He has data for every city, and to meet such a large demand for meat and rice in the country today, he can only increase the number of these livestock.
Chapter 274: The Beginning of Industrial Integration
The economies of Jiangnan, Jianghuai, and Jianghan Plains began to flourish. When the economies of these areas began to develop, naturally many people could not sit still.
In a restaurant, many people gathered in the box at this time, and these were all members of the Jiangnan Industrial Chamber of Commerce.
Everyone is a boss with a head and a face, and there are many factories under his hands!
Whichever one was placed before was full of scenery, full of spring breeze, plus it was in the south of the Yangtze River, that one was very rich.
It’s just that it’s a little downright now, and everyone’s face is a little sad.
“Now there are a lot of people coming to these cities in the Jiangnan area, and the economy has also been boosted.”
A middle-aged man sighed that in previous years, he never dared to imagine such a grand event. A city can be described as overcrowded. These factories and companies recruit more and more people, and productivity increases.
“Yeah, it’s incomparable now and before. The economic situation is better, and all these muddy legs have money in their pockets.”
Another middle-aged man said seriously, these ordinary people who come to work in the city are all full of money.
“Yeah, those soaps and so on before, where are you willing to buy those mud legs, many of them are out of stock now.-”
Another middle-aged man sighed that today’s people are not satisfied. If you have money in your pocket, you have to spend it. All the daily necessities that you dared not buy before are fixed.
Soaps, toothbrushes, toothpastes, etc., those ordinary people have also begun to buy them, and they have also begun to pay attention to life.
In the past, the common people were alive and not starving to death. Now the common people are different. Times have changed. They not only have to live, but also live comfortably.
These people you discuss without saying a word, saying that the economy is developing rapidly now. Many ordinary people have money in their pockets, and their consumption is much larger than before.
Coupled with the large number of migrant workers in the city, it has further boosted the surrounding economy.
“But what does this have to do with us?”
However, at this moment, an abrupt voice suddenly rang out in the box.
It’s completely different from the previous eloquent talk. Obviously, the economic situation is so good and the money is so profitable. These unemployed bosses should be very happy, but they are not.
Everyone’s eyes turned to the location of the sound, and then everyone in the box sighed.
The atmosphere suddenly became solemn.
“Yeah, what does this have to do with us, my soap factories are almost full of soap!”
A middle-aged man sighed. His family is in the business of producing soap.
When those people said that the soap was selling well and that it was out of stock, he couldn’t laugh because he couldn’t sell a single piece of his soap these days.
“Who isn’t? All the money was made, and we people are just staring here.”
Another middle-aged man whispered, his factories are the same, and none of those industrial products can be sold. Don’t talk about making money now, it’s good to not lose money.
“The Huayin Company is too ruthless, and it is still expanding. When will it become a head?”
A middle-aged man patted the table and was about to have a seizure, but in the end he could only sigh.
With the completion of the expansion of Huayin’s light industrial plants across the country and the completion of employee recruitment, productivity began to skyrocket and output increased sharply.
Huayin’s industrial products are almost all over the country. Under the impact of Huayin’s industrial products, their industrial products were quickly forgotten by the common people, they could not be sold, and no one cared about them at all.
They want to grab a piece of the pie from Huayin Company, which is simply impossible.
“As long as you go out now, ordinary people only recognize the industrial products produced by Huayin Company and have the trademark of Huayin Company. No one will look at us when you throw them on the ground.”
Another middle-aged man sighed, he saw it, and now the market share is occupied by Huayin Company.
In terms of industrial products, they have no living space at all, and no one likes their industrial products.
“It’s not the way to go on like this, the market has been occupied by Huayin Company, this one is the dominant company, don’t you want to give people a way to survive?
I’ve heard about those farm owners, the grain merchants are overwhelmed, and then it will be us. ”
A middle-aged man said with a solemn expression, if they don’t think about it any more, those farm owners and grain merchants will be their fate, and Huayin Company is now having more and more factories all over the country.
“To call everyone here today, I just want to discuss countermeasures with everyone.”
When everyone was at a loss, an old man stood up and said loudly.
In the box, it was quiet all of a sudden, everyone’s facesThe color turned serious.
This old man is the president of the Jiangnan Industrial Chamber of Commerce, and he is highly respected by everyone. Now that he says so, they naturally want to listen.
“Why don’t we get some discounts too? Don’t these scumbags just want benefits? Give them a little sweetness, maybe they will come back.”
So a middle-aged man suggested.
“The price reduction is good. The price reduction is more real than the discount. If there are so many discounts and promotions, I am afraid that those people will not recognize it.”
A factory owner held a different view, shaking his head slightly.
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“We can also stipulate that the workers in the factory can only use the industrial products produced by themselves, and then give an internal price, I don’t believe they will not take the bait.”
