[July 13, 2015, Sunny]


[After I created [Upper Dark Magic: Abyss Shadow Killing Array] yesterday, I felt much more relaxed and no longer as oppressed as before... Ever since I learned about the dangers of this world, I have always had a vague sense of crisis in my heart. When Mephisto Ferrus and the magicians of the Gray Magicians Association attacked [Magic Creation Codex], this sense of crisis became even stronger.……]

[……After possessing [Higher Dark Magic: Abyss Shadow Killing Array], no matter what, he is not completely powerless in this dangerous world... At the very least, facing the ghoul, or more precisely, the"One-eyed Owl", Takatsuki Izumi will not be powerless to fight back.……]



Antique Shop——

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk... It seems that the sense of oppression and crisis that I gave to You at the beginning was really strong, and he still remembers it clearly."

When Takatsuki Izumi saw her name appearing again in the diary, she couldn't help but laugh at herself.

Of course - she couldn't help but sneer at You's"modesty". Although she had not witnessed the power of the upper perfect magic [Upper Dark Magic: Abyss Shadow Killing Array], she could understand from the description in the diary that it was not something she could contend with at all, whether it was herself six years ago or now.

Not to mention [Upper Dark Magic: Abyss Shadow Killing Array], even if the two middle perfect magics [Middle Dark Magic: Black Escape Shadow Technique] and [Middle Dark Magic: Bliss Mirror Abyss] were combined, she might fall in front of it if she wasn't careful.

And what about"I won't be powerless to fight back"?"……

This is so"modest" that I want to beat this guy up.

"Just like what everyone said, You still doesn't have a clear understanding of himself."

Takatsuki Izumi shook his head and said.

However, when You had the power to protect himself, at least six years ago, he should not have thought of using countermeasures similar to the Kagudu Crater Incident, such as killing Mephisto Ferrus and the magicians of the Gray Magician Association, to deal with himself.

Although, six years have passed.

But, every time I think of the Kagudu Crater Incident, it was You who first thought of using it to deal with me, I still can't help but sweat on my back, and I feel scared.



[……As I prepare to use [Upper Dark Magic: Abyss Shadow Killing Array],[Middle Dark Magic: Black Shadow Technique],[[Middle Dark Magic: Mirror of Bliss] While practicing and getting familiar with these three newly created perfect magics... a pink figure jumped into the room from the window.……]

[If I hadn't realized that the person coming here had no hostility, Lavinia and I would have already used our magic to attack him.……]

[……After entering the room, this pink figure threw herself directly into my arms. Then, I smelled a faint fragrance like jasmine... This was a little girl with pink hair. She was very delicate and cute, with one green and one blue eye. She hung on me, like a cat, with her little head against my chin, and made an alluring cat sound.……]


[With some uncertainty, I called out the name"Yu No Yari", and when the little girl heard the word"our generation", she called me by my name directly."……Now I am completely sure that the little girl in front of me is Amano Masahiro who has returned from cat form to human form.……]

[……Seeing that Yu No Yari was always clinging to him, he couldn't help but wonder, shouldn't Yu No Yari be accompanying Qiong in the hospital now?! Moreover, Yu No Yari was traumatized by the Kagudu crater incident before, so he was in a state of self-isolation... How did he suddenly change into a human form?……]



Hualian High-end Apartment——

"Humph, Yuu, that playboy!"

It was fine when he was still in cat form, but when Kuroyukihime saw Yuuinori transformed into a human form, she couldn't help but pout and said dissatisfiedly.

Six years ago,

Yuu was surrounded by Qiong, Yuuinori, Lavinia... Oh, and her sister Shirayuki, who approached Yuu with no particular purpose. Now six years have passed, and with Yuu's playboy personality, who knows how many girls have gathered around him.

Thinking of this, Kuroyukihime couldn't help but feel jealous.



