
For a moment, Vortex Jiu Xinnai was so incoherent that he didn’t know what to say.

Just as Liuyun introduced herself to her, Jiu Xinnai simply felt flattered.

He…… He’s the fourth generation Hokage-sama! Why treat yourself with so much respect?

She is just an ordinary human girl, even if she has some particularity, it is only the nine tails in her body.

Vortex Jiu Xinnai understood very well, but when she noticed Liuyun’s serious and gentle eyes, she couldn’t connect Liuyun there.

This person is not so special to herself because of the Nine Tails in her body.

She didn’t even know how to talk to Liuyun, her cute little face was red, and she couldn’t hold back a word.

However, just as she was thinking about how to reply to Liuyun, Liuyun unexpectedly said something to her.

“Vortex Jiu Xinnai, do you want power?”

“Or rather, it is the power to easily control your own life.”

“No longer have to be bound and supervised, do what you want, live the life you want.”

It seemed that he was infected by Liuyun’s words, and Vortex Jiu Xinnai’s eyes became a little more serious.

Thinking of his own life, he has been subjected to the tragic life of war since he was a child, and when he goes to other countries, he can only be used as a tool to seal the tailed beast.

Even since the beginning of school, it has been under constant surveillance.

Although Sarutobi gave her a new life, she was able to go to school and live like a normal person.

But so what, she was just locked up again in a different way.

How ironic is it that the Vortex family, who has always been good at sealing, is bound as the object of sealing?

But Vortex Jiu Xinnai knew that there was no lunch in vain.

She was able to be included in Konoha Village and become a Konoha ninja only because she was able to seal the particularity of the Nine Tails.

And the four generations of Hokage in front of her, no matter how good her senses were before this.

How impressed.

She also didn’t believe that if she didn’t give anything, she would let the fourth generation of Hokage-sama in front of her teach her great power.

This is simply impossible!

Therefore, Jiu Xinnai said solemnly.

“Shidaime Hokage-sama.”

“What do I have to give?”

Looking at the girl who instantly became serious and stubborn in front of him, Liuyun raised his eyebrows and was slightly startled.

After the baptism of war, the girl in front of her has become more mature in heart than other children of the same age.

There is not enough effort and self-worth to achieve the same results.

Vortex Jiu Xinnai understood this very well, so no matter how gentle and kind Liuyun was in front of her, she would not think that Liuyun was so kind.

This is not something not to trust others, it is nothing more than the principles that this world brings to others, and it is also something that Vortex Jiu Xinnai has learned since elementary school.

If you want to get what you want, you have to pay an equal price.

The qualifications to live and go to school in the village were obtained by paying for her ability to seal the Nine Tails.

And she has to study harder in school to gain the respect of others.

Otherwise, you will only be ridiculed by others.

This is what Vortex Jiu Xinnai has learned.

Her experience is distressing, but helpless.

It can only be said that the miserable people born in this era.

Liuyun deeply understood Vortex Jiu Xinnai’s thoughts, so he didn’t say anything unnecessary to Vortex Jiu Xinnai.

If he refused, it was estimated that Vortex Jiu Xinnai would be even more suspicious of him.

Liuyun paused, and touched his chin with one hand.

As if thinking about something, he said after a moment.

“So be it.”

“I will teach you ninjutsu, and I will provide you with other teachers to teach you strength and more techniques.”

“You just have to study hard over the years, become a good ninja, and follow my orders under me in the future.”

Hearing Liuyun’s words, Vortex Jiu Xinnai was stunned for a moment.

It’s not that I think Liuyun’s request is excessive, but I can’t believe it.

Is the requirement of Liuyun really only so simple?

Teach her ninjutsu and become a good ninja.

The price she paid was simply to be able to obey his orders in the future.

Obey one… Hokage’s order?

This is the behavior that every Konoha ninja should follow.

This was almost equivalent to Liuyun not asking for anything from her at all!

Because, as long as they are not fools, every Konoha ninja should obey Naruto’s orders!

Isn’t disobeying Hokage’s orders an act of rebellion?

Although Vortex Shinna didn’t like the three-generation Hokage very much, after all, it was the three-generation Hokage who gave her the opportunity to live and go to school.

As a Konoha ninja, she will also join the Konoha ninja system in the future and become a ninja on missions.

And as long as you enter the ninja system, you naturally have to obey Naruto’s orders.

“But isn’t that a little unfair to you, Naruto-sama?”

Vortex Jiu Xinnai, who didn’t want to delay Liuyun, was a little anxious, and she hurriedly said to Liuyun.

Seeing this, Liuyun couldn’t help but smile faintly and said casually.

“Then, since Jiu Xinnai, you don’t think it’s fair to me.”

“When that thing in your body is restless, give it to me.”

Buzz –

It was as if a sledgehammer hit Jiu Xinnai’s heart.

At this time, this girl who had experienced the baptism of war and felt the warmth of countless people.

I actually had the urge to cry.

Vortex Jiu Xinnai has experienced the tragedy of war and extermination, has been depressed, sad, and wanted to end because of his lack of confidence in life.

But she survived them one by one, and even when she learned that she would become the pillar force of the nine-tailed people, she did not shed a single tear.

But after Liuyun said this, she didn’t hold back her mood at all.

Two tear tracks crossed Swirling Jiu Xinnai’s aqua-blue eyes.

Even Jiu Xinnai herself didn’t understand why she cried because of this.

Maybe someone finally understood the pain and sadness in her heart, or maybe she finally stopped worrying about the nine tails in her body.

But without exception, all this was brought to her by the man in front of her.

Rhetoric or purposeful.

Vortex Jiu Shinnai, willing to believe the fourth generation of Hokage-sama.

Seeing that Jiu Xinnai suddenly shed two lines of tears, Mikoto, who was standing next to her, was suddenly anxious, and quickly grabbed Jiu Xinnai’s hand.

“Jiu Xinnai, why are you crying?”

“Hmm… Nope. ”

Looking at his best friend, Vortex Jiu Xinnai shook his head.

“I’m just shuriken in my eyes.”

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