Another factory owner said slowly, he felt that the internal digestion was also good.
“If you want me to say, why don’t you talk to Huayin Company? You can always find a win-win solution, right? He can’t really eat us, can he? Can he have such a big appetite?”
However, at this moment, a small voice attracted everyone’s attention, and he proposed to go to Huayin Company.
“Yeah, just look for Huayin Company. He Huayin Company can cooperate with other retailers, but can’t cooperate with us?
And what I can hear is that in the early days of Huayin’s cooperation, half of the profits were made, and half of the profits were quite a lot. ”
As the saying goes, a thousand waves are aroused at once. When this proposal came out, everyone began to agree, and they thought it was okay.
At this moment, the chairman sitting in the main seat smiled slightly, and he slowly stood up and said in a slow voice: “It seems that everyone has the highest voice for cooperation with Huayin Company.
Anyway, if things go on like this, we can’t say that we have to fight for both sides. It’s better to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. ”
In fact, everyone has long known that under the continuous expansion of Huayin Company, the Jiangnan market has long been out of their control. The market is not what they say.
At this time, Huayin Company has completed the initial target specified earlier, and completely occupied the Jiangnan market.
Chapter 275: The Great Commercial Ship – Huayin Company Begins to Gain Power
As the base camp of Huayin Company, the Jiangnan area can be said that Huayin Company has devoted the most effort, and the expansion of light industrial factories across the country is not as terrifying as that in Jiangnan area.
Other light industrial factories in China are almost unable to survive even in the cracks.
The factories set up by foreigners were also hit, and the brands of foreigners were not spared.
Outside the city of Hangzhou, there is a textile factory run by a foreigner.
“Dong dong!”
And there is an office at the back of this factory, the door of the office is closed, and a young man is knocking on the door at this time.
“Come in!”
There was a sound of broken Chinese inside, and the young man hurriedly opened the door and entered.
I only saw a blond and blue-eyed “Nine One Zero” foreigner, about thirty or forty years old.
He is sitting on the boss chair, his face is black, and the fish-like eyes indicate that he has not been able to sleep well for some time.
The foreigner’s name is Rogers, and he is the owner of this textile factory.
“Boss, there are another batch of workers in the factory, and now there are not many people in the textile factory.”
After the young man came in, he hurriedly said that he wanted to tell Rogers these days, but he couldn’t get in touch with him. He went to the mansion to find it, but he was not there.
Rogers was silent when he heard the words, but his face became darker, and it seemed that he was about to explode at any time.
The young man bowed slightly, lowered his head and dared not look at Rogers, for fear that he would be implicated.
“What are you doing standing here stupidly? Lead the way!”
Rogers said in a deep voice, his voice was a little hoarse. He could expect these workers to run, but he never expected these people to run so fast. He can’t count how many batches this has been in these days.
The young man hurried to the door to open the door, and then the two came to the factory.
When Rogers saw the scene in front of him, even if he had been prepared, his figure was a little unsteady.
At this time, it can be seen that there is no one in the factory, and the production machines are even more motionless.
There are hardly any workers in the factory, and there is no one working.
And the few people in the factory just stop and go in the factory, it seems that this factory is responsible for security. However, they also acted rather lazy and listless.
Rogers walked into the mill without saying a word. His face was very ugly.
Knowing the scale of this factory earlier, it is one of the best in Hangzhou. There are few small-scale factories opened by foreigners in China.
When Huayin’s light industrial factory was not as large as it is today, coupled with the foreigner’s brand, the business of this factory was quite booming. Industrial products are selling very hard.
However, there is no place for the glory of the past, and the huge factory is empty.
The two entered the factory, and the further they walked, the colder Rogers’ heart became. All the machines in the factory had been shut down, because there were no workers in the factory, and no one could control these machines.
And some machines still have some floating ash on them, which proves that they have not been used for a while. After running a few batches of workers some time ago, some machines and equipment in the factory have stopped. Now, everything has stopped.
Rogers glanced over, and the lights in the innermost part of the factory were usually on, some bright, but now they were all dim.
Rogers felt like he was about to faint, and the young man saw Rogers shaking, and hurried over to help him.
“Are there still workers in our factory now?”
Rogers said with a bit of pain on his face, his head is big, and all his workers have run away, he can’t think about it now.to the solution.
“The Huayin company’s factory has been expanding and recruiting people during this period, and then all those workers have left.”
The young man explained that many people ran away due to the expansion of Huayin Company some time ago.
“Huayin Company, Huayin Company again!”
Rogers said bitterly that Huayin Company would be able to seize the market by producing ultra-low-priced industrial products, and it was still robbing him of his workers. But how can this be done? Although he knew the reason, there was nothing he could do.
“What about the skilled workers? I remember taking some leave before.”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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