Zuo Shotaro trotted to Lin Wei’s side, and he looked at Lin Wei with some doubt.

“King Shi.”

“If Yushima Noriyuki is not a doped, why did you come here?”

Shotaro asked Zuo.

“You guess.”

Lin Wei said with a smile.


Shotaro Zuo pursed his lips.

Right at this moment.

From Yushima’s residence, there were screams from Yushima and several girls, as well as the sound of the drawing board falling to the ground.


Yushima shouted in horror.


Lin Wei lifted his foot.


He kicked the door of Yushima’s residence directly.

Immediately followed.

He rushed into Yushima’s residence.


Zuo Shotaro was slightly stunned.

After hesitating, he quickly followed Lin Wei.

The only thing Lin entered Yushima’s residence, he saw several girls rushing down from the second floor of Yushima’s residence.

See here.

Lin Wei immediately rushed retrograde to the second floor of Yushima Noriyuki’s residence.

As soon as he came to the second floor, Lin Wei saw that the virus doped was chasing Yushima Zezhi.

“Don’t come here…”

Yushima said in horror.

The words spoke.

He quickly fled.


Lin Wei took out the space-time drive.


Shotaro arrives, and he also sees Yushima Noriyuki being chased and killed by virus dopeds.


Zuo Shotaro wondered.

Yushima Noriyuki is really not a doped!


Who will be the shapeshifter of the virus doped?


Lin Wei has transformed into Kamen Rider Shiwang.

See here.

Shotaro Zuo quickly took out the double riding drive device and put it on his waist.


Shotaro shouted.


Narumi detective agency.

Philip was flipping through the book holding it, and when a double rider driver appeared around his waist, he immediately learned that Yushima Noriyuki was being hunted by a virus doper.

“It’s completely outside the calculations…”

“I didn’t expect that Yushima Noriyuki was actually attacked.”


“Why on earth would King Shi know that Yushima Noriyuki is not a doped?!”

Philip muttered.

The words spoke.

He took out the Blaster Memory.

“I really don’t understand.”

Shotaro shook his head.

The words spoke.

He took out the ace memory.

Just as Zuo Shotaro and Philip transformed, Lin Wei jumped directly from the second floor to the downstairs and came behind the virus doped.


The virus doper is binding Yushima with its tentacles.

“Who will save me!”

Yushima shouted.

See here.

Lin Wei took out the Time Limit Sword.


Lin Wei cut off the tentacles of the virus doped.


Yushima fell to the ground.

“What the hell…”

Yushima said in horror.

The words spoke.

He quickly got up.


He sensed that the viral dope was coming after him.

He hurriedly wanted to escape.

And yet….

Lin Wei didn’t want to let Tangshima go.


The target of the viral dope is Yushima Noriyuki.

If Yushima escapes, the virus dope will follow.

Viral dopeds can turn into virions.

If the virus doped body was bent on leaving, Lin Wei might not be able to stop it.

In that case, he must have chosen to force Yushima Noriyuki to stay.

Anyway, Yushima is a scumbag, not a good product in itself, and forcibly leaving him can be regarded as an extremely profound lesson for him.

Lin Wei transformed the Time Limit Sword into a Time Limit Gun.

Immediately followed.

He aimed the muzzle of the Time Limit Gun at Yushima.

“Don’t think about leaving.”

Lin Wei sneered.


Kamen Rider Duo rode to the guardrail on the second floor of Yushima Noriyuki, and immediately saw Lin Wei aiming his muzzle at Yushima Noriyuki.

“What does he want to do?!”

Zuo Shotaro wondered.

“King Shi!”

Philip excited.


Yushima Noriyuki also noticed that Lin Wei turned the gun on himself.

He didn’t expect that Lin Wei would save him, but he actually turned his head and aimed the muzzle at him.

For a while, he did not dare to stop his escape, and hurriedly went into the dense forest beside him.

See here.

Lin Wei pulled the trigger.


The energy bomb flew towards Yushima Noriyuki and hit Yushima Noriyuki precisely in the thigh.


Yushima screamed and fell to the ground.

For a while, he couldn’t stand up, and it was extremely difficult to climb.


The virus dope immediately rushed to Yushima.

“It’s really…”

Zuo Shotaro didn’t understand why Lin Wei shot Yushima Noriyuki.

He really wanted to grab Lin Wei to ask clearly.


The virus dope is going to attack Yushima.

See here.

He could only temporarily put aside his plan to ask Lin Wei clearly, and quickly controlled the Kamen Rider Duo to jump from the second floor of Yushima Noriyuki.

Immediately followed.

He controls the Kamen Rider Duo to open his hands and run to forcibly stop the virus dope.


“Who are you?”

Shotaro asked Zuo.

The words spoke.

He controls the Kamen Rider Duo to cling to the virus doped.

See here.

Lin Wei put away the time limit gun in his hand.

“Words against viruses…”

“Just use this dial.”

Lin Wei smiled.

The words spoke.

He took out the Xseid dial.

Not far away, Philip saw the Axeye dial in Lin Wei’s hand, and he couldn’t help but get excited.

“New armor?!”

Philip excited.


Lin Wei smiled slightly.


“Grab the dope!”

Lin Wei smiled.

The words spoke.

He turned the Xseid dial in his hand and pressed it.

“Ex-Aid! (Xseid)”

When the sound effect sounds.

Lin Wei installed the Axide dial on the space-time drive.


A slightly rhythmic sound sounded.


Lin only pressed the space-time drive on his waist.

Immediately followed.

The side of the time-space drive is equipped with the dial of the King of Time is slightly tilted.

Followed by.

Lin only turned the space-time drive around his waist.

In the blink of an eye, the space-time drive turned around.

“Rider.Time! (Knightly Hour)”

When the sound effect sounded, several pink neon pseudowords – “Xseid” flew out of the space-time drive.

In the next instant, the external armor of Kamen Rider Time King’s Axide appeared in front of Lin Wei.

“Kamen.Rider.Zi-O! (Kamen Rider Time King)”

When the sound effect sounded, Ekseid’s external armor disintegrated in front of Lin Wei.

See here.

Lin Wei immediately jumped into the air.


With the sound of sound effects, the disintegrated Xseid’s external armor was all installed on Lin Wei’s body.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Wei transforms into Kamen Rider Time King’s Ex-AidArmor!

“Level.Up! (Level Up)”

Just after Lin Wei transformed, Woz quietly appeared in the distance, and he stared at Lin Wei with the Demon Advent Calendar in his hand, his face full of surprise.

“What the hell is going on?”

Woz muttered in disbelief.

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