People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 703 Learning From Medis, Lucifer's Thoughts (Seeking Subscription~)

Until the end, the boss sent them away with a smile. He sent these people away with a few dolls. Rantabi gave them all the record-breaking big bear dolls and the like. A little girl.

One person only took a small doll that Nami caught. In Rantabi's words, they came to experience the feeling of breaking the record, not to get prizes, and they were not very interested.

So the last few little girls went back with a bunch of dolls in their arms. Those who didn’t know thought they were going to buy some. The boss was so happy. There are only a few dolls. Although the record-breaking dolls are quite expensive, they have skyrocketed compared to It is too insignificant for the turnover, and here is also a skyrocketing day, and it will be like this for a period of time to come.

"Nami, you are so lucky, we can't even catch you!"

Nami scratched her head with a doll and said, "I don't know, maybe it's just luck.

Rantabi waved his hand and said: "It's luck! Generally speaking, such machines have made some small tricks, just to let players put all the game coins into it. "Nami, you failed three times! This Good luck too!"

Zheng Zheng was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a displeased face: "What?! Hey! Seriously?! Did they cheat on a little 973?! They deceived a person with bad eyes like this?! Too much! This world is too dark! "

Kasuga Yeqiong sighed and said: "Miss should learn to accept such tricks played by merchants."

"For example? Where else will you cheat people?"

Rantabi thought for a while and said: "For example, in shooting games, generally speaking, there will be tricks on the gun, or some small tricks on the circle of the hoop game, and there are other things like scratching prizes. .”

Zheng Zheng sighed and said, "Sure enough, this world is still too dark, and there should be more sincerity."

Kasuga Yeqiong said in a low voice: "Actually, Sister Zhengyi... I still find it amazing that you are so innocent."

"Riwen, the only thing I don't want to be called innocent by you..."

Riven was taken aback, pointed at herself and said, "Am I still innocent?"

"That's right!"

Seeing everyone's decisive appearance, Riven no longer had the idea to refute, and was forced to accept that she was a simple existence, although in her mind she was still a very smart existence.

Rantabi suddenly sighed and said, "Suddenly I'm curious about where did Gendan go on a date with Bai Yu?"

Zhengyi smiled and said, "Hey! Rantabi! You don't really think that Gendan is going on a date!"

"Huh? Isn't it?"

Righteousness put one hand around Rantabi's neck and whispered something, then saw Bantabi blushing and said: "...Really?

"Believe me, yes, I'm pretty good where I don't need to use my eyes."

Rantabi whispered: "This is too outrageous, so they are in the store now?"

Justice nodded and said: "Sure, hey, Rantabi, you have some thoughts in your eyes.

"I...I didn't."



The WGO people on the other side also walked towards the store, but Crouch and Dekla were discussing something quietly at the end, and Ichihara Yuko was talking to Lucifer.

Pendermonica said suspiciously: "Metis, what are you looking at? Why do you nod your head from time to time but still look blank?"

Medis put down the book in his hand and said with emotion: "I just want to say that he is worthy of being my man. The books he read are so cultivated!"

"Huh? What are you looking at...Huh? The ancient text of the Celestial Dynasty...Can you understand it?"

Everyone looked over at Pendermonica's words (acbb), and Ann said in surprise, "Medes, you can understand it? You're too good!"

Ichihara Yuko also looked at it and said in surprise: "The literary quality is very strong, and Medis has made great progress!"

Medis shook his head and said: "I don't quite understand it, but there is a translation below, and then I feel that it is a very powerful story with strong morals, so...he is indeed my man."

Lucifer said with some doubts: "Does Bai Yu still read books like this? He seems to be very mixed"

"Hmm... I remember... comics, novels, light novels, collections of essays, poems, professional books, etc. Bai Yu is really amazing, as expected, I still have a servant."

Crouch sighed and said, "Bai Yu is really a different existence from the men outside... Eh? Master Mana, have you ever studied the poetry of the Celestial Dynasty?"

Nakiri Mana thought for a while and nodded and said: "I have seen it, but I don't remember it very much. I feel that it is quite complicated. There are some poems and songs, Tang poems, Song lyrics, Yuan operas... Generally speaking, I am very happy. Headache."

An thought for a while and said: "I remember that the structure of words is different from that of poetry...I feel that the kind of poet who writes casually and handed down classics is really amazing."

Everyone nodded, and Medis whispered: "Many poems are used to express love, even without translation, you can understand a little bit, it feels very romantic, if Bai Yu said that to me... . . . and I will die happily!"

Yuko Ichihara nodded and said: "That's right, it is very romantic to use poetry to express your love. Some poems are very emotional if you don't understand them. If Yu Yu can use poetry to express your love... that would be great.

Everyone was taken aback, Lucifer smirked and said, "Hey, why don't you go back and test Bai Yu's ability to memorize poems and songs..."

Before Metis could react, Yuko Ichihara did, and said with a smile, "As expected of Lucifer! Huh? You didn't even realize it?"

Pendermonica also nodded in amazement, and Crouch thought for a while and said, "Lucifer! Your idea is great! Bai Yu definitely remembers it! But how do you get Bai Yu to recite love poems?"

Lucifer thought for a while and said with a smile: "This question... Isn't the book in Diess's hand the best excuse... Yuko, you cooperate with me."

"no problem!"

PS: Every event is not useless.

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