[……After receiving a call from Qiong in the hospital, she told her that Ayuno Masahi had gone home... When she saw Ayuno Masahi looking at her with a wronged expression and asked her not to go to the hospital to accompany Qiong anymore, she refused Qiong's request without any mercy... Alas, I really don't know what Qiong did to Ayuno Masahi that made Ayuno Masahi, who was originally autistic, transform herself into a human form and escape from the hospital.……]

[After I told Yuno Yari a few words, asking her to stay in cat form as much as possible at home and not to be discovered by Qiong and my aunt,……]


[After letting Yu Noyari go and play by herself, I practiced [Upper Dark Magic: Abyss Shadow Killing Array] with Lavinia.],[Middle Dark Magic: Black Shadow Technique],[Middle Dark Magic: Blissful Mirror Abyss] These three perfect magics rise up……]

[After nearly a day of practice……]

[For Lavinia, [Upper Dark Magic: Abyss Shadow Killing Phalanx],[Middle Dark Magic: Black Shadow Technique],[[Middle Dark Magic: Mirror of Bliss] The difficulty of practicing these three perfect magics lies in understanding and comprehending them. This is easy to handle. After all, I created them. I can explain them to Lavinia bit by bit, although her comprehension is a bit slow.……]

[However, for me, these three perfect spells were not as easy as Lavinia's... Actually, it was just because I was not strong enough. With my current strength as a lower-level demon, I could only cast two or three [Middle Dark Magic: Black Shadow Escape] and [Middle Dark Magic: Mirror of Bliss] before my magic and mental strength were completely exhausted. And I almost failed to cast [Upper Dark Magic: Abyss Shadow Killing Array]……]


[A powerful killer is here……]

[It is also a kind of distress that you don't have the ability to release and use it at will.]



[July 14, 2015, Sunny]

[This morning, I went to the hospital early……]

[……Qiong was no longer in serious condition, so I took her home on behalf of my aunt, and my aunt went straight to work at the company.……]


[When Yuno Yari saw Qiong, she subconsciously avoided him. When I asked Qiong what she had done to Yuno Yari, Qiong shook her head with a little embarrassment and seemed to have no intention of telling me. At the same time, I didn't get an answer from Yuno Yari, which really made me curious.……]

[……At noon, after taking care of Qiong and finishing her meal, the thing I was worried about happened. Lavinia came to tell me that the magicians of the Gray Magicians Association appeared in Tokyo again, and they were using special communication methods to keep trying to get in touch with her. Sure enough, even though they used the Kagudu Crater Incident to bury Mephisto Ferrus, the Gray Magicians Association still couldn't completely avoid it.……]



The Gray Magicians Association sent someone?!

This was something that everyone expected. Moreover, before this, the Gray Magicians Association had always lied to the public that Mephisto Ferrus was in seclusion, but they had definitely searched for Mephisto Ferrus more than once in private.

Naturally, in the Gray Magicians Association's understanding, Tokyo, where Mephisto Ferrus disappeared, was the focus of the investigation.

"Do you think the owner of the diary cast [Miracle Magic: Blue King Order] at this time to block his own existence?"

Someone speculated.

This speculation was recognized by many people.

However, people like Kuroyukihime, Rias, Himejima Akeno...

who either understand or know the character of the owner of the diary, do not think that the owner of the diary will surrender and cast [Miracle Magic: Blue King Order] to block himself just because of the Gray Magician Association.

The owner of the diary even dared to bury Mephisto Ferrus.

Even if his current strength is not enough to confront the Gray Magician Association, he will not be so cowardly.

This is not the character of the owner of the diary.

Besides, being cautious does not mean being cowardly.

The owner of the diary has nothing to do with the word"cowardly" no matter how you look at it.

Especially Kuroyukihime, she has always believed that Yu's use of [Miracle Magic: Blue King Order] to block himself must be related to her sister Shirayuki. As the content of the diary is constantly exposed and announced, Kuroyukihime feels that this possibility is greater.


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