Several root members who were far away from Uchiha’s station were panting and out of breath at this time.

Fighting against them were a group of Uchiha people.

They were numerous and surrounded the members of their roots.

Although the strength of their root members is all strong, the individual combat ability is excellent.

But if they fight in the open, their best concealment will no longer exist.

Because…… Their opponents are the Uchiha people.

Going head-to-head with the Uchiha family, who has chakra eyes, is an extremely difficult thing.

Although they have all kinds of strange moves, these guys only need to open their eyes and break any tricks.

Being watched by dozens of chakra eyes, they just can’t run away if they want to.

The oil girl Ryoma’s eyes hidden under the sunglasses became extremely serious.

He is not old, but because he is already the best in the family, he will be favored by Tuan Zang to enter the root.

But even so, in this battle, the strength of the oil girl Ryoma is still a little inadequate.

The bug ninjutsu that can be used is nowhere to hide in front of the Sharingan of the Uchiha family, and even if it is a physical skill, it is not comparable to the Uchiha ninja who has the Sharingan.

Not to mention, these people seem to have been prepared, even when fighting, they take care of each other, so that they don’t even have the opportunity to want to sneak attack.

Obviously, as early as the beginning, the Uchiha family had already noticed the “root” part, and had already prepared for it, against them.

But…… The root organization is very secretive, and it is an organization created by Tuan Zang himself to hide himself.

This organization, only the third generation of Hokage is still clear, but it was only created as a training organization for the Dark Ministry by Danzo.

It can be said that even the major families, no one knows the existence of the “root” organization.

So, how did the Uchiha family know in advance and take precautions?

Could it be… In the root, there is an inner ghost?

The oil girl Ryoma looked at the man wearing a ghostly mask beside him with some curiosity.

Reputedly…… Orochimaru had fought together with the patriarch of the Uchiha clan and Hanzo Pepperfish, and he was also considered a comrade-in-arms.

Coupled with the fact that the big snake pill deliberately paddled during the battle just now, he didn’t look like he was working hard at all…

Thinking of this, the more the oil girl Ryoma thought about it, the more wrong it became.

“Please don’t continue to resist, we will hurt each other, it will only be bad for Konoha Village.”

Among the Uchiha ninjas, a middle-aged man who took the lead said to the members of the root.

Especially in the face of the oil girl Ryoma.

As a veteran family in Konoha, the Uchiha family is naturally more familiar.

And this wedding, I heard that the patriarch of the oil girl family did not show up.

But he didn’t expect that the next heir of the oil girl family, the oil girl Ryoma, actually joined the root family.

Almost all the high-ranking members of the Uchiha clan know that such an organization as the root exists.

After all, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan is Uchiha Liuyun, and who is Liuyun? .

He’s a crosser!

Not only the hidden organization of Konoha Village, but also all kinds of things in the Hokage world, he knows everything clearly!

Since he knew that there would be such a day of rebellion sooner or later, Liuyun had already revealed all these news to the high-level henchmen of the Uchiha clan.

This is also why the Uchiha clan knows about the existence of the dark part.

It has also long been known that in this battle, the dark part will definitely wait for the opportunity somewhere, waiting for the battle to start and then dumping out.

Therefore, the Uchiha ninjas have long been prepared, not only have they brought a large number of people to wait for this, but the tactics and everything have been formulated.

Do not desperately, just drag these people.

Casualties in battle are inevitable, but if the purpose is only to trap these people, and in the dark of the enemy.

The Uchiha ninjas didn’t find it difficult.

And the final result is exactly this, after the first sneak attack went smoothly, the Uchiha ninjas have surrounded the members of the dark department layer by layer.

If they want to attack, then the Uchiha ninjas will retreat.

Or take care of each other, see the tricks, and resolve them one by one.

All in all, they completely blocked all the roads that could retreat, just to surround the members of the Dark Division.

As for the frontal battlefield …

The people of the Uchiha clan, the strength of Convection Cloud has simply reached the level of worship.

They didn’t even believe that in this world, who could be stronger than Liuyun.

Danzo can’t do it, and neither can Hokage.

Therefore, they are not worried about any accidents on the patriarch’s side, they just need to do their job well.

The middle-aged ninja obviously knew their purpose, and also knew that the backbone of the root was Danzo.

So, he continued to persuade.

“Our purpose is only to hold you back.”

“In such a long time, presumably the clan elders have already killed Tuan Zang.”

“So everyone, please stop, don’t work for Tuan Zang, Tuan Zang him, most of them are already dead!”

What the!?

After hearing this news, the members of the root sect had expressions full of disbelief.

But because everyone was wearing masks, they couldn’t see their expressions.

In the consciousness they have been instilled since childhood, Danzo is the root of Konoha, their heaven.

So their organization is also called the root organization.

And it is such a root that will be killed by a person less than twenty years old?

Even if this twenty-year-old man is a shadow-level master.

That also… Unlikely, right?

The man wearing a ghostly mask, under the mask, the vicious snake eyes like a poisonous snake flickered slightly.

If anyone would believe that Liuyun could kill Tuan Zang.

Only he would believe it.

After all, he had seen with his own eyes how the pepperfish Hanzo was killed.

What’s more, Tuanzang’s strength is not as good as that of Pepperfish Hango!

Even the pepperfish of the pepperfish will be easily killed by Liuyun, how long can that group of hidden psychic beasts last?

If you can solve the psychic beast first in the battle…

Tuan Zang’s strength will definitely be greatly reduced.

Orochimaru’s eyes widened slightly, and his eyes sparkled.

And if Liuyun’s ability is not only used once…

Or or… He can even use it on humans.

The big snake pill didn’t dare to imagine it anymore.

That kind of ability is too weird.

Although he loved science, after that day, he went home and thought about it for a long time.

In the end, none of them calculated the principle of Liuyun’s ability.

Therefore, only the big snake pill believes.

If nothing else, Tuanzo may really be dead.

So…… He estimated that he would have to find some way back and leave earlier.

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