If such a person can make Xinyue Restaurant lose money, that would be the best.
Of course, these Su Yun just think about it, if the Wu Si model continues to operate and does not make other changes, it will be too difficult to lose money.
Su Yun began to sort out the events of this period in his mind. Speaking of which, there were a lot of things during this period, whether it was education, heavy industry or light industry.
At present, the things that have not been done well, that is, the second district of the school city, the printing of textbooks, and the trivial matters of school uniforms.
If you want to say something big, there really is.
Farms and breeding farms have not yet started.
“It seems that we need to recruit more people.”
Su Yun muttered to himself, now the company’s more than 50 employees, everyone is busy.
Either they are busy signing up children from poor families, or they have to do with the clothing factory and the school town.
The manpower gradually became insufficient.
Chapter 78: Future Blueprint Plan
After Su Yun pondered for a moment, he came directly downstairs. After New Year’s Eve, the upsurge of registration continued unabated.
Numerous parents from poor families bring their childrenWhen I came to sign up, there was a long queue in front of the company’s headquarters, and it was crowded with people. It was very lively.
But Su Yun didn’t care about this, and let people drive out of the city.
When he came out of the city again, Su Yun went straight to the second district of Huayin School City.
He wants to see how the construction of the second district is today? When he came today, he didn’t notify Zhao Qingshan and came quietly.
However, when the car drove into the second area, when Su Yun really saw the whole picture of the second area, he blinked his eyes and looked around again, he was right, this is Huayin School City Second District.
“It was really built to this extent in about a month?”
Su Yun felt a little outrageous in his heart. Earlier, Zhao Qingshan assured him that he would definitely get better in a month.
If you think about it carefully, the construction of the second district started before New Year’s Eve, and it is indeed about a month since February.
At that time, Su Yun took Zhao Qingshan’s guarantee as a joke in his heart, but he didn’t expect it to be done in the end.
Looking around, there are ten teaching buildings standing in the second district at this time, and these teaching buildings have all been completed.
In the cold wind, these teaching buildings stand upright.
Not only the teaching building has been completed, seven or eight student dormitories have also been repaired, and the remaining ones are also under construction.
To be able to achieve such a speed in a month is simply amazing. If the first district was built at this speed, it would not have taken three or four months.
“Is it really practice makes perfect?”
Su Yun looked at these completed buildings and felt that it was impossible. To have this kind of construction speed, the only way is to use reinforced concrete to water them.
Otherwise, it is impossible to have this speed in a month.
After thinking about it, Su Yun walked inside. When he came to the dormitory building that was still under construction, he took a closer look and found that he was really watering with reinforced concrete.
First water the pillars of the building, and then water the walls, and looking at the speed of these workers, it is obvious that they are quite familiar with this watering method.
“This technology from them?”
Su Yun twitched his cheeks and poured reinforced concrete. This technique is quite mature in the West, and it existed in the middle of the nineteenth century.
But in China, there are not many people who know this technology, and the annual output of steel in China is ridiculously low, so for building houses, reinforced concrete is not used for watering.
This technology is actually not difficult, it is mainly a problem of steel bars and equipment. He naturally knows this technology, but he didn’t want to use it at the beginning. It’s very simple, the annual domestic output of steel – hot eyes!
“Go and call Zhao Qingshan to the second district of the school city!”
Su Yun turned his head and instructed his subordinates, he wanted to ask Zhao Qingshan in person, what’s going on?
After a while, Zhao Qingshan hurried to the second district, and when he saw Su Yun, he hurried up to meet him.
“Boss, you are looking for me in such a hurry, is there anything I need to do?”
Zhao Qingshan looked at Su Yun and asked, and began to guess in his heart, why is the boss so anxious to find him?
“Where did you learn to water with reinforced concrete?”
Su Yun looked at Zhao Qingshan Road.
This technology is well established in the West, having been invented in 1848.
But in addition to the government’s construction team, they are not clear, and this also requires equipment.
This technology should obviously not be present on the construction site of the second district. So how did Zhao Qingshan and the others know?
Zhao Qingshan was stunned when he heard the words, and he quickly said: “This matter was reported before,
Boss, you also agreed, and you signed on it to agree to buy machinery and equipment. ”
He remembered to report it by himself, why did Su Yun forget it now?
Su Yun was stunned when he heard the words. He seemed to remember that there was such a thing, but it was not very important, so he had no memory.
At this time, two foreign old men and a few translators came over from a distant construction site.
When several people saw Su Yun, they said hello: “Hello, boss!”
Su Yun nodded in response when he heard the words. He still had some impressions of these people. They were the top famous teachers who were recruited at the beginning.
But what are these top famous teachers doing in the second district? Are you here to inspect the school town?
One of the old men pointed to the building over there, showing off with a proud face, “Boss, is this not bad?”
