[Mission: The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility].

[Create this key video to promote the further growth of the two little spiders.] 】

[Mission accomplished...].

With great power comes great responsibility.

Carl looked at this sentence and thought to himself, has the time reached this point?

Gwen and Peter, under the leadership of Rogers, have improved their strength.

But through the battle of the Green Goblin, it is obvious that the hearts of the two are still very impetuous, and they are simply unable to assume the responsibility of superheroes.

In order to further promote the growth of the strength of the two little spiders, it is indeed necessary to reveal to them what will happen in the future.

Carl couldn't help but take a deep breath after thinking about it.

"There was nothing difficult to make a video about this, but the topic was too heavy..."

"It seems a little difficult!"

[Please play by yourself! ] 】

Carl ignored the system's words and roughly recalled the lives of the two little spiders, especially in the circumstances of Uncle Ben and George's death, and already had a vague template in his heart.


After the two little spiders, Gwen and Peter, were saved by Carl after losing the battle against the Green Goblin, they returned to S.H.I.E.L.D. and told Rogers about it.

"We don't understand that after training for so long, we didn't even touch the Green Goblin's body during the battle..."

"Could it be that the results of our training are of no use at all?"

"With our current strength, compared to the Green Goblin, we can't successfully defeat him at all!"

Bad emotions invaded Peter's thoughts, and he curled up on the couch sulking, not knowing what to do.

Rogers laughed: "I told you that if you want to become a superhero, there is no shortcut. "

"And now you've obviously made this mistake."

Peter said, "Well, now there is a monster out there doing evil, and I can only hide here and think about whether I can defeat him?" "

"However, the gap in strength gives the answer, I can't defeat him at all!"

Gwen stayed aside and didn't speak for a long time.

Because the situation in front of her is far from what she expected, the reason why she wants to become Spider-Woman is because she feels invincible in the world.

As a result, she couldn't complete even the first superhero mission.

So in the future, the enemy is getting stronger and stronger, how should she be fond of?

She can't be a superhero at all, or rather, she doesn't fit that role at all.

This is very much in line with what his father George said, that not everyone is suitable to be a police officer.

Rogers, out of good intentions, seemed to want to comfort the two, but was stopped by Natasha on the side.

"Now is not the time, if they really want to qualify, your excessive persuasion will harm them."

"But they are still two children after all..."

"Not an ordinary child."

Rogers sighed.

"Okay, then let's leave first, let them stay here quietly, and think about it for themselves."

After Rogers and Natasha left, the two little spiders got into an argument.

"We were fighting, and if we could use spider silk to trap the Green Goblin, the situation might be much better."

"Hey, the situation of the battle is very chaotic, we don't know what to do, and if you have a plan in that battle, you should have proposed it earlier and reached a team cooperation."

"So you mean, I was the reason why this battle was lost?"

"If you're going to think like that, then I can't help it..."

Gwen listened, put on the Spider-Man hood, and left S.H.I.E.L.D. using spider silk.

Peter shook his head helplessly and walked out of the room directly.

Rogers and Natasha didn't seem to be leaving, waiting outside for the two little spiders, and they saw Peter come out and think the reflection was over.

"How did the two think about it? Have you realized that the road to becoming a superhero is not ambitious, but down-to-earth? "

Peter listened, pointed out to me who was dumbfounded, and looked up at Rogers.


"Huh? What does that mean? "

When Natasha entered the house and saw that the room was empty, she understood what had happened in just a few minutes.


Peter nodded helplessly.

"In that battle, if Gwen wanted to work as a team, she should have told me in advance, then I would not go alone when I got to the battlefield."

"But she said, the reason why I lost the battle today is because of me?"

Rogers and Natasha listened and kept feeling a headache.

They found that if the mistakes were broken down, the two of them should bear even greater responsibility.

After all, as the combat mentors of the two little spiders, they focus on teaching them combat skills, thus neglecting the construction of team consciousness.

But they didn't expect that the current young people were so disunited?

Natasha said, "The two of you made a bigger mistake than losing the battle..."

Peter listened a little dazed: "What do you mean?" "

"There are some things you don't know, but I won't tell you for the time being, but you should understand that when I and the American team will find you, we have already treated you and Gwen as a team."

"The same Spider-Man, should have a very tacit understanding with Gwen, especially in terms of teamwork, far more than most partners in S.H.I.E.L.D."

"But you have neglected this..."

"Especially at this moment, you actually blame the other party for a loss?"

Rogers chimed in: "Boy, I offer you a suggestion, get Gwen back, and the two apologize to each other." "

"From now on, you all need to understand the importance of teamwork."


After thinking about it, Peter understood Rogers' intentions, agreed and immediately turned and left.

"I will."

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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