Li Xie sneered inside.
Sasuke, it seems that he doesn’t know the inside story at all!
The economy of the island country has become the possession of Huayin Group, and this guy is still thinking about securing resources and interests for the island country.
But it’s no wonder that the little devil’s army is mostly a bunch of reckless men, and expecting them to understand financial warfare is similar to expecting a sow to climb a tree.
What’s more, Li Xie didn’t lie to him.
After a period of time, Huayin Group will indeed increase its efforts to transport industrial products and resources to the island country.
But at that time, they were just righteously harvesting the economy of the little devils!
After leaving the Huayin Group branch, Sasuke returned to his residence, immediately reported the result of the conversation to Lin Xian, and also stated the reason of Huayin Group in the telegram.
In Kyoto at this time, in Lin Xian’s office, Takahashi and Saito have been waiting here, and the three including Lin Xian are waiting for news from Fukuyama.
Lin Xian was beating a drum in his heart.
He didn’t want things to be verified, in which case he would be a sinner to the Empire.
But Lin Xian’s idea was doomed to backfire. After a long time, the confidential officer took the telegram sent by Sasuke and came in to report: “General, General Sasuke will call back.”
“Bring it up!”
While Lin Xian was talking, he took the initiative to get up and take the telegram.
He wants to see what the attitude of Huayin Group is.
After receiving the telegram, Lin Xian read the above content word by word, and Saito noticed that Lin Xian’s face was turning red, and soon turned from red to blue.
He was tricked!
Huayin Group really rejected the request for price reduction, which proves that Takahashi’s statement is true.
These damn Chinese people actually really intend to control the island country’s market, control their economy, and harvest the empire’s finances!
Raising his head slightly, Lin Xian was trembling slightly all over.
At this time, he was embarrassed and angry. He had always believed in Huayin Group. For this reason, he did not hesitate to lead troops into the administrative building, intimidating Saito and others, and even sending troops to protect their industries and business operations!
But now it seems that all this is a scam set up by Huayin Group.
And he, the deceived object, is safeguarding the interests of the liar from beginning to end!
The most important thing is that from the beginning to the end, Lin Xian thought that he was the controller of the matter, that Huayin Group needed the support of the army, and their every move was under the control of the army.
But the facts told him that Ta Lin Xian and even the entire army were a bunch of clowns, they were just tools used by Huayin Group.
The people of Huayin Group, right under his nose, destroyed the market of the empire, destroyed their light industrial base, exacerbated the contradiction between their military and government, and treated them like monkeys, playing around!
Now Lin Xian also suddenly realized why after the accident in Fushan Industrial Park, none of the Huayin Group died.
Because Huayin Group has designed everything from the beginning.
The explosion of the Fukuyama Industrial Park was also planned by them, and this is just the beginning of things!
Shame and resentment kept rising in his heart, Lin Xian stared at the telegram in his hand, looking at it, he suddenly tore the telegram into pieces.
Saito treated this coldly, and Takahashi was similar.
In order to remind Lin Xian, they talked to Lin Xian again and again, but at that time Lin Xian was fascinated by the resources of Huayin Group and could not listen to their suggestions at all.
Now that things are irreversible, they want to see how Lin Xian ends.
Lin Xian noticed the eyes of the two, and his face was extremely hot.
He and Saito have always been rivals, but now Saito sees his jokes, plus his anger at Huayin Group, which makes Lin Xian completely furious.
“‘ ‘Someone! Somebody!”
Lin (alright) Xian shouted the order, and a guard came in immediately outside the door.
Lin Xian’s hair stood on end, gritted his teeth and said, “Send the order, immediately send the order!
Let the military from all over the country immediately shut down all the industries of Huayin Group, block all their markets, and arrest all the people of Huayin Group. If there is any resistance, they will be killed on the spot!
From now on, anyone from Huayin Group who comes to the Empire will be expelled! ”
The guard obeyed the order and turned to leave.
But Takahashi stood up suddenly: “Hold on!”
While speaking, Takahashi strode up in front of Lin Xian: “Lin Xian-jun, you can’t do this now minister.
Huayin Group has already controlled the market of the empire. Now all the supply of industrial products in the empire comes from Huayin Group. You expelled them, who will supply the empire? ”
“Takahashi, get out of here!”
Lin Xian was furious and couldn’t listen to Takahashi’s words at all.
Chapter 821: We can showdown
He looked at the guard: “What are you still doing, why don’t you hurry up and give orders!
Within three days, there will be no more Huayin Group people and markets in the empire. If they are found, they will all be killed! ”
“Stupid! Fool!”
