Carl didn't expect that his words would inspire the two little spiders so much.

He was even honored by the two little spiders as a spider mentor.

It made him feel amused.

The latest video of Team America took a lot of his energy.

But fortunately, after some hard work, the video was successfully produced.

"Finally made a success..."

"After sending the video, I hope that this guy Nick can find the American team sooner."

With that, Carl clicked send.



Nick Fury looked at the video that popped up and looked surprised.

He didn't expect that the producer of the video would guess the information about Team America?

To know about the American team, it is one of the top secrets in the bureau!

Except for a few agents, no one knows at all!

So how does this guy know?

Especially in connection with the past, Nick Fury's inner fear is deeper.

The guy behind this is like a god who has descended to the world, knowing everything, especially their every move, is firmly in his hands!

"Look at the video..."

Saying that, Nick Fury clicked on the video.

The familiar style of the painting in the video comes into view.

[Today, the content of the video is not about superheroes, but about revealing a familiar old friend! ] 】

[Of course, this is not an old friend, but an "old" friend in the true sense.] 】

[Captain America Steve Roger, a super soldier who gained strength from being injected with serum in the 70s! ] 】

Although Nick Fury knew the content of the video about Captain America, watching the subtitles line by line, gradually revealing the detailed identity of Captain America, his whole person was impatient.

Especially the three words about the serum plan not only made Nick Fury resist his breath!

Serum plan....

Another content of a large confidential document!

What's more, the serum program was archived 40 years ago, and almost no one searched during this period.

As a result, very few people know about this plan today.

As a result, the mastermind behind this scene actually knows so well?

[I think the serum plan should be familiar to many people, right?] 】

[After all, Dr. Howard Stark was also involved and successfully developed this thing that can make people super soldiers.] 】

Howard Stark....

Tony Stark's genius dad....

But fortunately, only Howard was revealed in the video, and several other doctors in the plan were not revealed, otherwise Nick Fury would have been frightened on the spot.

[After Rogers became a super soldier, while chasing the Hydra Red Skull alone, he encountered danger and disappeared completely. 】

[I guess some people want to find Captain America, let me give you the answer, the land north of the glacier is the time to awaken!] 】

【Let's find it! 】 】

Another big term appears.


Red Skull!

The Red Skull has obviously successfully died in the battle with Captain America 40 years ago, and even the information recorded in the archives is extremely scarce.

The author even knows this?

Nick Fury, take a deep breath.

But fortunately, through the video content, he has a general understanding of where Captain America is.

He immediately called Black Widow Natasha.

Natasha looked puzzled, he had never seen Nick Fury rushing like this.

Something big seems to have happened?

"Chief, what's going on?"



Natasha looked in the direction of Nick Fury's finger, which was a stick figure video about Captain America.

When he finished watching the video, his expression was no different from that of Nick Fury.

The whole person fell into a daze.

Or it's hard to believe....

Can't help but think that there are ghosts in S.H.I.E.L.D.?

But why did the inner ghost reveal information to the inside?

It's incredible.

Nick Fury chimed in: "That's the thing, about Captain America, please ask you, okay?" "

Natasha nodded: "It's okay to leave it to me." "

Regarding the glacial far north mentioned in the video, Natasha visited it not long ago, but the search was unsuccessful.

This time with the general location information of the video, Natasha is full of confidence that she will be able to bring Captain America back!

As Natasha left, Nick Fury reminded, "Watch out on the road." "

"Wait for my news..."

With that, Natasha left S.H.I.E.L.D. and threw herself into her busyness.


Stark's house.

"Jarvis, give Iron Man a name, after this series of suits are optimized, more styles will be made in the future, in order to facilitate management, it may be more convenient to choose a name."

"Sir, I think the word Mark is very appropriate."

Stark was a little puzzled: "Why?" "

Jarvis gave the answer: "First became Iron Man, originated in the video, by analyzing the pigment used in the video, that is, the marker, so it is very appropriate to use Mark as the name of the series of Iron Man suits!" "

"Secondly, I think the Mark series is very good."

After some analysis by Jarvis, Stark acquiesced to the name in his heart.

"Mark 1?"

"This is a good choice, Zavis did a good job, worthy of being the intelligent butler developed by me!"

Stark praised Jarvis, but in fact, almost everything he said was boasting about himself.

Since Stark watched the video posted by Karl and did not choose to travel, on the Mark series, Mark 1 no longer exists.

Mark 2 instead became today's Mark 1.

Stark looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, and his mind began to enrich the appearance of many mecha suits.

There are many ideas to think about, but it takes a lot of effort to put them into practice.

In particular, some advanced technologies need to be studied slowly before they can be successfully practiced on the Iron Man suit.

"Sir, a brand new video has been detected, is it playing it for you?"

"Is it related to Iron Man?"

"It's not..."

Stark waved his hand helplessly, thinking that the author really didn't know how to be evil, and after releasing two Iron Man videos, after so much time, he didn't even release a new video.

But in order to control the overall situation, he still motioned for Jarvis to play.

When the first picture appeared in the video, Stark was stunned.

"This is..."

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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