The islands in the Pacific are once again silent.

The other side.

New York.

Umbrella Biotechnology.

Chu Mu and Dr. Marcus were still talking.

“Chairman, please don’t close our research, I swear that in two years at most, my research will definitely bring benefits to the company.”

Dr. Marcus begged again.

“I’m not giving up on your side of research, but there is more important research that needs to be done right now, and you and your people need to be mobilized.”

Of course, Chu Mu would not directly say that the Sun Staircase Project must be terminated, but he knew very well how terrifying the stubbornness of these Frankensteins was.

“Want me to do some other research?”

Dr. Marcus frowned, “Chairman, with all due respect, I don’t think there is any research more important than this research that can benefit all mankind. ”

For the benefit of all mankind?


Mess the whole world with zombies.

That’s so good for all of humanity.

Chu Mu felt that the only good news was that Dr. Marcus had not made any progress yet, the original sample of the T virus had still not been studied, and the mycelium virus in that town had not spread and affected more places.

“What if it’s a super soldier serum?”

Chu Mu knew to divert the attention of this mad scientist.

He also wasn’t worried that Dr. Marcus didn’t know about the Super Soldier Serum.

In fact, among scientists, super soldier serum is not a secret, and various institutions are looking for scientists and companies to carry out reverse research work.

“What! You got the recipe for Super Soldier Serum? Dr. Marcus was suddenly startled, and immediately became surprised when he came back to his senses.


Super soldier serum is very attractive to any scientist.

“I got part of the formula of the serum, which is definitely more complete than the formula obtained by other companies, so I need someone as good as you to join in reverse engineering.” Chu Mu opened his mouth and raised Dr. Marcus’s ability to the point where he could not.

Seeing Chu Mu praising his ability so much.

Dr. Marcus’s expression visibly became even more pleased.

He didn’t have many flowers and intestines, so after weighing it in his heart, he immediately recognized the decision made by Chu Mu.

“The Sun Staircase can be put aside for a while, and you can continue to study it at any time.” Obviously, Dr. Marcus did not have to catch the virus in the solar ladder.

When there is a better direction of research.

His choice was also decisive.

“If the super soldier serum can be restored, it will be an evolution and carnival for all mankind.” The more Dr. Marcus thought about it, the more excited he became.

I can’t wait to join the research work of serum immediately.

That’s the super soldier serum that created the miracle of World War II, and no scientist can refuse to replicate the miracle of the American team!

This is the moment.

The love of Dr. Marcus’s heart is no longer a virus in the solar ladder.

Chu Mu also understands his emotions, the Marvel Universe after World War II, but the American team has shaped into a god-like existence.

This is clearly an attempt to unite the hearts and minds of the people. For a dead hero, politicians certainly do not skimp on using him for propaganda. It’s just that these politicians never dreamed that the American team would one day come back from the dead in the future.

“It’s nice that you can focus on the big picture.”

Chu Mu was very satisfied with Dr. Marcus’s reaction.

And so it goes.

Hell Resident Evil research can end very harmoniously… Chu Mu felt that he had invisibly saved this world once.

“To compensate you, I will ask the finance department to increase your salary by thirty percent.” Chu Mu again gave favors to Marcus.

No one knows Marvel better than he does.

He was well aware that Marcus’s emotions had to be calmed into place.

After all, there are unknown monsters in the Marvel Universe, it is because the capitalists gave up the investment, and then they were studied by unwilling mad scientists.

Chu Mu was clear about this law of development, and he chose to avoid this development plot.

“Thank you, Chairman! Thank you! ”

Marcus was moved to tears.

For his reaction.

Chu Mu was very satisfied in his heart.

“All dangerous samples must be destroyed, only research materials must be kept, and this laboratory will later be used to cooperate with the restoration of super soldier serum.”

Chu Mu repeatedly instructed.

Later, he made a very optimistic speech about Dr. Marcus.

Dr. Marcus, who felt that he was very valued by the leadership, was also happy to agree, and did not suspect that Chu Mu actually just wanted to prevent him from studying the virus.

“Everyone must clean up carefully! Can’t live up to the trust of the chairman! ”

After Chu Mu left.

Dr. Marcus began leading his team to a step-by-step stop on the Solar Staircase research project.

Most researchers have no opinion, as long as there is a project to study, there is a salary, it does not matter what type of project is studied.

No more.

The reverse reduction of super soldier serum.

Who wouldn’t want to get into a project like this? To say that the only person in the entire scientific research team who has an opinion may be Marcus’s most proud protégé.

“Teacher, I think you fell for the chairman, that man just wants to close our project, we can’t compromise so easily!”

The scowling man was a handsome young man who had been taking care of and teaching Marcus when he was still in school.

“William! You shouldn’t speculate on the chairman’s thoughts like this! Dr. Marcus, who had become a loyal courtier, reprimanded his students harshly.

“So what should I think? He asked us to destroy all the experimental samples! If it’s really just a pause on experiments, it needs to be so thorough? ”

William retorted with a look of displeasure.

“You and I both know very well how dangerous these experimental samples are, and the chairman’s order is not wrong, we only need to leave a mycelium in the first place.”

“You don’t know how fast they reproduce, and as for the sun ladder, how many flowers there are in the primeval forests of Africa.”

Marcus did not doubt Chu Mu’s purpose at all, but he felt that Chu Mu’s order was very professional.

“You were deceived by him!”

William still insisted on his opinion.

“Don’t you want to recreate the miracle of Team America?”

Marcus wants to use the Super Soldier Serum to convince his lover.

“Super soldier serum is indeed a very powerful invention.” The young man named William took a deep look at his teacher.

He didn’t go on to talk much more to Dr. Marcus, turned around and followed the rest of the staff to clean up the various samples in the laboratory.

Dr. Marcus thought he had convinced William, and the rest of his time spent mothballing, his mind was full of super-soldier serum.

Dr. Marcus didn’t notice.

William had been paying attention to his expression.

“Super soldier serum? Hehe, no matter how powerful its strengthening effect on the human body, the reproduction is only to make the world marvel at Abraham’s genius again. ”

“The Ancestor Virus is the miracle that can carry our name.” William sighed in his heart, and then gritted his teeth and made a bold decision.

He began to observe his colleagues who were destroying experimental samples together, and secretly brought a tube of progenitor virus to the laboratory toilet while others were not looking.

In this cubicle.

William did something that ordinary people could not imagine – he painfully stuffed the test tube into his indescribable part.

After coming out of the toilet and returning to the laboratory, William walked a little awkwardly, he lied that he had caused his hemorrhoids, and he cleaned up with other colleagues.

Things turned out as William expected, Dr. Marcus did not notice that there was a missing tube of the virus, but just when William felt joy and happiness in his heart.


William sat down in a chair.

He felt something shattering in his ass.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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