Chapter 74: Baiyin is broken! Gurefia's solemnity! (Fourth update, please subscribe!)

"Minister, this is not good...."Kiba Yuto smiled bitterly

"Rias, you are too crazy...You should trust Kitty more. Otherwise, you will really lose her."

Himejima Akeno also paused and said with a complicated expression.

Although she said so, Himejima Akeno knew that the master-servant relationship between Rias and Kitty of Tacheng might really be over.

After all, once a gap appears, it is difficult to make it up, after all, a broken mirror cannot be mended.

And when Rias Gremory, the master, has doubts about her own followers, it's all over.

This is true for both Rias and Kitty of Tacheng.

Once Kitty of Tacheng knows that Rias doubts her so much, she will definitely be completely disappointed in Rias. And Rias will also fall into a vicious circle

"How can I trust her at this sensitive time? No matter what, we have to follow her secretly."

Rias Gremory put her palms on the table and said with a paranoid look on her face.

""Alas." Himejima Akeno smiled bitterly and shook her head, knowing that she couldn't persuade him to come back.

""Come on, Gurefia, let's follow them. With you here, we won't be discovered by the kitten." Rias Gremory took a deep breath and said to Gurefia.

""Yes." Gurefia Lucifergus frowned, but in the end did not say much, just nodded in obedience.......

After the argument between Rias Gremory and the others, when they were about to follow Tacheng Kitten, Tacheng Kitten had already followed the black kitten to the back mountain and met Heige and Baiyu.

"Sister, and...Bai Yu."

Bai Yin looked at Bai Yu sitting on the tree and her familiar yet unfamiliar sister nestled in Bai Yu's arms. She was stunned and then showed a complicated expression.

"Baiyin~, long time no see, have you missed me? You must have missed me, otherwise you wouldn't have noticed my presence and chased after me."

Heige's upper body was lying on Baiyu's legs, her posture was seductive, her golden vertical pupils stared at her sister Baiyin, and said with a smile

""Sister, what are you doing here?"

Although Baiyin was puzzled as to how her sister got involved with Baiyu, she was more concerned about the reason why her sister came here, and couldn't help but question.

She was very worried that her sister had cooperated with Baiyu to deal with the minister.

To be honest, although she was indeed a little disappointed with the minister, Rias Gremory, she didn't want anything to happen to her.

After all, she was indeed her benefactor, and she was a person who knew how to repay a favor.

Of course, she also knew how terrifying Gurefia was, and if she knew that her sister really cooperated with Baiyu and took action against the minister, then these two would most likely be the ones in trouble.

Baiyu...She just had mixed feelings and thought Bai Yu was wronged, but she was powerless to change anything.

Most importantly, she didn't want anything to happen to her sister.

Therefore, it would be best for the two of them to leave here quickly.

"Baiyin, sister is here to pick you up."

Heige said with a smile

"Pick me up and leave?"

Bai Yin was slightly startled.

"Yes, I will take you away. In the past, I didn't have the strength to take you away and protect you, so I let you suffer. But now, I have the strength and a man to rely on, so I will naturally take you away from the sinister demon."

Heige supported his chin and directly stated his purpose.

"I won't leave...I don't want to be like my sister...."

Bai Yin pursed her lips and shook her head.

"Sister, I advise you to leave here quickly. Otherwise..."

Baiyin took a deep breath and tried to persuade the two to leave.

"Otherwise, what about it? Kitten."

At this moment, a cold voice sounded, which stunned Baiyin.

I saw that, at some point, Rias Gremory, Kiba Yuto, Himejima Akeno, and Gurefia Lucifergus appeared not far away.

At this moment, Rias Gremory stared at Tacheng Kitten with a look of hatred, contempt and anger, and the destructive magic power in her body was surging, as if it would burst out at any time.

Although Tacheng Kitten did not seem to be secretly contacting Baiyu to backstab her, in Rias Gremory's view, Tacheng Kitten's current behavior was already considered a betrayal.

After all, she waited for Baiyu to appear again. As a result, Tacheng Kitten seemed to want to tell the news that Gurefia Lucifergus was here and persuaded the two to leave. This would ruin her big business and ruin her only chance to save her life.

Therefore, Rias Gremory was completely angry and showed murderous intent to Tacheng Kitten.

