People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 386 The Situation Of The Demons, Justice Knows (Please Subscribe~)

If I had to use something to describe Pendermonica's mood, then it would be a sentence, as if telling her the feeling of that damn bastard in the sky, God has fallen, because no one would believe it.

The former Archangel of the heavens, the Archangel who is close to God, and the current Queen of Hell, although no one listens to her, her strength and status are beyond doubt. Actually found a partner?! Or a human being?!

Looking at Pandermonica's shocked expression, Lucifer was also a little embarrassed, because there was no need to guess what Pendermonica was thinking about right now...

Pandemonica swallowed her saliva and said, "Boss, this joke is not funny..."

"Do you think I will joke with you? And you think such things can be used as a joke?"

Now that he has said it, there is no need for Lucifer to hide it, Pandemonica said in a deep voice: "If I'm not wrong, Mr. Yuyu seems to be a human being?"

Lucifer nodded and said, "That's right...but what does that matter? I have countless ways to keep him by my side forever!" (Bai Yu: In a sense, not bound by time and life 02 Shackles are also invincible...)

Pandemonica sighed and said, "Boss, you really..."

"I know what you want to say, but I know what I'm doing, not for the game but for real love, Pendermonica, you don't know what kind of feeling it is..."

Pandemonica nodded and said, "I really don't know what it is...but you really shocked me, boss..."

"I can't tell you're shocked, okay?! Your expression hasn't changed!"

"Basic literacy..."

The corners of Lucifer's mouth twitched, and Pandemonica nodded and said, "So now can you tell me what happened to that door before?"

In the following time, Lucifer didn't hide anything, and Pendermonica's expression finally showed some obvious changes. After a long time, she said blankly: "So...boss, do you want a child?"

"Is that the point?! And why did you say that?! Shouldn't you be surprised that the Otherworld exists?!"

"Oh... because you said, boss, that seeing someone else's family come to eat will make you feel, is this restaurant so powerful..."

Lucifer nodded with a reddish face, really, Pendermonica's thinking is really sharp, can she think of so many things just from the sentence just now?

Pandemonica took off her glasses, rubbed her brows and said, "It's really weird...I can't imagine what kind of scene it is..."

"So, now you know~"


"What else do you want to say?"

Pendermonica handed the document to Lucifer and said softly: ' can take a look at this report...

The corner of Lucifer's mouth twitched, and after taking it over, she finally picked up the file again after being absent from work for a long time and looked at it, but she found that she couldn't read it at all!

Lucifer said to Cerberus: "Cerberus!"


"Give me a spell to calm me down!"

After Cerberus nodded and threw the magic in the past, Lucifer slowed down, sat on the edge of the bed, looked at the document in his hand with his bare feet crossed, Lucifer, who was doing things seriously, fully proved that a man is serious about doing something A very handsome thing, and a woman is extraordinarily beautiful.

Pendermonica sat on the sofa at one side and looked at Lucifer's room. Although it was very small for the residence of the underworld, it made Pendermonica feel a different kind of comfort. Waking up from here every day should be a good thing...

Just when Pandemonica was thinking about Bai Yu's unique charm, she heard Lucifer sigh helplessly and said: "Pender..."

"Huh? Boss, what's the matter?"

Lucifer covered his face with one hand and said, "You still don't have a full did you do it..."

The corner of Pendermonica's eyes twitched and she said, '

Lucifer waved his hand and said, "It's nothing serious. After all, it's been so many years, and I still recognize your professional ability..."

"thank you boss"

Lucifer threw the report aside and said lazily: "Okay~ There's nothing else to do, how is the situation in hell recently? Is there any major event?"

Pandemonica thought for a while and said: "Medes is still busy reading the book or the Spider Season. Marina seems to be in a bad mood because of being annoyed by the game recently... Della da... um... She is still the same... Lord Justice went to chat with Lord Judge... Lord Judge is still the same... oh... Azachel's little angel's thesis material still seems to be unqualified..."

Lucifer sighed and said, "It's still the same...but Pendor...what were you doing just now?"

"Ah? I'm talking to Medis and Lord Justice..."

"what did you say...."

"Master Justice asked me to say 290 to her when I found you.... Diss simply asked me if I was going on a date after meeting me and asked me to tell her after I finished my business..."

Lucifer was stunned for a moment and then said blankly: "You won't tell them that I'm in the world!"

Pendermonica nodded and shook her head, Lucifer said nervously, "What the hell are you doing? Did you say anything!"

Pandemonica pushed her glasses and said softly: "I told Lord Justice that you are in the world...but I didn't tell Medes...I only told her that I was in the world and 8..."

Lucifer breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's okay, it's alright.....It's a blessing in misfortune that the words of justice will not be spoken out, Pender! Good job!"

Pandemonica nodded and said, "Thank you boss...but you said your husband is a good cook?"

"Of course! Be honored! My man cooks for you!"

"Huh? I'm looking forward to..."

While Nakiri Mana and the others were doing their own things, in Kasugano Dome's room, Kasugano Dome was lying on the table at this time, and she was doing homework without moving a word. She hadn't gone to school for a long time... This homework is too difficult for her!

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