Hollywood may not welcome Chu Mu.

But it does not mean that Hollywood does not welcome Franklin in Chu Mu’s hands – to be precise, Chu Mu obtained Franklin from Professor Charles.

As long as there is money in the beautiful country, there is nothing that cannot be done, so Chu Mu only took one morning to finalize the shooting location of the black robe.

Even if it was a bridge that needed to be filmed on the street, Chu Mu’s way of using money to open the road was the first to obtain permission from the relevant departments.

Through this series of experiences, Chu Mu felt the power of money… It is no wonder that having money can also be called the ability to banknote.

Just when Chu Mu was sent out of the door by the leaders of the relevant departments with a smile, he randomly found a Chinese restaurant and ordered a large table of dishes.

Far away in the ancient East.

Among the sacred places called Karma Taj.

The woman dressed in simple linen clothes and planning to cross her knees suddenly opened her eyes, and her dark green eyes were full of surprise.

If there was a Karma Taj mage here, it would definitely feel very incredible, and the Supreme Mage, who had always been heavy and calm, would actually be surprised?


This woman who meditates cross-knee is one of the peak combat power in the early stage of the Marvel Universe, and even the Asgard God King is quite jealous of the Supreme Mage.

Ancient one.

As a person who has guarded the earth for countless years and resisted the existence of various extradimensional demon gods for many years, her strength is naturally undoubtedly strong.

When Chu Mu first crossed over, he was worried about being found by her, but with the help of the [Almighty Eye], he was still not discovered by Gu Yi.


Gu Yi did not perceive the history of the universe, and it had been quietly tampered with three times, and it could only be said that the [Almighty Eye] was indeed powerful enough.

Even the Eternal God behind the Ancient One could not discern the anomaly.

“Such an ancient power fluctuation, was the ancient power obtained by any lucky person?” Gu Yi did not find history wrong. She just saw that some kind of power that had been silent for a long time appeared on the earth today.

In fact.

The ancient power of the earth.

It will not cause much mood swings in Gu Yi.

It is nothing more than creating a batch of earth gods.

It’s actually a good thing for the Earth Ball, and Furuichi, as the guardian of the earth, is also happy to see that the earth has an extra group of guardians.

The reason why she was shocked.

In fact, it is because in the future she has glimpsed, such changes and accidents have never been found, and a new Earth God Race has never been born.

“What has changed?”

Furuichi was a little worried that some gods in the universe were intervening, she hesitated for a long time, and finally used magic to find the source of the change.

Substances like clouds and mist gathered in front of Gu Yi, and she opened the clouds and saw a handsome young man feasting in a restaurant in Los Angeles.

“Is the person who has obtained the favor of the ancient power this strange child?” Gu Yi looked at Chu Mu, a face he had never seen in any future.

She was stunned.

A moment later, Furuichi pinched a spell in front of him, and the Agomoto Eye that had been hanging around her neck slowly opened.

An oil-green glow bloomed from the Time Gem in it, and under Furuichi’s guidance, the Time Gem took Furuichi to watch the past that had been frozen.

Gu Yi mainly wanted to find out what caused the birth of Chu Mu, an unexpected person, and she saw the past about Chu Mu in this universe.

There is nothing special.

This is a lucky man who lived in an orphanage since he was a child, and then became a director with his own efforts, got extraordinary power from a mysterious cave, and strayed into the ruins containing ancient power during a journey.

In this ancient ruin, Chu Mu obtained the favor of the ancient power in the ruins, and then this power lurked in Chu Mu’s body for a long time.

This is the completion of the awakening today.

“It’s really… Luck is prosperous. Gu Yi has lived in the East for many years and naturally understands the Chinese language, and she couldn’t help but sigh when she looked at Chu Mu’s experience.

A fictional past.

She did not notice the slightest abnormality. In each past, there were traces of Chu Mu, and Gu Yi watched all of Chu Mu’s experiences one by one.

There is nothing wrong with it.

This made Gu Yi’s expression even more solemn.

She knows very well.

No problem…… is the biggest problem.

This strange young man named Chu Mu awakened that ancient power today, which should have been a non-existent history.

Even if Chu Mu had obtained the favor of this kind of power in the past.


According to the original historical trajectory, this force should have been sleeping until the future that Gu Yi saw could not awaken.

But now… The situation is different.

“Who changed this history? What role will this person play in the future? Furuichi didn’t think that the suddenly changed future was just a coincidence.


She once again used the power of the Time Gem to spy on the changed future now, wanting to see what position Chu Mu occupied in the future.

The oil-green power of time once again came into play, gathering into Gu Yi’s eyes, lending Gu Yi the power of time that could see into the future.

Furuichi looks into the future along the power of time… Before she could see any definite future, her face suddenly changed.

“Nope! What kind of power is this! ”

The power of the Time Gem collapsed in an instant, and Gu Yi rolled on the ground in pain, and the next moment the whole person fainted. Her eyes that tilted her neck in the direction of the gate could no longer be closed, her eyelids were completely burned, and her eyeballs also took on a grid crack-like shape.

In areas where the eyeball is cracked.

There are thin golden threads that seem to be burning. After a while, the fragments of the eyeball continued to fall off from the corners of the eyes, and soon, the dim eye sockets were already empty.

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