"well..."Himejima Akeno smiled bitterly, looking at Tacheng Koneko with mixed feelings.

She didn't expect things to turn out like this. To be honest, Tacheng Koneko is also quite innocent. After all, it is normal for her to run out after sensing her sister's breath.

Tacheng Koneko did not show too much closeness to Baiyu, but simply focused her attention on her sister.

She asked the two to leave, more for the safety of her sister.

However, although she calmly saw the cause and effect, she knew that Rias would not listen, so she could only smile bitterly.

Kiba Yuto also opened his mouth and fell silent. The butt determines the position.

Kiba Yuto knew that he could only remain silent.

Gurefia Lucifergus also frowned slightly, but as a strict maid, she thought that Tacheng Koneko's behavior was indeed inappropriate and inconsiderate, and it was completely a betrayal of the master.

Therefore, she thought it was normal for Rias to be angry

"minister...You said I betrayed you and wanted to kill me?"

Bai Yin looked at Rias Gremory in a trance. She didn't expect that Rias Gremory would follow her directly because she didn't trust her. Now she is convinced that she has betrayed her and wants to kill her.

Although she knew that Minister Rias was not as good as she thought during this period, she still had no idea of betraying. She just put herself in the right position and thought that she was a servant. She was not immersed in the illusion of"family" in the past, and she didn't think it was necessary to be so close to the master.

Unexpectedly, Minister Rias would look at herself like this and want to kill her.

For a moment, the kitten in Tacheng was She just felt cold all over, and she completely recalled the previous master, and the night when her sister killed the master and escaped covered in blood.

Her sister abandoned her, and she was almost executed by the underworld. Now this new master also wants to kill her.

Is there still a place for her in this world?

For a moment, Baiyin seemed to be broken, her eyes were dull, and she sat on the ground in a duck sitting position, completely lifeless.

Seeing this scene, Himejima Akeno and Kiba Yuto felt a little bit sorry.

And Rias Gremory's eyes were cold, without any sympathy, thinking that the kitten in Tacheng asked for it.

""Heige, isn't this too much?"

Bai Yu saw Bai Yin, who was almost broken, and he couldn't help but cover his forehead and sighed.

Although he didn't know the change in Bai Yin's mentality, this look was heartbreaking.

In fact, when Rias and the others followed, Heige noticed it.

However, Heige didn't mean to make it clear, but let the situation develop.

"Meow~, there is nothing we can do about it. After all, we must break Baiyin's fantasy about the devil."

Heige felt sorry for her sister, but she still said paranoidly

"Although I don't deny that it is necessary to do so, your method is too rough. The wounds of the soul are not so easy to heal. Not to mention adding insult to injury."

Bai Yu shook his head slightly

"The problem of psychological trauma can be solved slowly in the future. I also believe that you can protect Baiyin and help her get out of the shadow."

Heige licked his wrist and said seriously.

This surprised Baiyu. He didn't expect Heige to trust him so much.

"Then, Baiyu, I'll leave it to you next."

Then, Heige moved, jumped down the tree, came to Baiyin, hugged her in his arms, turned to Baiyu and said

"Leave the fighting to me, you two can have a good talk. But remember to speak nicely and don't be so rude, otherwise I think your sister will really break down."

Bai Yu nodded slightly and said casually

"Meow, I know."

Heige nodded, hugged Baiyin, and prepared to leave here.

""Grefia, Kuroka is also an evil guy, kill her too."

Seeing this, Rias Gremory finally couldn't help it and said coldly.

However, Grefia didn't move, didn't say a word, just stared at Bai Yu, until Kuroka left with Bai Yin, she still did so.

"Gurefia, why are you..."

Rias Gremory looked at Grayfia with a bit of anger.

Shirone had already betrayed, and Kuroka was an SS-level lost demon, and had mixed up with the dangerous guy Bai Yu. If they were not all killed, there would be another time bomb in the future.

"He is very strong."

Gurefia was silent for a moment, staring at Bai Yu closely, with solemnity, surprise and confusion in her beautiful eyes, and finally she slowly uttered three words.

Just now, when she wanted to make a move, she felt a strong sense of danger.

It seemed that as long as she activated the communication magic or attacked Heige and Baiyin, Baiyu would take this opportunity to give her a fatal blow.

You know, only a strong person of the same level or even stronger than her can give her this sense of danger.

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