People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 796 Rui Mengmeng's Doll, The Restless Otherworld (Please Subscribe~)

Nami is very calm throughout the whole process. Like Shiranui, if you like it, you like it. If you are touched, you just want to find the answer. If you have been confused, you may have been solved by others when you really find it. I dare not understand

While waiting for dinner, Nami also specifically talked about the leather case Bai Yu bought for herself. When Zhengyi was teasing Nami, Nami said calmly: "Bai Yu is very good, and he is very considerate and careful. Bisuo It's much better to be rash like Ron and the others!"

"Just like what Yuko said before, some people are only suitable for being friends, and some people are suitable for being lovers, so it's normal for me to like Bai Yu! Besides, I just like it a little bit!"

Hearing Nami's words, Lucifer and the others applauded in a daze, good guy, you are indeed a pirate, you really dare to love and hate.

Nami looked at Bai Yu and said with a smile: "I really like it, but it will take a long time, so I'll just be sure! Bai Yu can't run away!"

Little Lin Long waved his hands boldly and said, "Bai Yu won't leave, eh? I suddenly remembered something."

Bai Yu asked suspiciously: "Huh? What's the matter?"

Little Lin Long boldly said: "I can't tell you about this, it's our topic! In life, you take care of the big things, and you just take responsibility for the small things and just live."

Bai Yu was stunned and said helplessly: "Suddenly, I feel like that guy is living very freely when I first met him."

It’s okay not to mention Chujianquan, but when I mention Chujianquan, Lucifer and the others are so angry that their teeth itch, Ichihara Yuko narrowed his eyes and said: "That guy Chujianquan! I really need to deal with it!"

Everyone nodded, and Bai Yu sighed and said, "When I first met him, he was actually not bad, but he seemed a bit unscrupulous...It's quite a contrast to those who insist on technology in private."

Lucifer said suspiciously: "Lei An is a lunatic on stage, or a lunatic offstage, it doesn't matter. Doctor Ying is a weirdo on stage, or a weirdo offstage, it doesn't matter, it's just a little normal. When I first saw him on stage, he was an unscrupulous uncle. The audience is even more outrageous! So where is the contrast you are talking about?"

Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "For example...Gaolang likes shopping and researching cooking in private, and he also likes singing by the way."


"For example, Xiaoyu, privately, he would blush when he sees senior girls or other women who are older than him, and he can't speak well."

"Huh?!" xn

"Another example..."

After Bai Yu said a few words, everyone was stunned, and Lantabi said blankly: "Suddenly I feel that fighters are a group of very good guys...except for that note!"

"I agree!"xn

Lucifer asked suspiciously, "Huh? What happened to that note?"

"I don't know what to do after the injury is healed, but he can't run away. Garuda, Feng Shui, and Shea Xiang are very dissatisfied, and many fighters are also very dissatisfied with him. I think it will be more miserable."

Lucifer nodded and said, "Such scum should be shot to death! Justice! You should enforce justice!"

"I can't even see how he enforces justice, but I am also very dissatisfied with his behavior! Who gave him the power to decide good and evil by himself!"

After watching it for a while, Bai Yu said softly: "It really is justice, it is really reliable, by the way, what did you guys do this afternoon? Mengmeng seems very happy

Kasuga Yeqiong sighed and said: "This question..... Sister Mengmeng didn't know what to think, but she was very interested in a little rabbit doll holding a carrot in a gashapon machine, and then went to play gashapon It's time."

Riven scratched her head and said, "It just feels cute...but I pulled it out for the fourth time!"

Kasuga Nokome said angrily: "You still say it... I convinced you... The happy look when I pulled it out was a bit too much."

Lucifer said with a smile: "You are a bunny girl and you have a sequelae."

"It's okay... no... no! Who likes to play a bunny girl!"

Ichihara Yuko sighed and said: "I know you are Moe Moe, so I don't need to be Tsundere anymore."

"I didn't!"


Seeing how everyone was coping, Riwen just gritted her teeth and bowed her head to eat, she just thought that doll was cute, didn't she think of herself!

Thanks to Lucifer and the others, Kasugano Dome can play and eat at home, but the homework is strictly controlled. Even Rantabi will come to check the homework occasionally, and there have been several weekend nights to make up for homework. .

Lucifer and the others directly gave her a death order to start homework on Friday night, and the unfinished work on Saturday should not be postponed until the early hours of the weekend to finish.

It is precisely because of this, as well as Claki and the others giving lectures to themselves, Kasuga Nokome can be said to have no homework for the entire Saturday and Sunday, that is, he ran upstairs to play games after eating.

Nami and the others also went to do their own things, even Yuko Ichihara went to smoke, of course, she smoked secretly, she just remembered today after so many days.

Ichihara Yuko lay on the deck chair on the balcony and said lazily: "The clothes are almost ready...It seems that I really don't have any idea of ​​smoking. This method is quite effective."

"Of course it works."

"Uh 470.... Erina! It's you again?!"

Erina also said a little awkwardly: "Uh... To be honest, I also think it's amazing, I just remembered that my water glass is on the balcony

Ichihara Yuko took a look, sighed at the corner of her mouth and said, "Forget it, I'm used to it, but this method really works! This is the first time I've smoked a cigarette these days!"

"That's really amazing..."

"But what to do with the clothes when they're done? Any suggestions?"


"Huh?! What a great idea! Sure enough, Erina is a very smart kid!"

Erina felt a little helpless when she saw Yuko Ichihara smoking and chatting in front of her without hesitation. Erina felt that she would be discovered sooner or later.

While these two were chatting, other worlds were also extremely lively. For example, the red-haired little girl standing in front of Tsunade's house with sad eyes written all over her eyes, and the pink-haired girl who watched the explosion news of the building. Girl, for example... Uh... this big monster who is still lying in bed can't be counted...

By the way, there is another empty nester who is about to be chased by Albedo to ask when he can go to Bai Yu's shop, who is almost autistic...

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