Takahashi cursed.
This guy, Lin Xian, still has no brains, and can’t see the consequences of doing so.
After scolding, Gaoqiao waved his hand to stop the guards, and then scolded: “Lin Xian, you have already made a big mistake, do you still want to make mistakes?
Now all the industrial products of the empire are supplied by Huayin Group, and we cannot expel them at all!
Have you ever thought that once the Huayin Group was expelled, the empire would lose all industrial supplies, and as a result, the people of the empire would be unable to make a living and the market would be completely vacant.
The economy of the empire will collapse completely, the market system will collapse, and the people will not be able to buy paper to wipe their butts, not to mention grain and oil.
If the Empire falls into such a situation, what should you do?How to solve it? ”
“You… bastard! Bag! Bag!”
Lin Xian turned around angrily, grabbed the cup on the table, and smashed it to pieces!
Immediately, he looked at some documents on the side. 340 was some telegrams and various cooperation documents between Huayin Group and Huayin Group during this period.
Seeing these things, Lin Xian’s eyes turned red, and he threw it to the ground!
Immediately, he turned to look at Gao Qiao: “Then tell me, what should we do now! We can’t just watch Huayin Group go on recklessly!”
Takahashi’s face was full of helplessness. Lin Xian had this idea before.
But the problem now is that Huayin Group didn’t give them any chance at all, and the empire just wanted to make a comeback and couldn’t find a breakthrough.
After thinking for a while, Takahashi sighed: “Now that the situation is in the hands of Huayin Group, we can only negotiate with them while waiting for the opportunity to see if they can reveal their flaws.”
Takahashi actually knew what he said, and he basically didn’t say anything.
Now the empire wants to make a comeback, unless Huayin Group falls ill and suddenly withdraws from the empire.
But this is simply impossible.
Not to mention withdrawing from the empire, Huayin Group has been preparing for so long before and after, I am afraid that even a single flaw will not be left.
At least for now, the imperial economy is already a plaything in their hands.
Saito didn’t say a word with a cold face, just staring at Lin Xian, Lin Xian was surging with anger, but right now he had nothing to do.
The education he received since he was a child has determined that he does not understand finance at all. Now that he is involved in this financial war, Lin Xian just feels like an idiot, completely ignorant.
For the next period of time, the entire office was flooded with Lin Xian’s anger.
In the face of Huayin Group’s true intentions, Lin Xian became more and more angry, and his anger was like an erupting volcano, and he couldn’t stop it.
Takahashi and Saito both pulled away.
They knew that this incident had a great impact on Lin Xian. With Lin Xian’s temperament, he probably wouldn’t be able to calm down without a day or two, so Takahashi had to wait.
People can’t make rational decisions in a state of anger. Takahashi has to wait for Lin Xian to calm down before talking to him about the next countermeasures.
While Lin Xian was furious, the flames in the Fushan factory were going out.
The factory area here is naturally an iron smelting plant and a steelmaking plant.
For some time, Huayin Group has been transporting machines acquired from the island country into it, and smelting and destroying it under the dispatch of Wang Dehai.
Today, the last batch of machines has been smelted.
This meant that the island nation would no longer have any room to turn around, and all his hopes of restoring light industry were wiped out with the fire in the furnace.
There are still a few sporadic light industrial factories in the island country.
They hated Huayin Group and would rather go completely bankrupt than accept Huayin Group’s acquisition.
But these factories are no longer worth mentioning.
With more than 99 percent of the light industrial factories in the entire island country destroyed, these remnants of factories are like the last puddles in a dried-up lake, unable to form waves at all.
When the last batch of machinery and equipment were put into the furnace one after another, Wang Dehai told Li Xie the news.
Li Xie was overjoyed and soon passed the news back to China.
In the Huayin Group headquarters, in the president’s office, Su Yun was writing some documents, but the door of the office was suddenly pushed open from the outside.
Su Yun was slightly displeased and looked up, only to see Dong Cheng and Wu Si rushing in directly from the door, each holding a telegram in their hands.
“President Su! Great news!
There was a telegram from the island country just now that we have destroyed the last batch of machines, and now we can showdown with the little devils! ”
The two rejoiced and handed the telegram to Su Yun at the same time.
Until now, neither of them realized their gaffe.
Since following Su Yun, after several years of experience, the two have become quite experienced in human relationships and in the workplace, and they are also shrewd and steady in their daily work.
But this time the news is too exciting, and it is difficult for the two not to lose their composure.
Not only the two of them, but even Su Yun couldn’t help standing up when he heard the news.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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