Hinata showed indisputable strength and successfully became an official Shinobi of Yunyin.

“You guys go home first, someone has sent interesting news.”

Not interested in watching the graduation exams of the other imps, Night Moonlight pulled Hinata in front of Samui and left.

“Congratulations, Hinata, I didn’t expect you to really learn the Hell Spurt that even the fourth generation of Mekaku-sama couldn’t learn.”

Azabui handed Hinata the brand-new bracelet.

After Hinata’s shy thanks, Hinata habitually tied his forehead like a scarf in the center of his collar.

“You’re happy, Azabui.”

Sam Yi said expressionlessly.

The implication of the words could not be more obvious.

“No, it’s not, I…”

Azabui suddenly panicked.

Only Terumi showed an expression of being in control of everything, and did not participate in this low-level palace fight at all.

The final victory, ko.no. Terumi!



“The secret letter sent by the big snake pill said that he had decided to attack Luo Sha, and said that he hoped that we could help him.”

After quickly reading the specific contents of the secret letter, Night Moonlight unfolded the letter and handed it back to Ye Cang.

Seeing that her face was really as complicated as expected, the night moonlight went straight in:

“Let’s go together, I see that you don’t want to kill him for a day or two.”

“…… If he dies, Shayin Village is afraid that it will fall into chaos. ”

Out of his old feelings for his hometown, Ye Cang was still a little entangled.

“He is half a pound and eight taels compared to the ape flying sun, and if he doesn’t die, I see that Shayin Village is really dangerous.”

Night Moonlight said contemptuously.

Can come up with a plan for his brother-in-law to assassinate such a genius.

Although there was no formal exchange, he could roughly judge what level of thing Luo Sha was.

Hearing this, Ye Cang also nodded with determination:

“Well, let’s go.”


“Do you want to be a wind shadow?”

On the way to the border of the Land of Wind, the question suddenly thrown by the night moonlight suddenly made Ye Cang dumbfounded, and his footsteps slipped, and he almost fell from the edge of the cliff.

Uchiha Izumi exclaimed, “Hakura-sensei!!”

Night Moonlight reached out and quickly pulled her back, pinched the side of her face fiercely and said:

“Be careful, it’s still as stupid as when I picked you up 6 years ago.”

Ye Cang’s face turned livid with anger, and he retorted in a low voice:

“Also, it’s not that you suddenly said that inexplicable thing.”

“No, I’m serious, I think you are quite suitable as a wind shadow, at least more suitable than Luosha’s second goods.”

Night Moonlight is matter-of-fact.

After all, in the past six years, he has also taken a lot of high-level ninjutsu from the Book of Seals to feed Ye Cang.

The strength has increased by an unknown amount compared to six years ago.

Although I dare not say that I can definitely win me Ai Luo, it is compared to Luo Sha, who barely stepped into the shadow-level door frame.

Night Moonlight concluded that Ye Cang was superior.

Ye Cangbei clenched his teeth and did not answer for a long time.

As a ninja who had been loyal to the village, she certainly yearned for the name “Kage”.


Ye Cang himself didn’t know why, when this opportunity was in front of him.

But he hesitated.



Kawanokuni, located between the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind, does not have a small country with Shinobi Village as its economic source of commerce.

At the same time, it is also the place where the big snake pill and Luo Sha meet each other.

According to the letter of the Great Snake Pill, he let the medicine master lurk in the Shayin Village for a long time, and finally caught the line of Luo Sha.

He expressed his willingness to join forces with Sunain to attack Konoha as the leader of Otohide Village.

In recent years, the Land of Wind has been persecuted by natural disasters for many years, and in order to save costs, the Daimyo of the Land of Wind has repeatedly disarmed the village, causing the military strength of the village to shrink repeatedly.

Luo Sha has long coveted the fat piece of the Fire Nation as an ally.

He also wanted to attack Konoha for a long time.

However, now Konoha is weak, but Sand is even weaker.

As a result, he did not dare to make up his mind.

And when he heard that he was once one of the three Shinobi of Konoha, and now he is the head of a village, Orochimaru is actually willing to join forces with himself to attack Konoha.

This is tantamount to pie in the sky.

Luo Sha almost didn’t say a word, temporarily handing over the affairs of Wind Shadow to his henchman Markey.

With only a few dark people, he rushed to the country of Kawano.

Even the purpose of going out has time to explain clearly to his subordinates in the future.


A few days later.

Luo Sha and several of his trusted secret troops came to a barren mountain in the country of Kawa.

This is where they agreed to meet Orochimaru.

“Lord Kazekage, isn’t it too strange that Orochimaru guy set the meeting place here?”

A Sand Hidden Shadow Shinobu looked around at the surrounding figures, not to mention the human figures, even the animals could not see the two mountains, and couldn’t help but wonder.

“Maybe it’s because the matter to be discussed is too sensitive, so I chose to be in this kind of place where outsiders will not disturb.”

Luo Sha tried to comfort himself in this way.

After receiving the invitation of the alliance of the big snake pill, he was too excited to think too much, and rushed over with only such a few subordinates.

However, Luo Sha is more confident in his strength.

He thought that the strength of the Great Snake Pill alone was simply not enough to kill himself.

“Burning, over-steaming!”

A burning whistling sounded.

Several huge orange fireballs suddenly flew out from the dead corner of the mountain wall next to Luo Sha and the others.

Even if Luo Sha himself brought out the entourage is Shangnin-level.

But this actually came too suddenly.

Five subordinates, in an instant, but people were burned into mummies in screams.

What is this ninjutsu!?

Including Luo Sha, the faces of the remaining three who were still alive suddenly fused.

Larger and faster than the burning attack in memory!

But don’t wait for them to do anything to respond.

The ground under the feet behind suddenly squirmed like a swamp.

A head with a long neck gushed out of the earth, and then the whole body burst out of the dirt.

Like a python that catches its prey, it shoots directly from its mouth like a shuriken.

A sword pierced the throat of a Sand Hidden Shinobu behind Luo Sha’s left!


At this time, another Ku Wu broke the air and flew towards the top of Luo Sha’s right rear, the last Sha Yin Shangnin.

“Hmph! Such an obvious attack! ”

A trace of disdain flashed on Shinobu’s face, and he tilted his head slightly, and easily dodged the flying kunai.

However, when Ku Wu flew past his ears.

He suddenly noticed that there were strange runes painted on the bandage on the grip of Ku Wu.

He didn’t wait to see what was written on it.

A silhouette flashed beside Ku Wu, and the volley pierced his throat.

“Flying Thunder God Slashing Technique!”

Uchiha Izumi whispered.

“Well, that’s too easy, isn’t it? With this level of opponent, you still called me over thousands of miles. ”

Under the flash of light, but blinking.

Night Moonlight was already sitting on the top of that mountain rock, supporting the side of his face with one hand, with a look of disgust.

Ye Cang, on the other hand, slowly walked out from behind the rock.

“Hehe, I’m sorry, Guangjun, I’m a foolproof person.”

Orochimaru pulled out the Kusanagi sword from the Dead Sand Hidden Shinobi Throat.

Not even five seconds passed.

The five upper Shinobi brought out by Luo Sha all died!

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