
[It was okay when the previous Blue King Yu Zhangxun was around. With his protection, the outsiders wouldn't be so miserable... Now with the death of Yu Zhangxun, I can clearly see that the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center has completely changed. Or maybe it's the darkest period for the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center now that the fourth Blue King is vacant.……]

[During the time of the previous Blue King Yu Zhang Xun, Scepter4 would immediately protect unregistered outsiders upon discovery, and was obliged to send them to the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center, a superpower education and research facility under the jurisdiction of the Golden King. Because of this relationship, the Blue Clan and the Golden Clan have an especially close relationship.……]

[……The Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center was still an institution that truly educated non-rights people at that time.……]

[At this moment, Yu Zhang Xun has fallen, the second in command, Zenjo Tsuyoshi, has retired from the world, and some of the most elite members of Scepter4 have also died in the Kagudu incident.

The Scepter4 who have lost their kingship and the still prosperous Golden Clan are in a state of chaos.

���Gradually tilted, on the surface it still seems active, continuing to capture outsiders, but the detention center of Scepter 4 used to be responsible for housing criminal outsiders, but after the kingless Scepter 4 became weaker, the director of the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center, Takashi Mitsuchi, said that the current Scepter 4 was not up to the task, and transferred all the criminal outsiders to the isolation B layer of the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center to meet his inhumane experimental needs.


[……I originally thought that Takashi Mitsuchi would threaten Scepter 4 in a few years, but I didn't expect that he would start to transfer those outsiders directly now... And Takashi Mitsuchi is ambitious and eager for the Dresden Stone. He believes that his fate was arbitrarily decided by the King of Gold. Before becoming a member of the Golden Clan, he was a doctor.……]


[He is extremely dissatisfied with his king, Chang Lu Da Jue of the Golden Kingdom, and is a typical traitor.……]



"It's terrible, scary.……"

"I finally understood why the owner of the diary completely destroyed the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center.……"

"……The Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center was already a cancer at the time, a cancer deeply buried in the Golden Clan. Mitsuchi Takashi was the culprit, but the doctors and researchers who assisted him were also accomplices."

"I didn't expect such a tragedy to happen.……"

"It seems we have wrongly blamed the diary owner again.……"


Not to mention ordinary people.

Even the heads of the chaebols like Tsukimiya Ryuko were shocked. They had never thought that the once destroyed Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center would hide so much darkness.

And some ordinary people felt ashamed for having wrongly blamed the owner of the diary.

"I have said it before, the owner of the diary is not a real bloodthirsty person. Of course, as long as you don't touch his reverse scale, that is, the people he cares about.……"

"But... I feel a chill on the back of my neck and a chill in my heart.……"

"What's wrong?!"

"Think about it, if the owner of the diary hadn't destroyed the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center, there would be countless children who would have been diagnosed with superpowers when they were young, becoming outsiders... and thus suffering inhuman torture.……"

"Yes... I suddenly felt secretly happy that my child was not an outsider. My son is now exactly ten years old. If my son had been diagnosed as an outsider six years ago, he would have been sent to the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center.……"


"I feel the same way. We really have to thank the owner of the diary for this... Although we don't know who the owner of the diary is, his existence has saved us from many disasters.……"

"……Yes, whether it was the Kagudu crater incident, if he hadn't killed the previous Blue King Yu Zhang Xun, I'm afraid the entire Neon would have ceased to exist. The same was true for the destruction of the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center six years ago.……"


At this moment, everyone remembered what the owner of the diary had done, and they were all grateful in their hearts.

And now, the members of the Non-Time Academy all frowned as they looked at the contents of the diary displayed on their phones. They only focused on the name"Mitsugi Takashi". They didn't expect that Mitsugi Takashi would dare to betray the king. He deserved death.

If the owner of the diary hadn't killed him, they would never have bypassed Mitsugi Takashi, who was disloyal to the king.



[……As I continued to go deeper into the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center, I also found that the security force here is not very strong.

The strongest is just a mid-level demon...

Come to think of it, Takashi Mitsuchi is now doing experiments on outsiders with a madman, so naturally he dare not let the combat troops of the Golden Clan in, for fear that they will be discovered and known by Changlu Dajue of the Golden Kingdom...

Moreover, these outsiders imprisoned in the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center have been marked with the mark of royal power, so they can't use their own power normally.


[Naturally, there is no need to worry about riots or prison breaks by outsiders.……]

[It seems that Amenohana had the misfortune to meet the members of Scepter4 when she was coming back.……]

[That's why I was arrested and sent to the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center. I was really unlucky. Regarding the magic positioning, I must have overthought it... Scepter 4?! Forget it, I won't bother them for the sake of the previous Blue King Yu Zhang Xun, but the premise is that Yu No Masahiro can be rescued safely.……]

[If there is any problem with Yunoya, even the king of heaven will be of no use.……]




"Although, when Scepter 4 was accepted, Scepter 4 had indeed fallen to the point of becoming a subsidiary of the Non-Tokiin, but I didn't expect that Scepter 4 would have this situation just about a month after Yu Zhang Xun's death." Sitting at his desk, Reiji Munakata shook his head and sighed:"The existence of the king is the pillar of the entire clan. If the king falls, the entire clan will completely collapse. It's just a matter of time."At this time——

"That rude guy, if he were still alive……"

Munakata Reiji could not help but think of Suho Takashi. His death almost made the Red Clan's Homura lonely. Fortunately, in the end, Kushina Anna inherited the position of the third king, the Red King, allowing Homura to continue to survive. Moreover

, at that time, Scepter 4 lost not only the king as a pillar, but also a large number of Scepter 4 elite members. The remaining Scepter 4 can not be said to be rotten fish and shrimp. There are indeed few who can be called of great use.



[……After searching for five or six minutes at the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center, I found Amano Masahichi in a prison room in cat form. Fortunately, I arrived early and he was not hurt. When he saw me, he jumped into my arms like a pet seeing its owner.……]

[Scepter4 was spared this disaster.……]



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