(Thank you all for your flowers and support).

“Young Master, is there any use for us with this thing?”

Spencer looked at the Ark reactor in Anson’s hand, well… It should not be hand-rubbed.

“This is the beauty of technology, like magic, Stark is indeed very talented in scientific research.”

“Is it excellent?”

Anson: “Mr. Spencer, what if I say that this little thing can support the use of electricity in a city, albeit shortly. ”

Several people exclaimed.

Only the silly Mindy was playing with the Yuan Devouring Beast, and she was not interested in any of this.

Although this is only the first generation, the generation marked ‘Tony has a warm heart’ is not much outrageous.

Theoretically, the second-generation setting is a thousand times the energy output of the first-generation.

But no matter what generation it is, it is a technological product that transcends the times.

“In the future, take it to Avalon Castle as a charging treasure.”

Spencer paused, good operation.

Mindy looked up: “Anson, you still have a castle?” ”

“Of course, you can also go over when the matter here is dealt with, it’s beautiful.”


“Don’t worry, it’s okay, it just hurts all of a sudden, Anson is fast.”

While Mindy was comforting the big daddy.

Anson has a black face, this description, why does it feel so weird?

“Here, drink it.”

Compound decoction, a compound decoction containing Hagrid’s hair, tastes disgusting and unpleasantly unpleasant.

Damon pinched his nose and poured it in.

“Ah, this smells really…”

In the next second, Damon’s body began to change, his figure soared, his hair appeared, and his height suddenly jumped to nearly 3 meters.

It’s not surprising that there are slight changes.

Especially the appearance, it is exactly the same as Hagrid.

“It’s amazing.”

“Okay, lie down.”

Anson took out his wand and worked for half an hour before engraving the dragon rules on Damon’s soul.

From the perspective of the real eye.

The dragon rules are induced by Anson’s magic to resonate with the surrounding magic, and the rules are slowly turning like gears pushed by magic.


Damon walked off the test bench and looked at his hands and feet in surprise.

Power, great power.

Jump up and down slightly, boom!

Step directly into it to the extent of close to 30 cm, neigh! Gasping for air, this power was even more terrifying than what Mindy had shown.

“This is the power of the dragon?”

“Think beautiful, you still need a long time of training and accumulation to be able to beauty the dragon, but it’s not bad.”

The ultimate strength should be about 3 times the weight of the dragon, or even better.

The dragon weighs 3 tons from the bottom, 3 times is 9 tons, and the American team can play for a day, which shows that Damon’s growth should be very good in the future.

Maybe Damon went up to a big nose, and the American team would also be confused.

The next step is to observe, record, and until there are no side effects, after which Anson will operate on himself.

However, there is no rush.

He needs to determine the core point, can this inscription method be repeated? Will there be conflicts once the inscription is repeated?

He needs to study it slowly.

Contact Kim again and send 10 gang members.

The results are encouraging.

All the subjects inscribed with the rules of dragons and trolls did not have any adverse reactions, but unfortunately, the rules of dragons represented greater reinforcement than the rules of trolls.

“It seems that only the stronger rules of the same kind are working.”

However, as long as multiple rules do not have a bad effect.

During this period, he returned to Avalon Castle, and the wizards he brought with him were still transforming the castle, not much faster.

And the magical beasts that brought back Marvel were also slaughtered by Anson.

Yes, nature is the magic rule that may appear after the death of Fantastic Beasts.

Got quite a bit more.

Overall, it is certain that killing Fantastic Beasts will drop magic rules in 3 directions.

1 is a reinforcement system, such as the rules for trolls and dragons to strengthen the body.

2 is the ability system, such as skills, Anson killed a lot of owls and got a sense of direction skills.

After being engraved on the subjects, there seemed to be a kind of underworld guidance to let them go where they wanted to go, which was magical.

3 is deformation, for example, the rules that appear after the death of birds and snakes can make people bigger and smaller, and the rules that appear after the death of Madago cats are doppelgangers.

The third rule is the skill that works on the wizard to change the body.

Each has its own benefits.

At this point, Anson wants to die a phoenix even more, but it is likely that he will die many times before dropping the rule of immortality.

Of course, the biggest possibility is that he was first killed by Dumbledo’s Avada gnawing big melon.

Don’t think about it.


“After taking the compound decoction, I can perfectly withstand the pain of inscribed rules.”

The shorthand quill next to Anson wrote automatically.

“The three rules can be inscribed in multiple ways, do not cause abnormalities to the soul, and after the inscription will become the inscribed… Talent strengthening? Undetermined. ”

A week later.

Spencer took the Hall elves to guard the Chamber of Secrets.

Anson began to operate on himself, taking a sip of the compound decoction and frowning.

“It’s really hard to drink.”

The same smell as the sewers, fishy.

Raise your wand and inscribe the rules of the dragon on your soul little by little.


When it was just finished, the whole secret room seemed to be blowing a huge wind.

Hall opened his mouth and was surprised: “What a powerful magic fluctuation.” ”

“What do you mean?” Spencer was a little anxious: “The young master will be fine, right?” ”

“Of course, of course, don’t worry about Mr. Spencer, young master, this is a good thing, his body is fully capable of carrying more magic, Merlin’s boogers.”

This total amount of mana is more than a little stronger than most elite wizards.

He was sure that the young master would definitely be even better than Deng Boli in the future, even greater.

Anson closed his eyes to feel the changes in his body.

“It seems that the effect of inscription on wizards is much better than that of ordinary people, is it a relationship of magic?”

Next, it is to constantly temper your body.

Only a better body can contain more magic power, and can also interact with the magic and rules that exist in nature in the universe.

Thereby increasing your magical power.

“Young Master, people from S.H.I.E.L.D. are here.”

“Bring it in.”

The person who came was Coulson, who had a more pronounced hairline.

“Mr. Pendra, this is what you want.”

A document.

Help them find the deal Stark promised, open the file and see, Wanda.

Living in Sokovia, the detailed address and information are on top.

“Yes, the deal between us is complete.”

Coulson paused and asked, “Is there something wrong with her?” ”

“You must have checked, she is just an ordinary person.”

Coulson and Fury don’t think so, there must be something they don’t know, but they can’t find out.

PS: The specific plot will be reasonably modified, without affecting reading, collection, and flowers

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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