Chapter Seventy-Eight Charles! I didn’t expect you to be this kind of professor!!

Chu Mu made a small adaptation of his lines on TV.

So that many moviegoers’ sense of substitution is extremely strong.

The omega-level mutant Iceman in Academy X is the kind of audience with a strong sense of substitution, and he doesn’t want to leave this beautiful world with the death method in the TV series.

Bobby the Iceman believes in the Invisible Man’s argument, and he thinks that if the teachers are not coerced, why would the students be allowed to make such a TV series that destroys the three views?

It has to be said.

The imagination of adolescent girls is indeed incomparably rich.

“We’ll have to tell the others later, I don’t want to see any classmates evaporate.”

Bobby the Iceman is a kind big boy.

He felt compelled to remind the other boys at school that the beautiful girl who might be coming in soon to study was someone not to be messed with.

Behind each other.

Standing is the human demon motherlander.

“Don’t worry, Katie is a fan of the motherland, she will definitely help to promote it, I don’t think anyone except John will want to provoke that man.”

Hurried man Sharon said in a very serious tone.

“Speaking of John, he went out on a mission with a few teachers, why hasn’t he come back yet, it’s been many days, right?”

Bobby the Iceman was a little worried about the safety of his classmates and teachers.

“Don’t worry, Steel Lux and Laser Eye, the two X-Men, are extremely powerful mutants, and it is estimated that the mission will take a relatively long time.”

Sharon was confident in the strength of the two teachers, and he got back to running and playing basketball as a bell and whistle.

Although Bobby the Iceman still felt that something was wrong in his heart, he thought that the atmosphere between several teachers in the school was obviously much heavier than before.


After Sharon the Speedman passed him a ball, he temporarily put aside his worries and played basketball with Sharon the Rapid.

As long as he freezes to Sharon’s shoes, he can snatch the ball from Sharon Quick, which is also a training for ability.

Xavier’s Office for Gifted Teen Youth.

The principal of Xavier’s School for Gifted Youth, Charles. Francis. Xavier had already dressed in formal clothes and waited for Chu Mu and the others.

Stand outside the office.

Chu Mu first checked his mental barrier and determined that he would not be prying on his thinking by the old professor, and then let Qin. Gray knocked on the door.

In fact, Professor Charles had long noticed the arrival of Chu Mu and Wanda, otherwise he would not have let Qin. Gray went to the gate to pick up someone.

He didn’t break through Chu Mu’s spiritual barrier, which didn’t mean that he couldn’t detect Chu Mu’s spiritual power, nor did it mean that he couldn’t sense Wanda’s thinking.

“We have reason to believe that mutants, a species lurking in us, are a potential threat to all humans in the world”,

“Their superpowers not only disrupt the balance of natural ecology, but also pose a potential huge risk to our security and social stability!” In the office. ”

There is a TV that plays videotapes.


It was Charles and Magneto, after stopping the Black King of the Hellfire Club, a mutant who tried to start a world war with a nuclear bomb, recalled a ‘trial’ at the top of the military, which was the first time that the existence of mutants was exposed to the eyes of state institutions.

People on trial.

It was Charles and Magneto, who did not attend… It is a great irony that the hero who saved the world was judged.

For this mutant spirit leader who dedicated his life to the peaceful coexistence of mutants and humans, Chu Mu admired the other party’s greatness and selflessness in personality.


For Professor Charles’s Virgin behavior, he also dares not agree, the means are too indecisive, in fact, it is also one of the reasons why there will be the end of mutants in the future.

Although Magneto’s approach is not right, it is at least closer to success than Professor Charles, and Chu Mu is not optimistic about Professor Charles’ so-called peace theory.

Of course.

This did not affect him from sending Wanda X College to study.

Charles is not very good at being a leader, but Charles is definitely an expert in teaching others.

Among the X-Men.

There are very few guys who fail to make it.

Chu Mu believes that Professor Charles can help Wanda understand and control power very well, after all, in terms of self-control and exerting power, Professor Charles is the peak of mutants.

“When people are old, they often recall some things from the past.”

Seeing Chu Mu and others enter the door, Professor Charles turned off the TV with a remote control and returned to the real world from a memory of a past event.

“I didn’t expect that my investor was actually a teacher at a mutant school.”

As soon as Chu Mu entered the door, he saw Professor Charles’ bald head.

Although the two sides had already figured out the situation before, after seeing Professor Charles, Chu Mu still teased in a brisk tone.

“To be precise, the professor is our president.”

Violin. Gray corrected on the side.

“I actually prefer to be called a teacher, and I didn’t expect that the director I invested in would surprise me so quickly.”

After Professor Charles spoke gently, he looked at Wanda, who was holding Chu Mu’s palm, and winked mischievously at Wanda.

“Are you the principal of the school?”

Wanda immediately made a good first impression on this gentle and affable principal.

This principal.

It feels much gentler than the principal of the previous school.

“Yes, kid.”

Professor Charles’s eyes were extremely gentle, and his gaze stayed on Wanda’s appearance for a moment, and he was more and more sure that this was Magneto’s child.

“I can… Discuss something with you? ”

Wanda plucked up her courage and looked at Professor Charles with her big watery eyes.

“Of course, no problem.”

Professor Charles nodded without the slightest hesitation.

He looked at Wanda fondly, and that look made Jean. Gray had never seen it before.

“What is the story between Magneto and the professor?”

Violin. Gray knows that Wanda is Magneto’s daughter, but she is not very clear about Magneto and Charles’ past, only that the two were old friends who fought side by side.

She couldn’t help but muttered in her heart.

“I can go back to see big brother on Saturday, Sunday… Is there another brother of mine? ”

Wanda has been grappling with this issue.

She doesn’t want to go back only once a semester.

“Our school does not require students to live on campus, and if your guardian agrees, of course you will go home during the holidays.”

Professor Charles answered Wanda’s question with a smile.


Violin. Gray’s expression was very strange.

She didn’t remember that the rules and regulations were so loose, and Professor Charles had always been worried that the mutant students would cause trouble when they returned.

Or was captured by someone from some extremist organization.

Aside from some specific holidays and specific circumstances, Xavier Academy for Gifted Juniors has never let students go home on weekends!

“So it is!”

Wanda heard Professor Charles’ answer and did not suspect that the grandfather was double-standard, and she immediately showed a very happy smile.

“Big brother! Can I go back every week? ”

Wanda turned her head and looked at Chu Mu with a bit of expectation.

“No problem.”

Chu Mu also answered very crisply.

Letting Wanda stay in school all the time is actually completely unnecessary, and he is not unable to ensure Wanda’s safety.

“Then that’s it.”

Professor Charles also smiled even happier.


Wanda nodded her little head, very excited.

Looking at this harmonious scene of old and young, Jean. Gray stopped talking for a moment, but still didn’t say anything.

“It’s exactly what I expected.”

Chu Mu’s heart was also full of smiles, he had expected this to be the case before, but he did not expect Professor Charles to really behave so directly.

“Jean, you can take Wanda to see her new dormitory later, Katie is a good girl and will definitely be able to get along with Wanda very well.”

Professor Charles spoke lightly to the piano. Gray spoke.

Violin. What else can Gray say? Of course, she could only nod and agree, showing a gentle smile to look at Wanda.

When will the school arrange the beds for students in advance?

Aren’t all students who pick up their own sheets and quilts and then tidy them up? Violin. Gray felt that Professor Charles was doing a lot of things secretly.

Is this the power of Jiyou? For a moment, Jean. Gray only felt that Charles’s performance subverted her cognition, subverted her understanding of Professor Charles for so many years…

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