Looking at the workers who were working on the construction, and at the two foreign old men, an idea popped into my heart.
Looking at him with a strange face, he asked, “Do you know the technique of concrete watering? You also taught them how to water concrete?”
“I’m a Ph.D. in architecture, and I’m naturally aware of technology that the West has been using for nearly a century.”
The old man said, looked at the workers and continued: “I went out of the city to read the school town advertised in the newspaper, and I found that the school town being built is actually being built in a very primitive way.
This kind of construction speed is undoubtedly unacceptable, both in terms of construction speed and firmness.
Another friend and I taught them concrete pouring techniques with an interpreter. ”
The foreign old man said with a smile, with pride on his face, he felt that this technology could completely make the school city complete faster.
When Su Yun heard it, he immediately understood, no wonder Zhao Qingshan dared to give himself a ticket before, because he had learned the technique of concrete watering.
In this way, one month is indeed enough. It’s just that his face was a little weird, and he looked at Zhao Qingshan.
“Zhao Qingshan, this technology is simple, but there are so many steel bars from you? Our domestic steel production is not high. Where did you find so many steel bars?”
Su Yun said, reaching out and asking the steel frame that had been built there.
After looking at it, Zhao Qingshan smiled and said: “Boss, this is not a steel bar, this is an iron rod. The steel produced by our domestic steel industry.Yield is not much.
However, the smelted pig iron is not good. Although the quality is much worse, it is not a problem to build such a multi-story teaching building and student dormitory. ”
Su Yun nodded after hearing this, he understood what was going on. The output of steel bars is indeed not high, but there are many small workshops in the private sector. There is no steel bar, and the iron rod cast from pig iron can also be used. The hardness is not as good as that of the steel bar, but the strength is not low.
Understanding this, Su Yun also smiled helplessly in his heart. The speed of watering the concrete was not slow.
He still remembers that in later generations, as long as there are enough machinery and equipment and enough manpower, a building with less than ten floors, like this six or seven-story building, can be completed in about ten days.
In this era, technology is not so developed, but a building for half a month is still no problem, which is twice as fast as before.
It is conceivable that the second area of ​​Huayin School City can be completed so quickly, and the technology of concrete watering has contributed greatly.
After Su Yun and the foreign old man parted, they called by name: “Ding Yan, come here!”
Ding Yan hurriedly came to Su Yun, stood up straight, and said sternly, “Boss, is there anything I need to do?”
“As of yesterday, how many students are there in Huayin School City?”
Su Yun looked at Ding Yan and said aloud, there seem to be a lot of students who have signed up recently, and most of them seem to be from poor families.
This is related to his money-burning plan, and he has to get snacks.
Ding Yan thought for a while, and then said seriously: “At present, the total number of students is about 400,000, and there are not many students who sign up and pay tuition fees from other places after the year, only about 20,000.
Most of the rest are poor families around Jinling, and the specific data needs statistical report data to know. ”
“Forty thousand?”
Su Yun took stock of it in his heart. Now that the construction of the first district has been completed, he has also asked people to make a statistic about accommodating students.
Previously, Zhu Jiahua said that the school city can accommodate about 200,000 students, which is only a minimum value, calculated on the basis of 40 students per class.
What if there are sixty students in each class? Su Yun calculated in his heart that with 60 students in a class, the number of students that can be accommodated in the first district is about 300,000.
The population of Jinling area is very dense. Needless to say, both Shanghai and Jinling are big cities with a population of over one million.
Other surrounding cities have a lot of population, plus the population of villages and towns,
After thinking about it, Su Yun opened his mouth and said, “Zhao Qingshan!”
“Boss, what can I do for you?”
Zhao Qingshan trotted over and responded quickly. Simultaneously straightened up.
“There are still more than half a month before the start of school, and ten more teaching buildings and student dormitories are built. Is there any problem?”
Su Yun looked at Zhao Qingshan and said that there is still some time before the school starts. Some of the ten teaching buildings in the second district are not enough, and more dormitory buildings need to be built.
The number of students far exceeded his expectations.
Zhao Qingshan patted his chest and said, “No problem, just leave it to me, now our construction speed is fast, and we have enough manpower!”
There was absolute confidence in his eyes.
Su Yun nodded when he heard the words, considering the current construction speed of the second district, I believe that the school city will be expanded again soon.
In the future, we will gradually improve some of the infrastructure in the second district. At the end, we should consider extending this model to other regions.
For example, in Chengdu and Wuhan, the establishment of credit student loans will probably burn a lot of money in these years.
Although in the end they will all work part-time after graduation, but how many years later?
I’m afraid that when the time comes, the system reward will be too soft.
After Su Yun ordered everything, he left the construction site and returned to the company headquarters.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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