People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 817 The Inheritance Is Over, Yakumo Zi's Marriage Lottery (For Subscription~)

At this time, Yakumo Zi was going crazy sitting on the chair. When she was talking to Kazami Yuka today, she still looked like a professional tractor driver and a master, but after a while...

"Ah! What to do! What to do! We have a date tomorrow! What to do!"

Yakumo Lan just watched silently and didn't speak, but she was really about to laugh out loud! This is so interesting! She wants to pray now and ask for a marriage lottery for her Master Zi, Hurry up and get married! Or she will die of exhaustion!

Although Zi Yakumo said that, she still took the cosmetics out of the gap and put on makeup silently, but after painting, she wiped off and painted again, and after painting, wiped off and painted again

Although Yakumo Zi said that she was going to deal with it, something had happened, and she probably couldn't run away. She still chose to admit it. Compared with being blacklisted and dropped on a tree later, she might as well be picked up by her hand and then thrown into a tree. Hanging on a tree, at least she can get something!

And Yakumo Zi didn't know what was going on, she had never put on makeup so seriously, and the most important thing was that she didn't feel disgusted, but instead had a feeling of anticipation and nervousness.

"We're just dating someone for the first time, eh! That's it!"

"Ah! What should I do! Is it so difficult to draw eyeliner?! Is it difficult to get along with our big monster who is in the realm of monsters and sages?!"

This is what Lan heard before leaving, Yakumo Lan almost didn't laugh out loud at that time, Yakumo Lan suddenly thought of something and said to Reimu: "Reimu, what can your Hakurei Shrine pray for?"

"Huh? Of course you can pray for anything at the shrine... Maybe it's like this..."

"I want to pray!"

"Oh...huh?! Wait! You want to make a wish?!"

Yakumo Lan nodded firmly, and Reimu immediately changed his face, stood up with a smile and said, "Miss Yakumo Lan! Please follow me!"


"Would you like me to help you put on your shoes?"

" need!"

"Okay! This way please!"

After the two left, Remilia said helplessly, "Hakurei's priestess is really not simple..."

"Hmm...." x4

In the shrine on the other side...

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Then you just shake or draw the lottery you want, you can't use your ability!"

"Okay... um... pulled it out..."

Reimu also came over to take a look and was stunned. A red Daji made both Reimu and Yakumo Lan stunned. Reimu smiled and said: "It seems that Zi's marriage is going well! Daji! Very lucky! If you draw less marriage, you can get a good fortune! It's all about Pingji and more... Eh? Is this a clipped one?"

Yakumo Lan opened it and took a look. His pupils shrank and Reimu also said blankly: "So, do you want to celebrate that Zi is getting married? Another good luck?! The one who came out with Daji is still Daji?!"

Yakumo Lan directly bowed and said with a smile: "Great! Great! Reimu!"

"Ah....It's the first time I've seen such a situation...I'm looking for the signature with the corresponding number...Wow! Everything is very good! Blue! Is it because you are lucky or for real so smart?"

"Ho Yuichi must be really effective... Reimu! Give me another Katsura horse!"

"Okay! What do you want to write?"

"Well... hope tomorrow goes well..."

Yakumolan handed it over to Reimu after finishing writing, and after Lingmeng hung it up, he walked back, Yakumolan directly put three pieces of one yuan into the offering box.

Reimu looked directly at Yakumo Lan with bright eyes and said, "Boss is big! All wishes come true! All the best!"

"thanks, thanks!"

When the two came back, Yakumo Zi hadn't come yet, and Horai Kaguya looked at Yakumo Lan with a smile on his face and Reimu who was very respectful and said with doubts: "What did you pray for? Could it be Orange study?"

"No, no, it's marriage..."

"Ah, I kept everyone waiting for a long time! Lan, what marriage? Marriage what?"【

"It's nothing but music, I hope I can have more musical talent! After all, Ah Li's singing and dancing are very good, looking at me is very enviable..."

Yakumo Zi nodded, Yayi Yonglin smiled and said: "Yakumo Zi...your makeup...doesn't look like a makeup for talking about things..."

Yakumo Zi blushed and coughed lightly, "We just think this is a big deal and we can't be so hasty, right! Blue!"

"Ah? Ah! That's right! Master Zi is very serious!"

Everyone is looking at you and say, look at our expression of believe it or not, Yayi Yonglin said softly: "`" Yakumo Zi, it's time to go now, it's not alone anymore. "

"Ah, Eirin, are you also looking forward to it?"

"I don't deny that, besides... you can't eat mandarin oranges and senbei all the time, can you?"

"Ah?! All my oranges have been eaten?! You are devils!"

Penglai Shan Huiye coughed lightly and said: "It's kind of like a tea party, so it's more or less like can understand..."

"I...will put a bowl of cold water for each of you next time! Marisa! What are you eating?"

"Ah? Orange, it's the last piece of a delicious orange, do you want to eat it?"

"I...I don't eat!"

Yakumo Zi said angrily: "It's just a few oranges. Anyway, you plan to eat it all in one sitting. When you get there, you can order a plate of fruit salad first. It's much better than eating oranges alone."

"Purple! You are the best!"

Yakumo Zi sighed, and then said softly: "That's it (do Zhao), then everyone is here, and if everything is arranged, let's go! Reimu, borrow the side door!"

"Okay! Wait...wait! Don't you guys know how to go through the entrance?!"

Yayi Yonglin asked suspiciously: "The side door of the shrine is the door of Otherworld? Is it true or not?"

"It's not the door of the shrine, it's the door of the Otherworld, any door that can be called a door is a door that can go to the store!"

"Eh?" x him 5

Just when this side was about to set off, Zeus on the other side also stretched out a finger to my wife Yuno's forehead, and the next moment Zeus' figure slowly dimmed, and my wife Yuno had a smile on her face , The corner of the mouth is crazy to play but still in control, which makes people feel a little intimidated.

"The inheritance is over...the successor..."

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