People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 116: There Is Nothing That The Hot Pot Witch Can’T Cure (Please Subscribe~)

As Hawkeye and Shanks said when they came here, there is nothing in the world that is more free than hot pot, no matter what kind of hot pot it is, no matter what time it is, it is the same.

Put all the things you want to eat in the boiling soup, and when you see your favorite food slowly boiling, you will feel that your whole body is warmed up.

A few friends gather together, a family gathers together, watching the boiling things in the pot, any suspicion can be temporarily stopped, because this heat is more effective than any words.

Bai Yu said with a smile: "How about this magic, cheese rice cake hot pot~"

Fuji Yumiko smiled and said: "It's perfect, then Mr. Magician, our..."

"I know what you're going to say. Of course the drink is ready, so please use it first. It's Korean-style spicy sauce [not particularly spicy but the taste is enough. "Tu Thirteen" heavy

After speaking, she walked back to the kitchen to get drinks for a few people. Erina swallowed her saliva after taking a look at the hot pot. She had eaten hot pot before, but she hadn't eaten this kind of hot pot before. The ingredients boiled in a red broth with a little orange, and she indicated she was hungry.

Hot pot, hot sauce, cheese, rice cake, cheese, listen, listen to these things that represent calories, listen to these natural enemies of people who lose weight, but I have to say, these are some beautiful names, and they are some of the names that you will associate when you think of them to the name of the screen.

Hot pot has never had so many modifiers. Hot pot is not so much a dish as it is an atmosphere and a lively feeling.

Hot pot has never required you to put any ingredients in the pot or use any dipping sauce. This is the freedom of hot pot and the charm of hot pot.

Ordinary cheese rice cake hot pot, there are no expensive ingredients in it, and there are no troublesome ways to eat, in the boiling soup, luncheon meat slices, sliced ​​fish cakes, shiitake mushrooms

Crab sticks, small sausages, enoki mushrooms and other ingredients are soaked in the soup and lie in a circle against the edge of the pot. It is said that the hot spring of the ingredients is not enough.

As the protagonist, Zhixin Rice Cake quietly occupies a corner of the pot. The only ones who can get close to it are all kinds of balls. In the boiling soup, the balls are like ping pong balls on the fountain. Watching Delicious and fun.

As mentioned above, the charm of each hot pot is different, and the cheese rice cake hot pot also has its own unique charm, for example, after everything is prepared, there is a layer of mozzarella cheese sprinkled on it .

The cheese melts slowly, which makes the original sweet and spicy cheese rice cake hot pot have a taste that is rare in other hot pots. The mellow cheese and the strong taste, I don’t say you will fall in love with it, but you see To the fondue made more beautiful by the melted cheese, you won't hate to look at it.

Whatever you pick up with chopsticks has this strong aroma, you can't resist it, and you can't resist it. Human beings are a race that can't resist high-calorie foods, drinks, fruits, meat, dairy products, etc. , there is no way to resist, there is always a dish that you like but its calories will never be low.

Just like that, after taking the first bite, all the bad feelings will disappear, and keep eating, this is the message conveyed by this lacquer.

Just keep eating like this, don’t care about how you eat, don’t care about other people’s eyes, just eat like this, your taste buds will tell you how correct this move is, whether it’s a cheese rice cake that will bring out shredded cheese in one bite , or the smooth fish cake luncheon meat, your correct taste will tell you that you are eating the right thing.

As you eat, the kimchi, Chinese cabbage, green onions, and onions that are already fully flavored because they serve as the bottom of the pool are slowly showing their faces, but at this time, you don't care what ingredients you get. Because they are all equally delicious.

Just let the scorching heat warm your whole body and sweat a little on your forehead, no one will care, because this is the medal of hot pot.

A sip of ice soda, or a sip of shochu with green plums in your spare time, is delicious!

At this time, the three of Fuji Yumiko's siblings were in such a state. Although Yumiko still ate elegantly, she never put down her chopsticks for a moment.

In this sweet, spicy and scorching heat, Fuji Yumiko felt dizzy even though she was drinking shochu with a low alcohol content, and there was a trace of blush on her face.

Fuji Yuta and Fuji Shusuke didn't say much, they were doing their best to satisfy their stomach and taste buds.

That's it, in this boiling pot, announce the end of the day, joy, regret, uneasiness, irritability, all emotions rise with this fragrant white smoke, pick up your favorite ingredients Take a bite, yes, nothing matters anymore 0..

No matter what the weather is, a meal of hot pot can heal you. This witch with a lot of enthusiasm also has a heart-warming side....

Although Keigo Atobe didn’t want to admit it, he still wanted to say that he was hungry, and he didn’t have as many demands on food as Erina. He had to admit that he was hungry for the boiling hot pot in front of him, because he was hungry, so he is hungry

Huadi doesn't have so many expressions, but she still looks over there from time to time. Erina's side, especially Erina's, is almost drooling. Ever since she came to Bai Yu's place, her appetite has been very good. .

And her God's Tongue has become more refined, the improvement of God's Tongue represents the improvement of her strength, she is now less and less resistant to Bai Yu's cooking, she can even smell the smell and see the cooking You can imagine the taste, and then it got out of hand.

Lucifer smiled when he saw Cerberus looking straight at him. It seems that Bai Yu should cook a hot pot meal sometime, but this looks quite simple, so she should be able to learn it too.

At this moment, the character of the good wife of the Queen of Hell appeared again, but she seemed to overestimate this dish, but she also overestimated herself...

"Yuta, this is for you~"

Fuji Shusuke put the only half egg in the pot into Fuji Yuta's bowl, Fuji Yuta glanced at Fuji Shusuke and said nothing, Fuji Yuta just wanted to be recognized by others , Too much want to prove that he is 5.5, plus this age is rebellious, but this does not mean that he is stupid, nor does it mean that he can't feel anything.

Looking at the pair of brothers, Yumiko Fuji smiled and wiped off the sweat on her forehead, then said with a smile, "I should...ah~ it really is like this~"

Fuji Yuta and Fuji Shusuke looked at the two and a half eggs that appeared in the pot because of Fuji Yumiko's rummaging, and they were slightly taken aback. Fuji Shusuke said with a smile: "As expected of Brother Bai Yu... ..."

"That's right...As expected of Bai Yu~"

At this time, Bai Yu was preparing to bake the pizza, looked at the half-boiled egg in the bowl and said with a smile: "Brothers should be like this~"

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