Land of the Wind, Sand Hidden Village.

After getting a reparation from Konoha, Luo Sha, who is the fourth generation of the Wind Shadow, is actually not very happy.

Because although received a large amount of compensation.

But the reputation of Shayin Village has been tarnished.

The death of the son and daughter-in-law of Ape Flying Sun has been widely involved among many powerful and wealthy businessmen.

And a considerable part of the economic income of a ninja village comes from the high-level task remuneration issued by this gang of nouveau riche.

Like Konoha, after learning the news.

Many of the rich party’s clients suspected that this matter was done by Sha Yin.

Feeling unwilling to delegate advanced tasks to Sha Yin.

As a result, the village’s economic resources have shrunk dramatically.

“Damn it! Who the hell!? ”

Luo Sha clenched his fists and slammed the tabletop, gritting his teeth.

He didn’t believe that the three generations of Wind Shadow who had been missing for more than ten years were alive again.

He even suspected that an outsider had mastered the art of iron sand to frame Sha Yin.


A knock suddenly sounded at the door.

When Luo Sha heard this, he reluctantly converged the scowl on his face and responded:

“Come in!”

The office door opened, and seeing that the person who brought it was Ye Cang, Luo Sha couldn’t help frowning slightly.

Because Ye Cang did not like his own means of governing the village, and in the previous plan, he had opposed himself.

Therefore, even if his strength was strong, Luo Sha did not cultivate him into his henchman-level subordinates.

“Lord Wind Shadow, I love Young Master Luo today and killed two more students who said he was a ‘monster’.”

Ye Cang walked into the office and said with an indifferent expression.

“Sure enough, I love Luo is a failure.”

Luo Sha rubbed his temple with his right hand, and said to himself in a fit of anger.

Ye Cang listened coldly to Luo Sha’s evaluation of his child.

Her original style was to be absolutely obedient to the tasks assigned by her superiors.

But on a previous mission, serious objections were raised to one of Rosha’s decisions.

It happened last week that Rosa sent his brother-in-law Yashamaru to assassinate Aira.

The beautiful name is to test whether I Airo has the strength to become a perfect person.

At that time, when Ye Cang heard about this, he immediately wondered if Lord Wind Shadow’s brain was pumped.

Where are you testing?

You’re provoking him on purpose!

“Rosa is not a good thing”

Suddenly, last month in Konoha, the words that Night Moonlight said in his ears echoed in Ye Cang’s ears.

The man’s face resurfaced in front of him.

Although she was willing to give everything for the sake of the village, she was scooped up in vain.

It was definitely the pain of her life!

Ye Cang shook his head fiercely, vainly trying to drive this nightmarish black history out of his mind.

“Lord Wind Shadow, the envoy from Yunyin Village has arrived.”

At this time, Markey also trotted into the office and reported to Luo Sha.

Yunyin Village!?

Ye Cang’s cold and pretty face changed slightly, he was really afraid of what would come.

What are the people of Yunyin Village doing?

“Let him in.”

After Luo Sha responded, he said to Ye Cang:

“You stand down.”


Although she would like to know what the Yunyin envoy came to do, for Kage’s order, she, as a sand ninja, must carry it out unconditionally.

After nodding, he left quickly.

Soon, Tutai entered the Wind Shadow office.

After a salute to Luo Sha, he was straight to the point:

“Lord Wind Shadow, what we Yunyin asked for has been clearly stated in the previous letter, may I ask when are you going to carry it out?”

Luo Shayin said with a cold face:

“Yunyin just one word, it would be too much for me to sacrifice my Sand Yin strength to the top five Blood Succession Limit Upper Patience, right?”

Not long ago, Ye Yueguang wrote a personal letter to Luo Sha, asking Luo Sha to give Ye Cang to him.

After that incident, Night Moonlight thought about it.

I feel that although the experience is very bad, it is the first time for a human girl, and I still picked up a bargain for nothing.

Thinking about it, this girl ended up quite pitiful, plus I also have strength.

Just guess to dig people over.

Although Luo Sha didn’t like Ye Cang very much, Ye Yueguang asked him to sacrifice himself in a completely commanding tone in the letter.

Luo Sha felt that his self-esteem was damaged, and he couldn’t help but be angry.

“Lord Wind Shadow means that I want to start a war, I Yunyin is a soldier, the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash will jointly send troops to protect the revenge of his son and daughter-in-law, Lord Wind Shadow thinks that he can win if he is tough?”

Facing the existence at the bottom of the comprehensive strength ranking of the five major ninja villages, Tutai spoke without leaving a little emotion.


Luo Sha almost didn’t have the gas to lift the table.

Tsuchidai suddenly smiled and said

“This matter also doesn’t need Lord Wind Shadow to lose face, you just need to send Ye Cang to assassinate Lord Night Moonlight, anyway, you don’t care much about Ye Cang’s subordinates, do you?” It might as well be used as a gift to please Lord Light. ”

“So much to say below, Lord Kazekage is a smart person, compared to knowing how to choose is the right one.”

After leaving the last sentence, Tsuchidai walked away.

“Damn it! The guys in Yunyin Village are too arrogant! ”

Luo Sha slammed the table again in anger.

Markey was crying and laughing beside him.

Who let Yunyin Village now have the first military strength in the ninja world?

Night Moonlight and the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow are two shadow levels, and Night Moonlight is likely to have entered the super shadow level.

There are also two perfect human pillars, Kirabi and Yugito.

If the fourth generation of Hokage Wave Feng Shuimen is still alive, it may still be able to contain it.

But Konoha….

Alas, it is difficult to say in words.

“Kazekage-sama, that Hakura she…”

Markey asked cautiously.

“Night Moon Light will give it to her if she wants, anyway, Ye Cang is not very obedient.”

Luo Sha was still worried about Ye Cang’s opposition to him before, and twisted his eyebrows without eyebrows and said fiercely:

“However, we must take this opportunity to fight for the interests of Shayin as much as possible.”

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