No. 1 Steelmaking Plant and No. 1 Machinery Manufacturing Plant, both of which were doing the same thing.
Looking at their test, Su Yun smiled and shook his head slightly.
At this moment, an employee mechanical engineer came to Su Yun.
“Boss, what about the generator set? Now the machinery and equipment of the three factories have been installed, but there is no electricity to use.”
The mechanical engineer looked at Su Yun and asked.
Su Yun was stunned when he heard the words, his cheeks twitched slightly. He was so busy some time ago that he forgot about such an important matter.
Without purchasing power generation equipment, the factory would not be able to operate.
Just when Su Yun was worried, Li F’s voice came.
“No generator set? Mr. Su, wait a while, I will immediately dispatch the troops to disassemble the generator set in Lu’an City and use it, and then send someone to Hefei to dismantle the generator set.
The power generation equipment of these two cities will be transported, and the operation of the factories will be ensured first. ”
Li �F turned around and went to give the order. Su Yun was relieved, but he also knew that Hefei and Lu’an were both small cities at present.
The power that the generator set can provide is limited, and some generators must be purchased from Shanghai as soon as possible.The motor unit, or it can be purchased from abroad.
Thinking of this, he waved to Xie An.
“To generate electricity for the company headquarters, let them send people to Shanghai to buy some large generator sets. If not, let them go to Zhou Xian and let Zhou Xian help buy them from abroad.”
“Master, don’t worry, I’ll go right now.”
Xie An said and left. At this time, military trucks drove over.
Looking over, I saw a worker recruited in Jinling got out of the car.
Su Yun did the math, they all acted together, and the speed was much slower. Now that they arrived, it was estimated that they were about the same.
At this moment, they were successively sent to Lu’an by military trucks.
As workers arrived one after another, mining began slowly.

January 25, this day is a very important holiday for Chinese people, because today is New Year’s Eve.
It’s just that most people will celebrate New Year’s Eve at home, but many people will spend it outside.
Take Su Yun, for example, and some technical talents from the General Administration of Military Industry.
“Hello, Mr. Su! My name is Lu Feng, from the General Administration of Military Industry.”
A young man looked at Su Yun and smiled.
“I didn’t expect you to come so quickly. I thought you would come after New Year’s Eve.”
Looking at them, Su Yun said with a smile.
“We also want to come back at home for the new year, but sometimes it is a last resort.”
Lu Feng shook his head with a wry smile, who wants to come out during the Chinese New Year?
“If you come now, it won’t help much. At present, the equipment in the machinery factory has not been debugged, let alone production.
It will take some time to build an arsenal, and the most urgent task now is to debug the machinery and equipment first. ”
Hearing this, Lu Feng frowned slightly, looked at Su Yun and asked, “‘ ‘Then it may take a long time.”
“There is no way to do this. If the machinery and equipment are not well debugged, there is no way to produce it.”
Su Yun spread out his hands helplessly, and Lu Feng sighed when he heard the words.
“Hey, boss, do you need to debug the equipment of the machine shop first?”
At this time, Robert’s voice came, and he turned slightly to look at Robert.
“Now we need to prioritize the construction of the arsenal, but we do not have the machinery and equipment required by the arsenal. We need to manufacture the production line for weapons and ammunition from the machinery factory, but the machinery factory has not yet started debugging.”
Su Yun frowned slightly and said that when debugging machinery and equipment, a generator set is even more needed. If there is no power supply, it cannot be fully debugged. .
“Boss, you can leave this matter to me. As long as the generator set arrives, I can give the machinery factory the ability to initially manufacture machinery and equipment in the shortest possible time.”
Robert’s words were serious, and Su Yun also chose to believe him.
“Okay, in that case, Robert, I’ll leave this to you.”
Su Yun said with a smile, with a relaxed expression on his face, so the matter of the arsenal was solved.
He believes that Robert, a big bull, can still shoulder heavy responsibilities even if he has not yet become famous.
In terms of electricity, on the same day, Li F. sent people to send generator sets one by one, and Su Yun also hurriedly asked people to reassemble these generator sets.
On New Year’s Eve, Su Yun came to the iron smelting plant. Some senior technicians were teaching workers how to use mechanical equipment and how to operate.
“This needs to be used here!”
The senior mechanic spoke in English, while the translator next to him was translating and explaining to the workers.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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