People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 978 Kiyotaki Kosuke's Evaluation, Which Lover? (Please Subscribe~)

Sora Ginko herself didn't know how she got home, what shopping, what going to the Shogi Association, she didn't even go out to the park where she took the first step.

Kong Yinzi ate something casually and then began to frantically study the chess records, looking for the video of the game on the Internet and analyzing it so carefully, if he encountered a game with the same moves, he would think about it carefully.

"This move is the same as that guy's move, so it should be like this after you solve it... Sure enough, you can't just rely on the game record."

"Huh? How did he force this live chess into a dead one?!"

"This is the game video of President Moonlight, huh? Is it the same until the seventh step? The fourteenth step, the sixteenth step...the opponent sacrifices and admits defeat...As expected of President Moonlight... ..”

Kong Yinzi studied for a long time before going back to rest. Although she couldn't sleep, she knew that the game must have sufficient energy.

She can't sleep now because of her obsession, her unwillingness, and her adrenaline, so she still goes to sleep, for a sharper mind.

When it was daylight, when the sun just appeared, there was no one in the room, and the dishes that had just been washed in the kitchen hadn't completely dried yet, but no one was there anymore.

When Sueyoshi Kaneda came, he found that Sora Ginko was already sitting on the seat waiting for him. Sueyoshi Kaneda also jumped out of the corner of his eyes, and it always felt like he aroused the desire to challenge from some incredible guy.

"Ah... this young lady came here really early."

"You're here... When will it start?"

"Ah..... now you can..."

Kong Yinzi nodded and said softly: "Let's begin."

"Uh... well..."

It was another fiasco for the whole day, but Sora Ginko remembered that he hadn't finished his homework, so he didn't keep challenging, and left after two o'clock in the afternoon, which made Sueyoshi Kanada heave a sigh of relief.

To be honest, Sueyoshi Kaneda couldn't bear to win. After Sora Ginko left, Sueyoshi Kaneda won without any scruples, which also made this small pavilion gradually become more famous.

When I was in class the next day, Sora Ginko was thinking about whether Sueyoshi Kaneda lost or not, how did he lose? Who lost? At what age? What should I do if I (acaj) left without taking revenge on Sueyoshi Kaneda?

Thinking of this, Kong Yinzi decisively asked for sick leave and ran over. Kong Yinzi was relieved to see that there were still a circle of people around him, but his legs walked to the gazebo as if he had his own thoughts.

Sueyoshi Kaneda originally thought that Sora Ginko would not come today, so he was also relieved, but when he saw Sora Ginko, Kaneda Sueyoshi was dumbfounded, how much do you want to win! Don’t you know that other people feel very guilty?!

Obviously, Sora Ginko lost again. She tried to play rapid chess, but she lost faster because her thinking itself was not bad, but after being led astray by Kaneda Suekichi, she couldn't find it again.

It was another day of embarrassing loss, but as soon as he said that he wanted to play fast chess, Sueyoshi Kanada changed the fee to 100 yen. At first, everyone didn't understand it, but they soon understood that if they didn't charge 50 yen A hundred words would be too bullying.

Now that Kong Yinzi thinks about the competition these past few days, she has a headache. Only now does she know that she is actually challenging a friend who even her master needs to seriously challenge.

Kiyotaki Kosuke said with a smile: "Ginko, it's normal for you to lose to him, he was given a job by God, although he was born weak and sick, but closing a door always opens a window, after this time you should also You know you still have some progress to make.”

"Well... I see, I will rearrange my mentality..."

"Well, winning or losing is a common matter for military strategists. Silver and professional chess players are not so easy to deal with. Don't be too proud and calm down. Passing hard is easy to break. By the way, who is the other person you want to ask?" ?"

Kong Yinzi breathed a sigh of relief and felt much better. After all, it's not shameful to lose to a talented and capable senior. It's just that she still needs to practice and she's still young.

Kong Yinzi said softly: "This person seems to be your friend too, he is much younger than Senior Jintian, but Senior Jintian seems to be friends with him and respects him very much.

"Huh? Really? Do I have any friends this young? What's the last name?"

"His name is... Bai Yu..."

Kiyotaki Kosuke was stunned for a moment before he said in disbelief: "What?! Who did you meet?!"

"Bai...Mr. Bai Yu...He and Kaneda-senpai played rapid chess, and finally Kaneda-senpai narrowly lost...After that, he played chess, and Kaneda-senpai narrowly lost again.

Ever since Sora Ginko knew that he was a friend of the teacher, and he was also a very good chess player, he also turned Sueyoshi Kaneda's Kaneda-san into Kaneda-senpai. This is really a powerful chess player

Kiyotaki Kosuke sighed and said, "I haven't seen Bai Yu for a year or two, he probably hasn't joined the association..."

"No, he seems to have opened a restaurant?"

"That's right, his cooking is stronger than his chess skills.


Kong Yinzi was really frightened by Bai Yu's chess ability. She saw that his cooking skills were stronger than this terrifying chess ability. This is too exaggerated.

"That kid is very versatile and has a very good personality. President Moonlight and I even talked about his store, and President Moonlight even ordered his takeaway!"

"Mr. Bai Yu told me about this. He seems to be the senior Kaneda I met when he took his lover for a walk."



"Which one?"

Kong Yinzi was stunned for two seconds before he said in disbelief: "Does Mr. Bai Yu have many girlfriends?!"

"No, no, it should be said to be the fiancee."


There is no limit on the number, and there is no other reaction to empty money. She was suddenly curious. The previous Gulei Fia was already full of figure, appearance and temperament. Many girlfriends should not be much worse than Gulei Fia, right? Where did Bai Yu catch up?

"You'll be in a while... Forget it, I'll go to Tokyo myself to meet the guy today, and take you to Bai Yu's shop by the way, sometimes you can order him if you don't want to cook The takeaway is very delicious."

"Okay, sir, let me know when you come."

"it is good."

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