People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 807 Two Diaries, The Terrified Amano Xuehui (Please Subscribe~)

Looking at a table of delicious food, the tempting aroma was no worse than restaurant food, but Amano Xuehui felt a little complicated at this time.

You have to know that I can't look at my phone right now, because if my wife Yuno sees me picking up the phone, if she becomes vigilant, wouldn't it be bad?

When I was thinking about it, my wife Yuno turned around and ran to the side, carrying a big box, Amano Xuehui was also stunned, and said suspiciously: "My wife, classmate, what are you doing with this big box during dinner?"

"Because the game is almost over now! I won't attack Amano-san! So these things won't be used anymore. These are the weapons I collected from various places before.

Amano Xuehui was taken aback, looking at my wife Yuno with a firm face, Amano Xuehui also hesitated for a moment, would such a girl really poison herself to become a god? You must know that if she does not die, these weapons are the last The gun way.

My wife Yuno smiled and said: "What kind of pistol, the previous submachine gun, the fire ax and so on are all here, Amano-san will deal with it during this time. "I am clumsy and have a lot of problems."

"it is good.……"

Amano Xuehui wanted to say what he would like to do about the survival game, but seeing my wife Yuno's happy look, he still didn't ask.

"Amano-san! Amano-san!"

"Huh? What's the matter?"

My wife Yuno puffed her face and said, "Amano-san, are you really stuck in the supermarket by the aunts? It feels like you are going on a date with a girl!"

Amano Xuehui quickly said: "Really not! I was really stuck in the supermarket!"

"Pfft... Amano-san is really cute. I'm not teasing you. I asked you to eat just now, but you didn't respond at all. Isn't it delicious? I think it's okay.

My wife Yuno ate a bite by herself as she spoke, which stunned Amano Xuehui even more. She ate so actively, and she was really happy, and this tone of voice didn't sound like a lie at all.

Amano Xuehui was in a mess, but what he didn't notice was that there was a trace of smile in my wife Yuno's eyes, the kind of smile that the prey took the bait.

"Amano-san! You are so weird today`!"

"Ah! Maybe it's because I feel that life during this period is like a dream, so I feel a little bit at a loss... Mmm! As expected of my wife's classmate, it's delicious!"

"Really?! Hee hee.... I should eat more that day, classmate Ye. I'm just hungry too. Try to eat it all at once, or the second meal won't taste good!"


"Then I won't be polite!"

My wife Yuno ate it on her own as she said that, and from time to time she would show a smile on her face because she had eaten delicious food.

Amano Xuehui is also sure, there is absolutely no poison in the dish, thinking of this, Amano Xuehui also started to eat, the corner of my wife Yuno's mouth twitched for this dazed effect...

After drinking and eating, Amano Xuehui was also stunned, because he didn't see the drink from the beginning to the end. Instead, my wife Yuno poured a cup of tea for herself. Amano Xuehui squinted his eyes. I poured a cup of tea over my rice bowl and drank a sip. A teapot can't be poisoned, so it's a teacup.

My wife Yuno said with a smile: "Really, Amano-san, how can you drink tea from a bowl like you?"

"I'm choking!"

"Pfft... is it that delicious?"

"Of course! It's better than restaurants!"

"Really?! Then I will make it for Amano-san in the future!"

Amano Xuehui's heart trembled, he swore that he was really shaken, but in this current state, this attention-grabbing DEATH really made people have to pay attention.

"Then I'll wash the dishes first, let's go out for a stroll tomorrow morning!"

Amano Xuehui looked at me and my wife Yuno was about to say something after he left, when he saw my wife Yuno running over, lying at the door and said softly: "Amano-san, you live in the room before me, I haven't cleaned up your room yet Well, I’ll just stay in that room at night.”


"Amano-san, you shouldn't rummage through girls' things and do weird things..."

Looking at my wife Yuno's playful eyes, Amano Xuehui immediately blushed, even if he performed very well in this survival game, and he took decisive shots, it is already very impressive to take my wife Yuno to deal with the remaining ten people Great talent.

But this does not mean that this is something that a young boy at this age who has never been in a relationship can solve. He broke his defense on the spot and said quickly: "No!"

"Pfft...Amano-san is so cute... just kidding, I packed it up a long time ago, that is, I bought some skin care products when I was shopping for ingredients before one o'clock.

Just put Amano-san over there. "

"`"My wife is a classmate!"

My wife Yuno smiled, turned around and left, Amano Xuehui never believed that my wife Yuno would poison him, Amano Xuehui immediately took out the diary and read it.

"At 18:20, my wife Yuno picks up vegetables for Yuki Amano..."

"At 18:40, my wife choked and drank...

"At 23:20, Amano Xuehui died of poison..."


Amano Xuehui's pupils shrank suddenly, he read all the diary information carefully, but he didn't see any news about himself taking poison, so how did he get poisoned?!

"Isn't it my wife's classmate... Wait... this is my wife's classmate's mobile phone?! My wife's classmate actually trusts me so much?! I...I still doubt her so much?!"

Amano Xuehui immediately fell into a state of self-blame, but soon Amano Xuehui thought of something and said in a deep voice: "No...not right..."

Amano Xuehui immediately took out his mobile phone and looked at the news, but Amano Xuehui quickly felt a tingling sensation in his scalp, because my wife Yuno did buy vegetables, but she didn't buy skin care products!

And the last time I bought skin care products was a month ago! If you put it this way.......What is in my wife Yuno's skin care product bag? Pull it out!

My wife Yuno, who was washing the dishes at this time, raised her mouth, took out a mobile phone from her pocket, glanced at it and said with a smile, "Amano-san is really thoughtful, but sometimes it's better to be stupid~"

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