"Vice Admiral Squirrel's head... A billion Baileys. "

After Doflamingo said the task entrusted by the assassination, the ancient palace raised his eyebrows and showed some interest.

"Vice Admiral? billion?"

It's really a "big deal" as Doflamingo said!

If nothing else, simply from the point of view of the "billion Baileys" paid, it is already quite a big deal!

The price of a newspaper sold by Newsbird every day on the Great Route is about "100 Bailey", and the price of a devil fruit in the underground kingdom operated by Doflamingo fluctuates at "100 million Bailey", and it is more intuitive to see the value of Luffy's head after becoming the fifth emperor on the sea, which is only "1.5 billion Bailey".

One billion Bailey is a very, very big number.

If it is not a country standing behind it, I am afraid that it does not have such financial resources.

Although the price paid is very large, but look at the target of this assassination is "vice admiral", then this amount is also reasonable, and even ... It's a little bit less.

Navy, and vice admiral!

This is better than the assassination business in this world, no assassination organization dares to follow!

Doflamingo did not dare, and even if the Four Emperors went to do this, they had to weigh it and consider it carefully.

Vice Admiral of the Navy headquarters, which is second only to the rank of Marshal and General, is the backbone of the Navy!

If you use the analogy of a group of white-bearded pirates, the status of the vice admiral is equivalent to the deputy captain of every squad, and the death of any vice admiral will affect the military deployment of the entire navy.

Kill a captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, meet the wrath of the Whitebeard Pirates, assassinate the Vice Admiral, and welcome naval retaliation that exists anywhere in the world, in any sea!

Does anyone dare to take this kind of business... That can only be described as a madman!

If the Navy discovers the truth of the matter, the Navy's retaliation will be far more terrifying than being targeted by the Four Emperors!

Doflamingo originally thought that even Furumiyaichi would hesitate for two seconds in this assassination before choosing whether to accept the task, but Furumiyaichi did not hesitate at all.

He asked, "What are the assassination requirements?"

The intimate assassination service of Yunin Village can even let you choose the way the other party dies.

Doflamingo smiled over there.

"Boom... Worthy of you, if you can, it is better to let this target die at the hands of his most hated pirate. "

Furumiya Ichi: "Okay, assassination mission received." "

Before hanging up, Doflamingo spoke: "The person who issued the mission can provide the movement of the Navy's internal targets..."

However, in the eyes of Furumiya Yi... The field of view sharing of the eye of reincarnation has long begun to search for the movement of the target.

"No need. "

Doflamingo let out a wicked laugh and hung up the phone worm.

Thinking of what happened that day, he still felt a little cold behind him, Furumichi of Yu Ninja Village had the ability to bring back his things in the New World Kingdom on the Great Voyage... His information network is probably not what he thinks.

In the reincarnation eye of Furumiyaichi, the picture is constantly changing, and the reincarnation eye creatures in the past hidden by the Navy headquarters themselves are constantly changing their vision....

Finally, the seagull, standing in the naval harbor, saw the target of this mission on a warship.

Vice Admiral, Squirrel.

Among the vice admirals, the squirrel is one of the more prominent, and he is also a disciple of the famous former admiral "Black Fist Zefa".

Dressed in a lilac striped suit and dark blue shirt, and tie, Moxi has a dry head, beard, hair and beard that are meticulous looking squirrels for deep purple, and is preparing to set sail as a warship.

As soon as Furumiya opened his mouth, he told him that he didn't need news from within the navy, not that he was confident enough in the information that the reincarnation eye psychic beasts could collect, but that the current development of things in the pirate world was all in his expectation.

The latest news, but just reported the "Straw Hats" who made a big fuss on Justice Island.

Judging from the news issued by the world government, the destruction of all the islands of Justice Island was the work of the Straw Hats.

But the real reason behind the laughter is that Spandam inadvertently launched the demon slaughter order, "the water rushed the Dragon King Temple", and his family beat his own family members fiercely.

Of course, such scandals were suppressed by the world government, and even the news birds on Morgans' side did not dare to report the facts, and the pot was all thrown at the Straw Hats, making Luffy famous.

In addition to the popular Straw Hats and Justice Island incident, one of the hottest news lately is...

#将会在海军本部, execute Ace#, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates

Doflamingo appeared on the Great Voyage and has not yet returned to the New World, it is after participating in the processing of "Sha Klockdar" in the Seven Martial Seas, and then receiving the mandatory call of the world government.

"If the Seven Wuhai want to retain the privileged title of the Seven Wuhai, they must come to Marin Fando to participate in Ace's execution. "

The execution was the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, and you don't need to think about it to know what the Whitebeard Pirates will do!

Gu Gong narrowed his eyes: "The Demon Slaughter Order on Justice Island is over, and the news of Ace's execution has been released... The next thing the squirrel is going to must be the daughter island where the female emperor is located. "

At present, the changes in the world line are still very limited by their own influence, and according to the development of the plot, the squirrel goes to the daughter island and forcibly recruits the female emperor of the "Boya Hancook" of the Nanabukai to participate in this execution.

It just so happens that Furumiyaichi is also preparing to go to other countries.

"Since the establishment of the Yunin Village, it is time to meet other countries. "

The construction level of Yu Ninja Village has not changed for a while since the "assassination network" was built, and it has stopped at [25%].

It is necessary to find other ways to quickly establish the Yunin Village and establish a foothold in the Pirate World as a kingdom.

Komiya Yi: "Maybe trying to establish diplomatic relations with other countries can make the construction of Yu Ninja Village higher!"

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