Lian Dafuhao Cigarette Factory, since it was acquired by him, the business suddenly skyrocketed.
As if driven by some kind of mysterious force, the sales volume rose.
And the most outrageous is the Dafuhao Cigarette Factory.
Su Yun looked at the more than half a month, the rich cigarette factory sold more than 2.6 million packs of cigarettes.
Is this still a rich cigarette factory struggling to survive under the squeeze of multiple cigarette brands?
It is precisely because of this feat that the Big Rich Cigarette Factory sold all the cigarettes in its previous inventory at once.
Even the cigarettes produced in the past half a month have been sold clean.
Su Yun was very incomprehensible.
To say that quilt factories and textile factories have high demand for changing seasons can be justified. The reason for changing seasons is very reluctant.
But at least it makes sense, after all, quilts, clothes, etc. are still needed.
But the thing about cigarettes is not like that.
Besides, if the business of the Dafuhao cigarette factory is good, why can’t the previous inventory be sold?
Very outrageous.
Su Yun felt that the whole world was darkened.
What kind of power is in it?
Then Su Yun continued to look down, but he wanted to see how much these factories could surprise him in the past two weeks!
Glancing at the winery, Su Yun twitched the corner of his mouth. In more than half a month, he sold more than 70,000 bottles of liquor?
Su Yun almost crumpled the entire document, but he still stabilized his mind and continued to look down.
I looked again at the sales records of the match factory and the flour mill.
Not to mention the terrifying sales volume of 130,000 boxes of matches sold by the match factory, the flour factory alone has already sold 20,000 bags.
Su Yun really can’t figure out who is buying these flours? Don’t you go to buy Flour King’s goods?
When did other flour brands sell so well?
After briefly reading all the factory’s sales, Su Yun leaned back on the boss’s chair, her cheeks twitching, and her heart was cold.
What exactly is the situation?
Which step went wrong?
Are these factories really going bankrupt or are they going bankrupt?
He even suspected that he had read a fake information about a bankrupt light industrial factory before.
At this time, Ding Yan asked curiously, “Boss, is there something wrong?”
Why does he feel that his boss seems a little unhappy?
After Su Yun read this sales record, he didn’t even want to say anything now.
Naturally, Ding Yan didn’t know Su Yun’s careful thinking, and said, “These factories still have orders placed in advance, do you want the boss to take a look?”
“and also?”
Su Yun sat up straight and stared at Ding Yan, these orders are already outrageous enough, and there are people who place orders in advance?
“Yes! Now the company’s sales are very good, such as the rich cigarette factory and flour mill, after they were acquired by our financing.
They have invested a lot of money to improve production technology and formulas. Now this wave of craze has come again, and every factory has a large number of orders. ”
Su Yun opened his mouth when he heard the words, and finally said weakly, “Go get it!”
Su Yun waved his hand, and Ding Yan quickly left the office after taking the order.
When the office door closed again, Su Yun rubbed his temples and frowned slightly.
Then he stood up and came to the window, watching the sunset, and couldn’t understand why.
The sun is about to go down, why did these sunset industries suddenly become popular?
Why do these factories suddenly explode with orders? It was originally a factory that was going bankrupt, so why are there so many orders now?
Who the hell is buying it?
Su Yun really can’t understand, although the net profit has not been calculated yet, it is just pure sales.
But one thing is very obvious, that is, with so many orders, the net profit may not be low.
And there are advance orders, outrageous.
Just when Su Yun was melancholy, the door of the office was knocked again.
“come in!”
Su Yun took a deep breath and sat back on the boss chair.
At this time, Ding Yan came back with a thick stack of documents, which was comparable to the previous one.
Su Yun looked at the documents in his hand, his heart skipped a beat, he already felt very bad.
Ding Yan put the documents in his hand in front of Su Yun, and then said: “‘ ‘Boss, these are all orders placed in advance, please take a look!”
Su Yun nodded, and then began to read, but just after seeing the first order, his mood fell to the bottom in an instant.
He is in a very bad mood now.
This is so outrageous, the value of the order placed in advance by the sugar factory is actually 70,000 to 80,000 oceans.
The most outrageous thing is that the production tasks are all scheduled to the beginning of April.
Do so many people really buy it?
What have these people been doing before?
Su Yun frowned slightly, calmed down, and continued to look down.
Quilt factory!
When the three words “quilt factory” appeared in front of him, he was almost one store away fromThese orders are directly covered.
Why are so many people patronizing the clothing factory? Orders are also lined up until the end of this month.
The order value is also worth 30,000 oceans.
You can also change the place to buy ready-made clothes!
Looking at the orders one by one, this factory is 30,000 oceans, and that factory is 50,000 oceans…
As Su Yun watched, his face became darker and darker. After placing the orders one by one, his face became completely dark.
“This is more than three million oceans!”
Su Yun roughly estimated the amount of orders placed in advance by all factories.
There are still a lot of production tasks that are only until the end of the month, and the delivery can be done by the end of the month.
In the end, Su Yun also saw two special advance orders.
The military placed orders for the Dafuhao cigarette factory and the flour mill in Jingjiang.
Why did the military suddenly place an order?
Su Yun picked up the two orders and threw them in front of Ding Yan.
“How could the military place orders for cigarettes and flour for the company?”
Su Yun asked, feeling that something was wrong in his heart.
“Some time ago, both the military and the government have positioned the billionaire cigarette factory as a special supply of cigarettes.
(Zhao Zhao’s)
The military also designated the flour from Jingjiang Flour Mill for the military. ”
Ding Yan stood up straight and answered truthfully, with a serious face.
Su Yun was shocked when he heard this, and his cheeks twitched.
How long is he traveling for?
The rich cigarette factory was specially supplied by the military?
Has he only been on a business trip for more than half a month?
Jingjiang Flour Mill is also dedicated to the military?
But he remembered that no such thing was mentioned in the telegram from the company headquarters.
“why did not you tell me?”
Su Yun looked at Ding Yan, a little blamed, and his voice increased a degree.
To hide such an important thing from him?
“This is the request of the military, saying that boss, you are dedicated to the country, and you are willing to pay the military an IOU even for weapons and ammunition.
They can’t let you chill, so they’ve prepared this surprise for you. ”
Ding Yan said with a helpless look on his face, there was nothing he could do, these were all demands of the military, and he was not easy to disobey.
Su Yun opened his mouth when he heard the words, but was speechless.
surprise? Really surprised, but not happy.
His heart is cold now.
“Okay, let’s go home from get off work!”
Su Yun waved his hand, and the whole person was confused.
Soon, he was alone in the office.
Su Yun looked at the orders and sales records in front of him in the office.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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