Nick Fury said, and motioned for Thor to watch the video on the computer.

A familiar voice sounded.

Thor immediately reacted to this voice, which was the man who lived on the radio that he had heard in Jane's car!

He was surprised: "How can this person appear here? "


"I've heard this before."

"I see, presumably the videographer conveyed this message to you in some other way."

Thor heard and determined what was in his heart, there was indeed a person on Earth who knew everything about him, and even saw his actions.

"Previously, this voice accurately predicted my affairs in Asgard and guessed that I was exiled to Earth."

"Sure enough..."

Nick Fury has long guessed that behind each video, the relevant important people must be able to consult the content and show it in different forms.

Sol receives information by broadcasting it from a car.

"You've only watched half of this video, and I'm telling you the second half of the video..."


Nick Fury said, and the video began to play.

[What is the benefit of Sol leaving Asgard?] I don't think I need to see my half-brother rebel and even try to hurt Odin. 】

[Otherwise, with Thor's violent temper, he may have a fierce fight with Loki. ] 】

[But it won't be long before Thor learns what happened in Asgard, and the warriors of Asgard will also lead him back to his homeland.] 】

[Loki, who replaced the identity of the king, sat peacefully on Odin's throne, must be very comfortable, but he did not expect that even if he held Odin's staff, he was not Thor's opponent at all. ] 】

[Of course, the premise of all this is that Thor has restored Thor's power and regained Odin's approval, isn't it... Recognition of Mjolnir. 】

[I have to say that although Thor was exiled to Earth, Mjolnir always believed that he would restore his former glory, even if he was casually thrown by Odin, in the cosmic ocean, it still chose to follow Thor to the land of Earth. ] 】

[It may not be long before everything is back in order.] 】

Thor accepted this large piece of information, and his heart was far more shocked than the last time.

He couldn't imagine that after he left, Loki chose to assassinate Odin?

Although he knows that Loki is not a descendant of Odin's family, he still can't accept that Loki will hurt his adoptive father?

What is this for?

Prove that you have the courage to become a king?

"I don't understand why Loki would do this..."

"I can't believe the content of this video..."

"Father, as the god of Odin, has great power, how could he be framed by Loki?"

Nick Fury said: "The answer is in your heart, whether you want to believe it or not, in fact, you already know the choice in your heart." "

Thor listened and sighed helplessly.

In addition, he thought that Mjolnir was still stored in Asgard and controlled by Audi, but he didn't expect that Odin actually threw Mjolnir out?

And followed him to Earth.

For a while, Thor suddenly realized and seemed to understand something.

"I see, Mjolnir is my father's test!"

Nick Fury chimed in: "If you come up with the answer and want to find Mjolnir, I can tell you where Mjolnir is at this time." "

Thor was a little surprised in his heart, but he didn't expect this person in front of him to be so reliable?

"Will you help me?"

"You didn't show malice to Earth, and it's my job to avoid trouble with Mjolnir."

"If that's the case, that's great!"

At this moment, in addition to secretly swearing in his heart, he must take back Mjolnir, and then return to Asgard to ask Loki to understand!


Thor followed Nick Fury and Coulson to a desolate place.

If he remembers correctly, this is where he landed from the sky and met Jane and Eric.

So, Mjolnir is also here?

The three of them were on a high hill and saw many earthlings gathered here, and various devices were placed in the distance, as if monitoring something.

Thor said: "This is where I can feel the breath of Mjolnir, which seems to be calling me. "

Nick Fury: "Then let's go down." "

After Coulson's communication with the researchers, everyone evacuated the scene, leaving only the three of them.

In the center, a weapon similar to an iron hammer is quietly placed on the ground.

Thor looked at Mjolnir with a somewhat dull expression:

"This is Mjolnir!"

"It's over to you."

Nick Fury and Coulson took a few steps back and quietly watched Sol's performance.

"Alright, Mjolnir, it's time to go home!"

Thor took a deep breath and rubbed his hands together as he tried to pick up the Mjolnir.

He had enough strength to pick up this thing, but he didn't expect that Mjolnir's hammer remained intact, and he didn't even move a little.

In desperation.

He tried again.

The result was unsuccessful....

In the end, the whole person fell into a state of confusion.

"What's going on? I lost Thor's power, even Mjolnir can't be used? "

"Oh, my old father Odin, such a test is too vicious!"

Thor's power complements Mjolnir's hammer, and he cannot obtain Thor's power, and naturally he cannot obtain Thor's approval.

So Thor's behavior is in vain and thankless....

No matter how many times he tried again, he got the exact same answer.

For a moment, the whole person hung his head and lost the motivation to act.

Nick Fury and Coulson in the distance couldn't help but wonder when they saw this.

"What is Thor doing? After such a long time, you still don't pick up Mjolnir? "

"I don't know..."

"He tried so hard, but Mjolnir's hammer didn't move, presumably there is only one answer... He did not pass Odin's test. "

"Thor also said before that the arrival of Mjolnir was a test given to him by Odin."

"It seems that Thor's test failed..."

"What then?"

"How would I know that I am not Odin."

Not only Nick Fury and Coulson are confused, but even Thor is a little overwhelmed.

He couldn't pick up Mjolnir.

So how do you get back to Asgard?

So, how should he teach Loki this guy?

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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