People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 599 Senzaemon: Mana Is Entrusted To You (Please Subscribe~)

At this time, everyone in Tōtsuki’s auditorium is gathering in a leisurely manner. As I said before, chef is a profession that tests physical and mental strength, so students also need sufficient rest, so Tōtsuki’s class time Much later than normal school hours.

At this time, the students in the auditorium came here after washing up and eating, and they came here if they were bored. They continued to clean up the unpacked ones, and continued to eat the unfinished ones. Some students were very anxious and some students were looking forward to it.

For some students, this is a torture-like test, but for some students, this is completely a vacation, but some people can clearly regard it as a vacation, but they are extraordinarily nervous.

Erina walked up and down the room at this time, walked over, walked over, walked over, Hisako also had a look of panic on her face, the two of them were almost dying of tension now.

Alice looked at Erina walking back and forth indifferently, and then sighed after a long time and said, "Erina, are you ADHD? Be quiet for a while!"

Erina said with a look of horror: "Do you know what day it is today?!"

"Isn't it just a field study...why are you so nervous..."

Erina rolled her eyes and said, "You know you're still so calm?! Are you crazy or am I?!"

Alice said decisively: "You don't need to guess, Erina, be confident, don't take me with you."

"Idiot! This is Bai Yu's store! Do you understand it! Are you crazy so calm-?! Huh?!"

Alice puffed her face and said: "Don't talk about your hands! Stupid Erina! It's because it's manager Bai Yu's shop so it's easy! There are not many customers! And the cooking level of manager Bai Yu is so high that he doesn't use it during the day. Work, are you still nervous?!"

Erina rolled her eyes and said, "You're here for the assessment! You're not on vacation, understand?! Do you know what that means?! You have to go into the kitchen! Even if it's not your turn to cook, the basics of cutting vegetables are still available. You may be asked to do it! You know the strength of the store manager Bai Yu, are you going to make a fool of yourself?!"

Alice was dumbfounded when she said this, and said blankly: "Really...Really?"

Erina rolled her eyes and said, "That's right! If store manager Bai Yu is out to deliver food and asks us to make a snack or salad, or suddenly thinks of an idea for us to cook a dish for customers, store manager Bai Yu Most of the customers are repeat customers, have you thought about the consequences?"

Alice also became nervous at this moment, and Hisako said with a sigh of relief: "The matter has come to this point, there is no other way, and now there is no time to think so much."

Erina breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "Our store is going to store manager Bai Yu's store, so there is no need to hold mobilization and presentation meetings, so now we still have plenty of time to adjust, the store does not need to be open during the day, we There's still time to practice and adapt."

Alice nodded, and felt that Erina was a bit reliable, so she decided to comfort Erina properly when she saw Nakiri Mana crying, and stop laughing at her.

The little Lin Longdan on the other side was finally pulled up by Akane Kubotamo, with a face of reluctance, after washing and applying a mask, he began to eat. Akane Kubotamo sighed and said: "Lentan cotton, why are you still eating?" Have you put on a mask?"

"Because I want to make a good impression on Bai Yu... Haah, I'm so sleepy..."

"What did you do last night?"

"Last night? Last night I was.......uh...ah! Last night I was video chatting with my friends, didn't you see it, Xiao Taozi?"

"That Estes?"


"You talked all night?!"

Little Lin Long waved his hands boldly and said: "That's impossible, she has a jet lag, and then she played games with Cerberus and the others... She was so sleepy..."

"Gentian cotton! Face! The face is about to fall into the bowl!"

The auditorium was also extremely lively. Eishi Tsukasa scratched his head and said, "Mr. Kobayashi and the others don't seem to be coming here. Where are you going to study?"

After everyone talked for a while, Eishi Tsukasa nodded, and Hisaga Teruki smiled and said, "Hey, Senior Secretary, where are you going to study?"

"I'm going to ... SHINOS, Shinomiya-senpai's store to study on the spot. It just so happens that I also study French cuisine, and he agreed."

0...asking for flowers...

Jiuga Zhaoji smiled and said: "Oh! That's really amazing! WGO moved here, if it was built earlier, I could go to the Chinese restaurant under WGO this time, but it's a pity that it wasn't built, hey, who wants it? To the WGO?"

Few of the crowd raised their hands, so I thought about it for a while and said: "I want to be certified as a WGO chef and open a Sichuan restaurant!"

Everyone rolled their eyes and didn't say anything. As they were talking, they saw Nakiri Senzaemon walking over. He was very happy last night, but this morning he became worried, because Erina might be hit hard this time. so big....


However, he believed that Bai Yu and his girlfriends plus Nakiri Mana would be fine. After Nakiri Senzaemon talked about the precautions for this time, he let the students go back and prepare to go, except for the Elite Ten. , are required to arrive before lunch.

Everyone ran away without a trace, Nakiri Senzaemon said softly: "I hope this time I can stabilize Erina, otherwise.․․Huh? Who called the old man? Huh?! Bai Yu?"

Senzaemon answered the phone quickly. After hearing Bai Yu's words, Nakiri Senzaemon nodded repeatedly, and finally said with a smile: "Okay, I just let them wait, just say there is a special car, right? You are really bad boy." .”

"Okay! No wonder you can get so many good girls, how about Mana?"

"Okay, okay! Tell her to let her drink less, and the old man will entrust Mana to you with confidence! Hahaha!"

"Okay! The old man is busy! Just come in when you come, and the old man will arrange it for you!"

Nakiri Senzaemon, who put down the phone, smiled and said in a deep voice, "Mana, you really have to seize the opportunity! Hahahaha!"

Bai Yu on the other side of the phone had a puzzled look on his face, entrusting Nakiri Mana to himself, why do you feel that this sentence is so ambiguous? It’s so strange...

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