Chapter 150: Sirzechs is a great ambitious person.jpg (Second update, please subscribe!)

“How is this possible? Tell me! What happened?”

At the moment when everyone was serious, Ajeka suddenly calmed down and stopped talking.

How come Sirzechs was besieged by the leaders of the three major forces, including his own, when he went to a meeting of the leaders of the three forces?

He was eager to know the cause of the problem. He could not tolerate the suffering of his best friend.

“What’s going on? Does it count as the alliance between the Misfortune Group and the Old Demon King Faction to kill the angels and fallen angels? Does it count as the plan to destroy the peace of the three major forces?”

Serafall’s words were like a bomb, which exploded in the hall in an instant.

Everyone was shocked. How could Sirzechs do such a thing?

“This is impossible! It must be fake!”

Ajieka said firmly.

He knew that his best friend would never do such a thing.

His best friend was a little ambitious, but he would not act so hastily. He would definitely do it after being fully prepared.

“Moreover, even if that is the case, you should help him instead of besieging him with Azazel and Michael!”

Ajeka raised a doubt, and everyone around nodded immediately.

Indeed, as a demon king, Sirzechs represented the devil’s choice even if he did such a thing.

As a fellow devil, Serafall should not have besieged Sirzechs with the other two leaders even if she did not support him. Wouldn’t it be nice to just watch the show from the sidelines?

“Yes, if that’s all, it’s fine, but what if Sirzechs wants to kill me too?”

Serafall said angrily, ice forming on her side, as if to say that she was really angry.

Everyone who heard this was even more shocked and extremely surprised by the news.

Sirzechs actually wanted to kill Serafall, why? We are all demons!

“It’s even more ridiculous. Why would Sirzechs want to kill you? What’s the benefit of killing you?”

The more Ajeka listened, the more outrageous it seemed.

Sirzechs is the representative of the peace-loving demons. Not only did he attack the leaders of other forces, but he also attacked his own demon king.

What’s the purpose? Is it for fun?

“Of course, that would be to make the Gremory family the only one in power. He had this in mind a long time ago.”

Serafall said coldly.

In an instant, several voices rang out in the hall.

“presumptuous!”、”impossible!”、”slander!”、”Unfounded talk.”

Obviously, these people who spoke were all members of the Gremory family among the demons, and they immediately reacted to Serafall’s words.

They were unwilling to accept this, even if Serafall was the Demon King, they had to stand up.

In an instant, Serafall’s Demon King aura burst out, overwhelming all the Gremory family’s high-level people.

“Presumptuous? Who is being presumptuous? Unfounded talk, do you think I would say that without evidence?”

The demons below were trembling, and they remembered that the girl in front of them was Leviathan, one of the four great demon kings in the underworld, and the most brutal one.

“What evidence do you have?”

The only demons who can hold out under Serafall’s momentum are Ajeka’s Demon King level or above.

And Serafall is so confident that Ajeka has already sounded the alarm.

“Artificial Transcendent Project.”

These seven words instantly made several demons present move, most of whom were members of the Gremory Family and the Demon Council.

They didn’t understand where Serafall had heard this word from, nor did they know what this had to do with Sirzechs wanting to kill Serafall.

“The plan is really good. They use other races for experiments inhumanely, stealing the racial abilities of other races to create transcendents.”

“Using artificial transcendents to intimidate other families and make the underworld the one-man show for the Gremory family is really a good plan.”

Hearing this, everyone who knew about the plan panicked.

The first sentence was true, but when did they think of the second sentence? Thinking of Sirzechs, they suddenly realized, could this be Sirzechs’s private idea?


Ajeka wanted to speak again, but was interrupted by Serafall.

“Many people can testify to this. I was wondering why Sirzechs would go to such lengths for a human. It turned out that it was not because of her sister, but because Bai Yu knew about the artificial transcendent plan. You guys want to silence her!”

Serafall said Bai Yu was someone who accidentally learned about the artificial transcendent plan.

It made sense that Sirzechs was so angry and targeted Bai Yu, and Serafall hadn’t stopped yet.

“This matter has been witnessed by the fallen angel governor Azazel and the angel leader Michael. I, Sona, and even Sirzechs’s former queen, Gurefia, have turned from evil to good and can vouch for it!”

Serafill threw out a bunch of names, even Gurefia, the wife who was supposed to be loyal to Sirzechs, came to vouch for it, and instantly everyone present basically believed it.

“I didn’t expect Sirzechs to be such a person.”

“Even Gurefia doesn’t stand on his side, it seems to be true”

“I didn’t expect him to hide it so deeply.”

Now, even Ajeka was a little speechless.

He didn’t know what to say. Even Gurefia testified, how could this be false?

“Ajeka Beelzebub, as a close friend of Sirzechs, you should know about his affairs, right?”

Serafall looked at Ajeka, who also had a bitter smile in his heart.

He did know a little, for example, he did know about the artificial transcendent plan, but he really didn’t know about the use of artificial transcendents to intimidate other families.

However, he still had some doubts that something was wrong, but now basically all the demons present believed it, and he couldn’t question it anymore.

“I don’t know.”

At this time, he could only protect himself, but Serafall was not going to let her go.

“Everyone, Sirzechs’s behavior this time was extremely bad. It almost caused another war, and I almost died in this meeting.”

“I guess Sirzechs’ plan must be very careful. If it succeeds and is not exposed, then I will be said to have died at the hands of the Misfortune Group or the leaders of the other two major forces.”

“If I succeed but get exposed, then Sirzechs will at most say that I died at the hands of the other two leaders. If it weren’t for my Cana becoming the Demon King this time, then Sirzechs might have really succeeded.”

“Now there is no doubt that Sirzechs has ill intentions towards other higher demon races, so I suggest that before Sirzechs is captured, the top leaders of the Gremory family are prohibited from intervening in the management of the underworld, and.”

Serafall looked at Ajeka, who was a close friend of Sirzechs and one of the four great demon kings of the underworld. He had great power, and it was obvious that he was worried.

“Got it. I won’t set foot in the Underworld Palace until Sirzechs comes back.”

Looking at the malicious eyes around him, Ajeka knew that other demons had already distrusted him.

Even if he was a transcendent, now was not the time to speak with strength, otherwise he would still be labeled as an angry person.

Walking out of the Demon Palace, Ajeka sighed deeply in his heart. He didn’t know what happened in this meeting. He knew that he could only wait for Sirzechs to come back.

Behind him, Serafall looked at Ajeka’s back and felt a little funny. Sirzechs? Sorry, I can’t come back!

(ps: Please subscribe, please reward, please flowers, please vote, please support, please anything!!!)

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