People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 994 Leonora Is Coming, I Give Full Marks (Seeking Subscription~)

At this time, Nakiri Mana was wearing pajamas, her hair was tied into a ponytail, and she walked down in slippers, while Nakiri Senzaemon had a complicated state of mind.

For Nakiri Senzaemon, it is very happy and gratifying for a father that his daughter is recovering so well and relaxed now.

But I was still concerned about whether Nakiri Mana was too tired from work and fell asleep, but you actually stayed up to watch movies at such a late hour? Although this is also a manifestation of Nakiri Mana’s new life now, but it’s just a feeling There is a feeling of being cheated.

Nakiri Mana saw Nakiri Senzaemon stunned for a moment before walking over and said in doubt: "Father, man, why are you here?"

"Er... the old man is here for dinner!"

Nakiri Mana was stunned for a moment, rolled his dead fish eyes and said, " are so late for dinner?"

"The old man has been working a lot recently."

"Eh? Is that so? But Father, is it really okay for you to eat such heavy food at such a late hour?"

"This old man is the Devil Eater! This old man is very aware of my physical condition!"

Nakiri Mana tilted his head and said, "Is that so? But Father, you're not here just for dinner, are you? Do you have anything to say?"

"Leonora is coming to Tokyo soon..."

"Huh? Didn't she keep saying she would come? Haven't left yet?"

Nakiri Senzaemon sighed and said: "She should have arrived long ago, but the research department suddenly had the latest progress, so Leonora stayed for a while, and will come over in a few days."

"Eh? You won't be called back this time, will you?"

"Probably not, Leonora said that this is the most complicated project at present, and the rest of the phone calls and videos can be resolved after it is resolved, and there is no need to be present in person.

Nakiri Mana nodded suddenly and then said softly: "Father, it can be built almost next year, so that this year's high school students will be able to receive WGC's executive courses."

"Huh? That's really good news. In this way, the overall quality of the students can be greatly improved. It's really good!"

Nakiri Mana and Nakiri Senzaemon were just chatting like this, and the others were also chatting about their own affairs. Bai Yu sat on the side and looked lazily at the various people who sent him messages on his mobile phone.

He is probably an absolute cashier. Basically, people will send him messages at this time, and Tsunade is the most frequent one. Tsunade can't come, but Tsunade himself can send videos with Bai Yu. Can send voice and type, so Tsunade should be regarded as the most frequent chatter with Bai Yu, followed by Hancock.

Hancock still wants Bai Yu to go to her Nine Snake Island to play, Bai Yu also expressed some headaches, if he goes to Nine Snake Island, Bai Yu feels that he will become a walking fossil specimen.

"Huh? News about Sagiri..."

"Is it tomorrow night's takeaway again...but is this girl still up so late?"

Nakiri Mana leaned over and said doubtfully, "Huh? Sagiri? Is that Sagiri who only orders takeout and is super good at cooking?"

"Yes, but how did you know Mana?"

"Lu Xi and the others said it, but this kid's cooking is really simple..."

Nakiri Senzaemon asked doubtfully, "Huh? How easy?"

Nakiri Mana said solemnly: "If I remember correctly, it seems that Sagiri doesn't like meat very much, and doesn't like dishes with a lot of seasonings, doesn't like dishes with heavy oil, doesn't like dishes with heavy flavors, and the amount of food is small ...."

Nakiri Senzaemon was taken aback for a moment, then frowned and said: "This is a behavior that is completely unbalanced in nutrition, and it will lead to malnutrition."

"So Bai Yu will try to cook different dishes every time to ensure the nutritional intake, which is probably the most troublesome customer for Bai Yu."

"Well, as expected of you boy, it's alright, the old man should go too, and come back with Leonora after a while! How much is the total?"

"One thousand yen."

"Father, let me see you off."

"Just wearing a set of pajamas, aren't you afraid of catching a cold? No need! The old man is not that weak!"

"I'm not that delicate! Bai Yu! Make me a cup of coconut milk!"


After Nakiri Senzaemon put down the money, Nakiri Mana went out with Nakiri Senzaemon. Although it’s not summer, it’s not too cold. There’s only a feeling of coolness. There are no street lights on the street, and it’s pitch black, and the street next door has already closed. It's all so quiet.

0…ask for flowers………

Nakiri Mana also felt a lot more awake. In such a quiet and cool environment, Nakiri Mana also felt a bit of comfort. Nakiri Senzaemon chuckled and said, "It feels like Mana, you are married and I came to visit your house."

Nakiri Mana blushed and whispered, "Father"

"Mana, how are you?"


"I'm talking about your emotional problems."

Nakiri Mana whispered: "It's okay, I don't have much time to ask Bai Yu out..."


"Maybe sometimes there is a lot of time, but you are not ready, or you don't have the courage..."

"Huh? Really?"

"A lot of things are because of entanglement, uncertainty, after missing out, after getting old, it can only be memories and regrets, Mana, hasn't your life started again?"

"Ah... um..."

"So, now that it's started, let's work hard to make it more and more exciting and perfect! By the way, Erina is also very fond of Bai Yu."

Nakiri Mana snorted and said, "That girl wants to grab a man from me? Don't think about it!"

"Hahahaha! It's such an aura! Just send it here! Mana, you go back!"

Nakiri Mana nodded, and Nakiri Senzaemon said softly: "Mana, how do you rate Bai Yu?"


Nakiri Senzaemon left directly, Nakiri Mana was stunned for a long time before turning around to go back, only to see Bai Yu standing at the door, Nakiri Mana was also stunned, feeling warm in her heart.

The dark street is quiet, with a cool breeze blowing, there is a special feeling of comfort. Walking on this street, don't worry, because there is a store that is always emitting a gentle light, waiting to bring a story The arrival of the guests, waiting for a peace of mind to enjoy...

"I give full marks..."

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