People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 628 The Blue Diamond In The Fish, The Ingredient More Expensive Than Gold (For Subscription~

After Bai Yu told Alice about the shortcomings just now, he didn't say anything. Basically, he praised too much, and Alice was relieved.

Nakiri Mana said with a smile: "Alice did a good job, but she is not very skilled, and she will improve in the future. 1"

"Yeah! Thank you, Aunt Mana!"

Erina also breathed a sigh of relief. Just now she was afraid that Alice would have a problem. Fortunately, Alice has not lost the chain at the critical moment.

On the other side, Kyoko Yuki and the others were about to start. Kyoko Yuki swallowed her saliva as she looked at the pieces of bluefin tuna, which were bright red and beautiful like jewels.

He took the wasabi and soy sauce on the side and poured it, and Asuna did the same. Asuna said with some expectation: "Mom, do you want to squeeze the lemon on it?"

Yuki Kyoko nodded, and Asuna couldn't wait to squeeze in, the already beautiful sashimi looked even more delicious at this time.

Tuna sashimi is already an aristocrat in sashimi, but bluefin tuna is even more important, because tuna itself is a magical creature.

Tuna needs to swim continuously from the moment it is born, otherwise it will suffocate and die, while bluefin tuna generally lives in the deep sea, with a body length of about 3 meters, and a common bluefin tuna weighs about 150 kilograms. The weight can reach more than 600 kg.

Generally, most tuna fishing boats catch about 150 kg, and those over 200 kg are considered good harvests. The largest tuna on record weighs 679 kg.

Bluefin tuna is the largest species in the tuna family. Its meat is delicate, rich in oil, light red in color, excellent in taste, and very expensive. It is also the most popular gourmet fish in Japan, and its catch is less than the total catch of tuna in the world. 1% of the volume, mainly used to make high-grade sashimi [its market is all in Dongying.

It can be said that it is too rare. The most expensive bluefin tuna has been auctioned for tens of millions, which is hundreds of millions of yen. This shows how precious this thing is.

The cold and deep waters make bluefin tuna delicious, and the high fat content of the meat makes it have an excellent taste. Therefore, bluefin tuna is also known as "the blue diamond among fish" and "the king of sashimi".

That is to say, when you eat bluefin tuna, you can't simply treat it as ordinary sashimi, but treat it as sapphire, (acdd) you will know what you are eating.

Tenshen refers to a piece of lean meat on the body of tuna, that is, the back meat. In tuna, the part close to the spine is called Tianshen. The fish here has a tender taste similar to beef tenderloin, and every bite is full of strength. Juicy yet extremely soft.

Medium fat means that the middle belly is distributed on both the abdomen and the back of the tuna. It is a fusion of fat, moist and luscious fat and naked, bright and slightly sour red meat, so it has a flavor and texture between the two. The fat content is high, so the meat is also very soft and delicious.

Among them, the most delicious is the big fat, that is, the big belly. This part has an alias called "Tianwu", which means that this is the most delicious part of the fish.

Dafei is generally divided into two types according to the shape of fat distribution, frost drop and snake belly.

Frost is similar to Frost Beef in Wagyu. It has a fine-grained texture like frost, and the fat is perfectly and evenly blended in the fish, making the meat soft and plump.

The snake belly is similar to salmon, which is composed of layers of fat and pink fish meat. However, because this part of wild tuna moves relatively more, the taste of snake belly is usually harder, with thick tendons like sirloin.

It can be said that every bite of the meat in this place is a kind of enjoyment in the mouth, a fat but not greasy, soft and plump feeling, this is a kind of joy that makes the teeth happy, "I can't wait to roll my tongue and swallow it together wonderful taste.

The firm body and different distribution of fat, each part can bring a similar but completely different feeling of enjoyment, after being chilled, it will be a little colder and smoother, and the fragrance of the fat is also similar to that of lemon juice Together, the more you chew, the more fragrant you will be.

The spiciness of wasabi, together with the freshness of wasabi and soy sauce, puts a large piece of fat and attractive sashimi in the mouth, no matter which part it is, it is a kind of satisfaction and a kind of enjoyment.

With the cold feeling and this taste and texture, Kyoko Yuki breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It is indeed bluefin tuna, that's right, this big fat can only be felt on bluefin tuna."

Asuna also breathed a sigh of relief and said: "The taste is so good, it is indeed a blue diamond among fishes."

Yuki Kyoko nodded, picked up the Kanti on the side, shook it, and then took a sip. The smell of oak, Pinot Noir, and a little bit of tobacco and other things, Yuki Kyoko Shu Take a breath.

Eating bluefin tuna, drinking Conti, and chateaubriand steak in front of her, it was a very luxurious meal no matter what, Yuki Kyoko was ready to spend a lot of money, but she didn't think this delicious dish No loss, you get what you pay for, it's not unreasonable that these things are expensive, and she can't afford them.

As I said before, I didn’t buy a whole fish anyway, no matter how expensive it is, it wouldn’t be so outrageously expensive. Other than this, the rest of the dishes were nothing.

"Asuna, do you often come here for breakfast?"

"Well, dumplings, sandwiches, orange juice and so on... But generally, there is no chance to stay in the store to eat because I have to go to school."

Yuki Kyoko nodded, and said with some doubts: "Do you have enough money?"

"It's enough. The food of the manager Bai Yu is very delicious and the price is very low. It's so low that I can't believe it when I come here for the first time."

"Huh? How cheap?"

"I don't remember... I have been here many times, Mom, you will be very surprised when you pay the bill.

Kyoko Yuki said softly: "Of course I know, because this table of food is not cheap."

"No, what I mean is that the price of this table of dishes will definitely surprise you."

"Huh? Forget low can you be? Eat quickly. How did you do in the midterm exam?"

"It's still the same. Except for the points that must be deducted, I got it. There is nothing wrong."

Kyoko Yuki nodded, thinking about it for a while, she didn't know where her thoughts went. Asuna only felt that her mother was very strange today, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

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