Chu Mu was puzzled.

I also wonder what the situation of the female killer in front of me is.

He has only crossed into this world for a week, but he has never had a vendetta with anyone, how can he recruit such a professional killer?

Skye hired?

Impossible… Even if Skye wanted to monopolize Charles’ investment, he couldn’t contact the killer in such a quick time.

In fact, Chu Mu didn’t think that Skye had such bad intentions, but he really couldn’t figure out who else he had contacted in this world.

It can’t be that Professor Charles regrets investing, right? Even in that case, it shouldn’t be just an ordinary killer.

“You… How could you not have died? ”

The female killer has absolute confidence in her marksmanship.

In the opinion of the female killer, her own bullet should have penetrated the head of this target, killing the other party, how could the other party still be alive?

Her gaze fell on the bullet in Chu Mu’s hand, and she didn’t believe that Chu Mu could catch the bullet.

How could anyone be able to catch a bullet!?

You can’t do it professionally!

“Madam, you may not know this world…” Chu Mugang wanted to make a show, but he didn’t think about it, and his words were not finished.

I saw the female killer sitting in the car suddenly raised her hand, and the pistol hidden in her sleeve suddenly slashed out, and she directly emptied the magazine at Chu Mu.


Although the shock just now was true, the reason why she made an incredible expression was only this female killer’s practice in order to relax Chu Mu’s attention.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! ”

The sound of emptying the magazine was very crisp, and the female killer saw the bullets pouring towards Chu Mu with her own eyes this time, and she felt that Chu Mu would definitely not be so lucky this time.

“Don’t do stupid things that give others opportunities in your next life!” The female killer smiled contemptuously, just about to put away the pistol, and left the scene dashingly.


“What’s going on?!”

The female killer’s expression became frightened in the next moment.

Her pupils shrank like needles.


She finally knew why her previous shooting didn’t kill Chu Mu, it turned out that it was not because of a problem with her shooting technique.

But…… The other party is not a normal person at all! The female killer saw all the bullets and levitated in mid-air very close to the target’s face!

It’s not just that!

The female killer finally understands why her car can’t drive normally!

Tires for cars!

It didn’t touch the ground at all!

Instead, it is suspended less than a centimeter from the ground!

“Very good suggestion, but I actually understood this truth for a long time.” Chu Mu has been prying into the shallow thinking of the female killer.

Of course, it is impossible to be successfully attacked by this killer. This is the advantage of the masters of psychic abilities, and they can perform well at all times.

“Mutants! You are a mutant! The female killer also seemed to be well-informed, and immediately cried out in horror what she thought was the truth.

“Wrong answer.”

Chu Mu was not afraid that he would be exposed, he had already destroyed all the monitoring around him, and those passers-by had already run as far as they could after hearing the gunshot.

“I surrender! I’m willing to account for everything! ”

The female killer very decisively threw away the pistol and raised her hands, knowing that in the face of a mutant, the so-called killer technique was probably just a joke.

“I said… Wrong answer. ”

Chu Mu gave a female killer mobile phone meeting, but it’s a pity that the female killer didn’t grasp it, so he felt that he couldn’t blame himself for being cruel.

With the activation of the ability to read.

The female killer only felt that her whole body was bound by invisible forces, unable to move, and her whole person floated out of the car.

“Actually, I’m glad you chose this, after all, I believe in the answer I saw with my own eyes.”

Chu Mu’s words made it difficult for the female killer to understand. However, in fact, she didn’t need to understand, she was horrified to find herself floating in the direction of Chu Mu.


I saw the other party smiling strangely at him… Immediately after that, there was a sharp pain in the brain, and the female killer only felt that her thinking was painfully stagnant.

“Brotherhood assassins?”

Of course, Chu Mu invaded the female killer’s thinking, and it was still in a very rough way, so that the female killer had already rolled her eyes in pain.

This way of thinking invasion is very unfriendly to the invaded person, but it is also the fastest way to obtain the other party’s memory.


Chu Mu knew the answer he wanted from the memory of the female killer, it turned out that this was an assassin from the New York Brotherhood!

It has to be said.

This answer was really unexpected to Chu Mu, he knew that there were mutants in this Marvel universe, but he didn’t expect that there was actually an assassin brotherhood.

This is not what the Marvel Universe should have… Chu Mu also watched the movie “Wanted” and quickly understood what was going on.

Brotherhood Assassins.

And the Destiny Loom … A machine with God’s will can predict who those who will be harmful to the future of the world.

The Brotherhood Assassins are killer organizations that continue to kill “bad guys” according to the name given by the Fate Loom in order to implement the belief of killing one person and saving tens of millions of people.

“I’m on the verdict list of the loom?”

Chu Mu only felt very outrageous, how could his name appear in the list of textile machines as a law-abiding citizen who did not even dare to kill chickens?

The boss of the Assassin Brotherhood seems to be a black man named Sloan, who often likes to fake public favorites, adding his own written name to the list given by the Loom of Destiny.

“But I didn’t do anything to offend the black slaves, did I?” Chu Mu did not feel that he would become the target of the Destiny Loom.

From the appearance of this loom in the Marvel Universe, it can be inferred that it may really have some magical effect, but no matter how powerful it is, it cannot be a powerful time-passing gem.

Gu Yi, who held the time gem, did not come to the door, saying that he Chu Mu was a great scourge in the future, and on what basis did a fate loom infer that he was a scourge? Hence the greatest possibility of this situation… Chu Mu felt that only the brotherhood leader named Sloane was ghosting.

It must be the old black slave who is faking the divine will again!

Chu Mu was very determined.

But he still can’t figure it out.

Everyone has no grievances or hatreds.

Why did the other party let its killers attack him?

Count it up.

He has only been in this world for seven days, and he is just a child… Judging from the time he came to this world alone, he is younger than a baby, what can he do with the assassin killer?

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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