“King Shi?”

White Woz was slightly startled.

“Did you say…”

“Did you fail?”

White Watts wondered.


Gates shook his head slightly.


White Watts breathed a slight sigh of relief.

However! Gates’ next words made him lift his Gang Song again.

“It’s not as simple as failure.”

Gates sighed.


White Watts frowned deeply.

“What the hell is going on?”

White Watts asked with some solemnity.


Gates is a little hard to talk about.

But…… Under Bai Watts’ repeated questioning, he still spoke up and told him about being knocked down by Lin’s only sword.

“This time king…”

“Not Tokiwa Shogo?”


“Still so strong?”

“One sword knocks you down?”

White Watts’ face was full of surprise.

“Who the hell is it?”

White Watts muttered.

Not often… White Watts pursed his lips.

“No way…”

“My Savior.”

“You’ll just continue to recuperate here.”

“I’ll look into it.”

White Watts Road.

End of words.

White Watts left the hospital.

He plans to take a look at Narumi’s detective agency.

It didn’t take long.

White Watts came to the outside of Narumi’s detective agency.

He saw Shotaro Zuo hurriedly going out.

See here.

He stepped forward to stop Shotaro Zuo.


Zuo Shotaro frowned and glanced at Bai Watts.

When white watts are seen.

Shotaro left white Watts as Black Watts.


“I remember you were…”


Zuo Shotaro wondered.


Bai Woz was slightly stunned.

He was sure that Shotaro Zo had never seen himself.

Case…… Did Shotaro Saku see another him? White Watts squinted at Shotaro Zuo.


Zuo Shotaro walked up to Bai Woz and looked at Bai Wozi.

“Long time no see…”

“Why did you change into white?”

Shotaro asked Zuo.


White Watts was immediately sure that Shotaro Zo had seen Dark Watts.

“Let’s not talk about this…”

“You know…”

“Where is he?”

Bai Woz also didn’t know what Lin Wei should be called.


Zuo Shotaro frowned slightly.

“You mean King Shi, right?”

Shotaro Zo guessed.

As a detective.

He felt that Bai Woz was looking for Lin Wei.


White Watts nodded.

He didn’t expect that Lin Wei was directly called the King of Time by Zuo Shotaro.

“Do you know where he is?”

White Watts asked.


Zuo Shotaro shook his head slightly.

“You should know where he is better than I do…”

Shotaro Zuo crossed his waist.

He looked at White Watts.

He always felt that today’s White Watts was quite different from the Watts he had seen before.


“Do you have a twin brother or brother?”

Shotaro Zo guessed.


White Watts raised an eyebrow.

Closely followed.

He turned around.

“Since he’s not here, then I’ll go first, see you later.”

White Watts waved his hand and left.

See here.

Zuo Shotaro just frowned.



He remembered that there was still trouble on Yashuzi’s side, and he had to deal with it.


White Watts takes out the future note.

He wrote in his future notes that when King and White Watts met.

Boom! There was a sudden explosion on the future note.

White Watts almost couldn’t hold the future notes.


The words “King of Time” that had just been written by him on the future note disappeared with the explosion.

“What’s going on?”

White Watts wondered.

He had never encountered a similar situation using Future Notes.

Seeing the blank space in the position of the word “King of Time” that disappeared on the future note, Bai Woz’s brows couldn’t help but wrinkle deeply.

Before…… When he heard that Gates was knocked down by Lin’s only sword, he thought that Gates was just underestimating the enemy, or that Gates was in a bad state during the battle, and Gates exaggerated and so on.

Right now! He kind of believed that Lin Wei could beat Gates to a serious injury with one sword.

“This time king…”

“Who the hell is it?”

White Watts turned to look at Narumi Detective Agency.

Closely followed.

He saw Shotaro Zuo who was about to leave in front of the door.

“Shotaro Zo…”

White Watts’ eyes narrowed slightly.


Lin Wei suddenly felt that the power of the Demon and the power of the knight in his body fluctuated violently.

“What happened?”

Lin Wei wondered.

He suddenly felt… Just now it seems that someone is going to work against him.

Merely…… After the power of the demon and the power of the knight fluctuated violently, the feeling that someone was going to work against him disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

“Is it because of the guy who just came to Fengdu…”

Lin Wei guessed.

He thought about it… In the entire two-horse world, characters who can cause violent fluctuations in the power of demons and knights, are completely absent.

Case…… Causing his power of the Demon and the power of the knight to fluctuate violently, it can only be a character from outside the world of double riding! Right now! There is also a character from outside the world of double riding that has not been found.

“Who will it be…”

Lin Wei muttered.




“White Watts?”

Lin Wei shook his head slightly.

“Forget it.”

“No matter.”

He didn’t bother to guess either.

Anyway…… Since the other party has already attacked him, it means that the other party knows him, so it is only a matter of time before he sees the other party.

“Compared to when I found this guy…”

“This guy definitely wants to find me more.”


“He is from a world other than the two-horse world…”

Lin Wei smiled slightly.

…… In the afternoon.

Lin Wei was planning to go out alone again.

Because…… He just went out and came back.

However! Menya Xiaoye didn’t agree.

She has been nestled in the villa for several days.

If it weren’t for Miku with her, she would have suffocated.

She ran to Lin Wei’s side with Miku in her arms.

“I’m going out too!”

Monya Konokaido.

“I know it’s just a bit out…”

Lin Wei explained a little.

He just wanted to go and briefly handle the plot and missions and came back.

If nothing else… Probably not even a battle will happen.


Menya Xiaoye shook his head.

“Just one stroke is fine!”

Monya Konokaido.


Lin only pursed his lips.

“Let’s come together.”

Lin Wei opened the aurora curtain.

See here.

A smile appeared on Monya Xiaoye’s face.

“Thank you!”

Menya Xiaoye said with a smile.

…… On the roof of the Fengdu Police Station.

Keio Horiuchi, a shapeshifter of the puppeteer’s doped body, is confronting Kamen Rider Duo, Ryu Terui, and Narumi Akiko.

Narumiya Shuko didn’t know where the courage came from, and she stood between Kamen Rider Double Rider and Terui Ryū Tōjō Honouchi Keio.


An aurora curtain quietly appeared behind Kamen Rider Duo and Terui Ryu.

Keio Horinouchi was only confronting Narukai Shuko, who could have seen the aurora curtain from his perspective, but he didn’t notice it.


White Watts is hidden not far away.

Instead, he noticed the aurora curtain.

He looked at the aurora curtain with a look of amazement.

Closely followed.

He saw with his own eyes Lin Wei and Menya Xiaoye come out of the aurora curtain.


Menya Xiaoye still holds Miku in his arms.

But! Bai Woz only stared at Lin Wei.

Although he had never seen Lin Wei transform into the Kamen Rider Time King, as soon as he saw the emperor riding dial in Lin Wei’s hand, he couldn’t help but guess that Lin Wei was the Kamen Rider Time King who knocked down Gates with a sword!

“Who the hell is it…”

White Watts muttered in surprise…

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