For the living from the underworld,

There are generally two ways to deal with it.

The first is given to the local authorities, who teach the person basic life skills and then register for naturalization as a second-class citizen.

Second-class citizens do not have many rights, such as the right to enter the underground world to dig for treasure.

The second way is for the diggers to leave people as their "property," or slaves.

The Union would distribute a safety capsule for slaves to eat.

The nanorobots inside the safety capsule will enter the brains and hearts of slaves.

As soon as the master gives an order, those nanobots will blow themselves up and the slaves will die.

It is equivalent to mastering the power of life and death of slaves.

The woman who was dug out of the coffin by Su Ze has a very nice name: Zhao Yourong.

People as their name suggests.

After listening to Su Ze's introduction, Zhao Yourong immediately said, "The little woman's life was saved by the seniors, and she regarded herself as a slave and repaid the seniors!" "

Su Ze shook his head: "You first understand the world and then make a decision." "

Handing over an electronic terminal and teaching her the basics.

Zhao Yourong, who surfed the Internet for the first time, was stunned by the impact of various information on the Internet.

Her face was surprised for a moment, fearful for a while, happy and sad for a while, and her expression was very complicated.

Half an hour later,

Zhao Yourong returned the electronic terminal to Su Ze, gritted his teeth, and suddenly knelt down: "Please master accept Yourong." "

Su Ze was surprised by this woman's reaction.

He reminded: "It is better to be a second-class citizen than a slave." "

Zhao Yourong shook her head and said, "Master often teaches that the grace of dripping water should be rewarded by a spring.

Yourong's life was saved by the master, not to mention that it was for a slave and a servant, even if the master let Yourong die now, Yourong would not have the slightest hesitation. "


Su Ze sighed, he didn't know how this woman's master brainwashed her, and actually taught such an apprentice.

"Since you insist on this, I can't stop you."

He authenticates and registers on the terminal.

After a while, a robot teleported from the core.

After checking Zhao Yourong and making sure that the other party was not from this world, he handed over a red capsule.

Before Su Ze could stretch out his hand, Zhao Yourong took the lead, got the safety capsule, and swallowed it into his abdomen.

"Why are you afraid that I will regret it?"

Su Ze was a little helpless, "I'll take you back to the base first, your body has not fully recovered and you need to rest." "

Zhao Yourong asked suspiciously: "Master, don't you need me to help dig for treasures?" "

Su Ze looked her up and down and shook his head, "Your thin and fruitful body is not suitable for digging this kind of physical work." "

Zhao Yourong reacted after a few seconds, his pretty face was red, he lowered his head shyly, and found that he couldn't even see his feet, and he couldn't help but feel annoyed and ashamed in his heart, "My damn body, the master must be disgusted!" "

Sending the woman back to the base, he pointed to the housekeeping robot and said, "If you have any questions, you can ask it." "

Su Ze glanced at Zhao Yourong again, looked at it, touched his chin and said: "99, 60, 97, height 168, weight should be around 108, excellent body." "

Open the mall and place an order by choosing clothes by size.

Soon, the teleportation array opened, and clothes were delivered.

Su Ze threw his clothes on the sofa, chose a set and handed it over, "You are my clothes, it is not suitable, change this set." "

"Yes, master." Zhao Yourong took the clothes.

Su Ze said: "The word master sounds like playing some strange game, so let's call me boss in the future." "

"Good boss." Zhao Yourong quickly adapted to her new identity and walked into the dressing room with her clothes.

Su Ze looked at the time and found that it was past 22 o'clock.

He yawned, went to the open kitchen, and began to finish cooking.

In the underground world, the sun and moon cannot be seen, and naturally there is no concept of day and night.

However, many underground cities still adjust the lighting to simulate day and night.

People living in dungeons also live twenty-four hours a day.

Strictly enforced for three eight hours:

8 hours of work, 8 hours of rest, 8 hours of self-interest.

And a week, only five days a day.

As for overtime, or 996 blessings, that is illegal.

There is no concept of overtime in this world.

Even the most volatile Hua Wei completely canceled overtime 10 years after the beginning of the era of national treasure digging.

Because of the era of national treasure digging, materials are extremely rich, there is an official bottom, and many people lie directly flat, so that many companies and enterprises cannot recruit people.

As a result, businesses and companies began to roll in.

Made two bowls of omelette noodles, sprinkled with chopped green onions and served.

Zhao Yourong just twisted and walked out, "Boss, this dress is so strange..."

Su Ze turned around and looked, and his eyes lit up.

Maid costume, black silk long legs, indescribable eye-catching.

However, there is something missing.

Su Ze got up, handed over the glasses she had just bought, and put them on her.

"Sure enough, maid glasses lady YYDS"

He turned around and said into the live camera: "Friends, it's not early, it's on the air, good night everyone." "

The audience went crazy:

"Don't go off the air at the critical moment!"

"I give money!"

"I'll send flowers!"

"I'm a member, please!"

"Let me be well! Don't go off the air~"

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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