People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 428: Gu Lei Fia, Discovering The Yakumo Zi Of The New World (Please Subscribe~)

When Kazami Yuka looked at Yakumo Zi who came out of the kitchen, the corner of her mouth twitched, she could guess what happened, it seemed that she had been sanctioned, that dazed look was really interesting.

Yakumo Zi sat down and looked at Kazami Yuka who was still expressionless, the corner of her eyes twitched and said: "Youxiang, did you already know the strength of that Mr. Store Manager?"

Yakumo Zi originally thought that Kazami Yuka would decisively say that she didn't know, but Kazami Yuka nodded her head as a matter of course, and Yakumo Zi sighed and said: "'s really a terrifying power... "

Kazami Yuka frowned and said, "Did you do anything to Bai Yu?"

"No, how could it be? Are we that kind of person? Just now I wanted to cool your scented tea, but I was caught, and short, after various things happened, Mr. Manager gave I have a glass of wine."

Kazami Yuka narrowed her eyes and said, "Chill my scented tea?"

"Um...well, this Mo Gito looks delicious."

As he said that, he drank it on his own, and the cold and refreshing feeling after one sip made Yakumo Zi's eyes light up and said in surprise: "Ah, it's really delicious!"

"177, then you should be quiet."

Now we are looking forward to the chef's cooking!"

Then, just as Kazami Yuka said, Yakumo Zi actually calmed down, drinking wine while looking at the surrounding environment.

Yakumo Zi, who calmed down and didn't want to make trouble, had to say that she was indeed a very beautiful beauty, but it would be too stupid if she wanted to get close to her.

"Huh? It smells so good..."

At this moment, a strong fragrance wafted out, and then saw Bai Yu pushing the dining car out, Kazami Yuka smelled the familiar smell and nodded secretly.

"Then this is Kazami-san's scented tea, peony cake and sunflower cake, salted cherry blossoms in the tea tray."

Kazami Yuka nodded, Yakumo Zi looked at Bai Yu expectantly, Bai Yu smiled and said: "I've been waiting for a while, this is Miss Yakumo, your Steak Wellington is served with asparagus, it's edible, if you drink it This is Lafite, please use it slowly."

Zi Yakumo looked at the steaming Steak Wellington in front of him, looked at the emerald green asparagus, and took a deep breath. The taste was really tempting.

Watching Kazami Yuka skillfully hot the cup and pouring scented tea (acdi), Yakumo Zi also wondered why scented tea was so troublesome, and she had to use scented scented tea to heat the cup, but the next moment the scent of flowers wafted Yakumo Zi was stunned when she came out.

Kazami Yuka took a sip and nodded. It was still mellow and delicious. She opened the lids of the delicate sunflower cake and peony cake and ate them slowly.

Yakumo Zi said that she was attracted by the delicacy of Kazami Yukami's spices. It is so beautiful, and it looks very fragrant and delicious.

But Yakumo Zi quickly came back to his senses, looking at the Wellington steak exuding a completely different fragrance in front of him, Never Zi picks up the knife and fork and cuts off a section gracefully.

Looking at the well-defined layers of Wellington steak on the cut surface, looking at the interlayer sauce sliding down the slightly red texture of the marble-like steak, looking at the puff pastry slightly raised with a knife, eight Yun Zi swallowed her saliva.

The baked steak has a rich taste, the crispy golden meringue, separated by the dark brown ham and mushroom layer, wrapping the pink tender and juicy steak, the color is beautiful and the taste is extremely strong


Whether it is the amazing and creamy taste of the mushroom sauce in the middle, or the tender and juicy steak, or the crispy meringue, all of these come together to form an amazing sense of change in the taste.

Gravy, sauce, heat, these things are mixed together and swept the mouth, it only takes one bite to fall in love with it, Yakumo Zi is like this, after taking a bite, the whole person froze for a moment, she has never eaten such delicious food thing.

She didn't know what was going on, she should continue to eat, but she subconsciously picked up the glass of red wine and brought it to her mouth.

After drinking a sip of red wine, Lafite's top-notch taste combined with the taste and texture of the top-notch Steak Wellington was a great enjoyment. At that moment, they pulled each other and cooperated with each other. There was only one word in my mind: enjoyment.

The ultimate tongue-in-cheek luxury enjoyment is nothing more than that, Yakumo Zi said with a sigh of relief: "Mr. Manager's cuisine is really as incredible as his strength..."

Kazami Yuka said softly: "Yakumo Zi, it's rare for you to say something that I agree with."

Yakumo Zi was stunned for a moment and then said in surprise: "Youxiang, this is the first time you have praised someone."

"Bai Yu is the first human man I admire, that's it, Yakumo Zi, you talk too much."

Yakumo Zi smiled and turned to Bai Yu and said with a smile: "Mr. Manager, this dish is delicious. Now we know why Youxiang comes here every night."

"Thank you for the compliment, you can try cutting a little asparagus and eating it with the steak, the effect will be better."

"Huh? We are looking forward to it."

Facts have proved that Yakumo Zi opened up a new world, and the already very fragrant Steak Wellington suddenly had a touch of freshness, which is really great.

Seeing that the two of them gradually turned into a state of eating and not talking, Bai Yu breathed a sigh of relief, always feeling that the two of them would fight at any time when eating at the same table, Yu Yu said lazily: "It seems that Tony Busy again."

Lucifer sighed and said, "Tony knows what it would be like without Potts."

Bai Yu thought for a while and said: "Tony and Potts are like one person, with different management directions. Potts is probably the most suitable for Tony."

"I agree with this point. By the way, Estes said that he will come over after a while, and said that he wants to catch two dangerous species for you to use as ingredients."

Bai Yu nodded and said: "That's a good idea, but it's been a long time since Asachel has come. I still want to go there to see Lucifer, and there are a bunch of artifacts, it's absolutely great!"

"You just want to collect and play..."

"I'm going to die if I don't understand that well! But it's true that there is no one in their world... Could something serious happen?"


At this time, a beautiful silver-haired woman wearing a combat uniform frowned when she heard the shouts outside the room, and the next moment she saw a maid come in and said softly: "Miss Gule Fia, fighting broke out on the front line again. "


The maid stepped out with a weapon in her hand, and Gulei Fia looked at the ground and said with a sigh of relief: "The endless war... When will it end?

As he said that, he walked out, and the silver-haired Annihilation Ji, whose reputation was proportional to his reputation among the old devil king faction and the reformist faction, came to the battlefield again.

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