For example, the bus station is actually similar to the bus station of later generations, and the number of buses is similar.
But they don’t know Arabic numerals, they only know Chinese numerals.
“There seem to be quite a few people taking the bus.”
Kang Su watched from the bus stop, there were a lot of people going up and down.
Some wear brocade robes, some wear old ones, and of course some wear long robes. If these people are replaced by ordinary ones, they may not necessarily have intersections.
But since there are buses, there is a possibility that they will get off the same bus.
“I never thought about going out and just waiting for the car!”
Gao Yun looked at the buses coming and going and sighed, if it were a few years ago, this kind of life would never have been imagined.
Sometimes he would rather walk over the short distance road than call a rickshaw.
Although the rickshaw is not very expensive, but if you can save some money, you can save some money.
Now these ordinary people in Jinling City are different. They can take the bus when they travel, even if it is a two-minute journey, as long as there is a platform.
It’s really convenient.
“Brother Gao, the car seems to be coming!”
While Gao Yun was still sighing, Kang Su’s voice came from the side.
Only at this moment, a bus with “Route 62” written on it slowly drove towards the bus stop.
Kang Su and Gao Yun both laughed after looking at each other.
They have been waiting here for a long time, and now they finally waited for the No. 62 bus.
The two waited until the No. 62 bus was stable, and after the bus door opened (ajec), they walked past the front door.
Both the front and rear doors are open at the same time, but there are people getting off at the back door, so they can only enter through the front door.
Kang Su and the others had just stepped on the pedals of the bus when they heard a voice in front of them.
“Please show your bus card!”
The bus driver looked at Kang Su and Gao Yun calmly.
“Bus card?”
Kang Su glanced at the bus driver with a puzzled face.
Immediately afterwards, he subconsciously touched his pocket, there were only Da Yangs in the pocket, and there was no bus card.
He then looked at Gao Yun behind him with help in his eyes.
“Brother Gao, what is a bus card?”
He looked at Gao Yun and asked in a low voice, Gao Yun is more knowledgeable than him and should know what a bus card is.
“What is the bus card?”
Gao Yun was stunned when he heard it. What kind of bus card? He used to pay directly for any rickshaw. How can there be a bus card that pays the card?
“Brother driver, I want to ask what is a bus card?”
Kang Su didn’t understand Gao Yun, so he could only look at the driver and ask, they really didn’t understand what a bus card was.
“Aren’t you from Jinling? Did you come to Jinling?”
“It was like this when I first came here, haha, just get used to it!”
There was a whisper on the bus, and many people on the bus cast friendly smiles.
To be honest, Kang Su and Gao Yun really look like they just came to Jinling City to work.
Where did they see any kind of bus at that time, it was a rare thing, and when they got up, they looked like a stunned young man.
“Are you people who just came to Jinling?”
The driver understood what was going on as soon as he heard it, and then looked at the somewhat dazed expressions of the two, and they were inseparable.
“Yes, we just came today!”
Gao Yun said helplessly, they really don’t understand the process of these buses, where have they seen this scene before?Yes, I have to wait for the bus again, and what bus card should I use?
“Then I can only ask you to get off the bus now and go to the station of Huayin Transportation Company to apply for a bus card.
You can only take the bus if you have a bus card. If you don’t have a bus card, you won’t be able to ride! ”
The driver said with a serious face, these are company regulations.
Just because they are new to the scene, they can’t make it out on the Internet, not to mention that the handling point is not far away.
Kang Su and Gao Yun were stunned when they heard this, what is this rule? Do you still need a bus card?
Is this too strict? Can’t even take a bus without a bus card?
The two opened their mouths and were speechless. It was the first time they had encountered such a situation.
After a while, Gao Yun touched his pocket and found a piece of ocean.
“Can you give me money?”
They have some oceans with them now, where is the bus card, and they don’t even know what to do.
“Yes, do you think it’s possible to give money? At most, we can give some more, and you can take us for a ride!”
Hearing that, Kang Su also touched his pocket and took out a big ocean. They finally waited for the car.
“No, we’re a bus, there’s no conductor, and we don’t accept cash.”
Hearing the words, the driver shook his head and said with a firm face, saying that if he did not accept the money, he would not accept it.
These are also company regulations, and if they are found to be collecting money in private, they will be punished.
“You can’t even give money?”
Kang Su said with a look of surprise, can’t even give money on the bus now?
You know, if this piece of ocean is released, I don’t know how many times I can take a rickshaw.
As a result, this bus does not accept cash now. What is the reason?
“It’s unheard of, not accepting money, only accepting cards!”
Gao Yun was a little speechless when he heard this. It was the first time he saw a driver like this.
If you change to those who pulled rickshaws in the past, if you are willing to tip a dollar, then you will be happy to run and break your legs.
As a result, the driver actually said that he would not accept the money.
“We only have cash, do you want to stop accommodating?”
Kang Su shook the two oceans and said, they finally came out for a trip, and it was nothing to spend a little money.
However, the driver just shook his head, not at all tempted by their money.
The two looked helpless after seeing the driver’s expression.
“Brother driver, where can I get a bus card?”
After a while, Kang Su and the others finally had to compromise, and they took back the ocean in their hands.
The two looked at each other and could see the bitterness on each other’s faces.
As far as the current situation is concerned, there is only one way that can work, and that is to quickly apply for a bus card, and then take a bus.
Chapter 324: The perfect infrastructure system
“Just behind the bus stop, there is a Huayin Transportation Company stop there!”
The driver said calmly, and then stretched out his hand and pointed the way.
Kang Su and the two got out of the car in a daze, and then the No. 62 bus closed the door and opened.
“There are still people who don’t accept money, what happened to Jinling City?”
Kang Su said at a loss, the first time he saw someone who didn’t like money, he was simply too surprised.
“That’s one dollar ocean! How many good things can one dollar ocean buy?”
Gao Yun said softly, he felt that he was not suitable for this Jinling City, he only felt that he was a little out of tune with Jinling City.
The two walked to the back of the bus station in a trance, and they saw a shop behind.
“Huayin traffic stop!”
There is also an oversized signboard book on it~ with such six large characters.
The two came to the site, which was actually a shop.
There is a desk in the shop, and then there is a cashier.
The front of the store looks a little small, but there is a door open inside, and it seems that there is another room inside.
After Kang Soda measured the Huayin traffic station in front of him, he entered the station together with Gao Yun.
“Are you two gentlemen going to apply for a bus card?”
An employee of Huayin Company asked with a smile when he looked at the two of them.
When the two heard the words, they just nodded indifferently and did not speak.
The shock of what they encountered today is really a bit big, and they are still a little confused in their heads.
Information about buses, bus stops, bus cards, and rickshaws, massive amounts of new information impacted them.
After a while, the staff came over with a registration form.
“Two gentlemen, sit here. If you want to apply for a bus card, you need to do a simple registration!”
The staff said with a smile.
Kang Su and Gao Yun sat down almost mechanically under the guidance of the staff.
“What’s the name?”
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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