[July 24, 2015, Sunny]

[In the morning, as usual, I was woken up by my aunt half an hour earlier.……]

[In fact, I have also gotten used to waking up half an hour earlier these days, but I tend to stay in bed a lot. This is the same for most people. I will not get up lazily until my aunt opens the door.……]

[In my opinion, staying in bed is one of the pleasures of life.……]


[Through the special communication with Lavinia, I also know that she has left Neon and returned to the magic world and the Gray Magicians Association... The directors of the Gray Magicians Association did not doubt Lavinia's amnesia, but used precious resources to treat Lavinia's injuries.……]

[It suddenly occurred to me that I had gone too far with Lavinia.……]


…… somewhere——

"You still know, my dear master!"

Lavinia felt a little relieved when she saw the content of the diary, which contained the master's reflection on what he had done.

But - when she saw the new content of the diary, Lavinia's face turned black. She knew that she shouldn't believe that her dear master would have a real reflection on what he had done.



[No... If I hadn't done this, the cunning directors of the Gray Magicians Association would definitely be suspicious... Even if there is a one in ten thousand chance, I can't take the risk.……]

[Even if I do it again]

[The injuries on Lavinia's body must also be reproduced, and if possible, it can be made worse.……]



The diary owner's caution made many people not know what to complain about.

""You" really took it for granted.

After all, these tortures were not inflicted on me, so I could completely ignore them.……



[It was noon. After I had simply completed the study task assigned by my aunt, I did not refuse Qiong's request this time. Anyway, a big stone in my heart had fallen. I could just take some time to help Qiong with his homework.……]

[Of course, maybe after this tutoring experience, Qiong will not let me tutor again in the future.……]


[Time is slowly passing by. I find it a little funny to see Qiong lying on the table with an expression of"life is boring". However, Qiong should thank me now. It is because of me that she was able to complete the study task assigned by her aunt on time today.……]

[Need to know——]

[In the past two days, Qiong was severely reprimanded by her aunt because she did not complete the study tasks assigned by her aunt on time.……]


[When it was evening, I felt vaguely that something was missing. It was not until Qiong reminded me that I realized that Yunoya, who had been monitoring the magicians of the Gray Magicians Association and Lavinia since she left Neon last night, had not returned... This shouldn't be the case. Lavinia has already returned to the magic world and the Gray Magicians Association.……]

[With Amenohana's strength, he should have returned by now... It seems something unexpected has happened.……]



Somewhere -

Lavinia saw this, her expression became serious and a little distressed, then she waved her hand gently, and the black silk thread derived from the [Original Magic Net] wove a human figure in front of her. It was the grown-up Lavinia, but at this moment, Lavinia's eyes were empty.

It was as if she had lost her soul.

Lavinia was not worried about this, because the Yu Noyari in front of her was not the core of the body, but just a clone. The core of the body was located in the deepest part of the [Original Magic Net].

"Cat...your disappearance was the starting point of everything, and also the beginning of the journey that the master was standing on."Lavinia said distressedly:"The master and Bai Xue also broke up completely at that time. Maybe the master is sometimes a little slow to show the people around him, but Xiao Xing is not the real Xiao Xing, how could he not know this?……"

"Everything the master has been through is too painful...……"

After saying that.

Lavinia waved her hand, and the clone of Lavinia disappeared from in front of her. She just wanted to find someone who could understand her feelings at the moment. Unfortunately, her authority over the [Original Magic Net] was not enough to summon the real Yu Noyari. The only one who could really summon Yu Noyari from the [Original Magic Net] was the master.

Immediately - after shaking off the detection of the major gods, Lavinia began to run at full speed in the air, and her destination was the underworld.



[I waited for another hour at home, but there was still no sign of Yu No Ya Ri... The last bit of luck in my heart was shattered. Yu No Ya Ri really had an accident.……]

[……Although it was already late at night, I did not hesitate at all. I set up a magic trick at home to prevent Qiong and my aunt from worrying. I opened the window and jumped up, disappearing into the darkness.……]



Hualian High-end Apartment——

"Whenever someone important to you is in danger or something unexpected happens, your caution will be temporarily abandoned and you will become reckless."

Kuroyukihime couldn't help but say this while looking at the contents of the diary.

She knew Yuu too well. Perhaps it was because she knew the essence of this so well that she realized that this was exactly what made Yuu so charming and what made her unable to extricate herself.

After all, no one can refuse a member of the opposite sex who can truly stand up to you when he is in danger, regardless of his own safety, and give up all his tolerance and caution just to be able to save you.

This sentence looks very simple, and even feels a bit cliché.

It seems that every couple in love will say this, and will swear in this way. Unfortunately, human nature in this world often cannot withstand such a test. Between life and death, the ugliest side of human nature will be fully displayed.

Because of the environment she is in, she has seen too many ugly and dirty human natures, so in her eyes, Yuu is a morning star that can illuminate everything. She will feel extremely safe and secure around him, and this is exactly what makes Kuroyukihime obsessed.


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