"Add a little... Asura said!"

As Gu Gong's words fell, new power began to overflow from the eyes of reincarnation.

Look at your properties panel again.


Host: Furumiya I

Reincarnation Eye Unlockable Degree: Beast Dao (unlocked), Hell Dao (unlocked), Heavenly Dao (unlocked), Human Dao (unlocked), Asura Dao (unlocked), Hungry Ghost Dao (unlocked).

Abilities: Black Rod Crafting (Reincarnation Eye Talent ability, which can condense black weapons), Psychic (summoning contracted creatures), Psychic Beast Crafting (using corpses to make psychic beasts), Reincarnation (summoning Hades, putting the damaged Payne into Hades' mouth and resurrecting them by chewing), Hades Judgment (summoning Hades, through Hades to "judge" whether the caught person is lying), Shinra Tenzheng (releasing repulsion from the body and bouncing everything away), Vientiane Celestial Attraction (releasing gravity from the body to attract all objects), extracting the soul (extracting the soul of a living creature to appear), Payne making (making Payne), Body Transformation (you can transform the body with Chakra to make missiles, laser cannons, armor, etc.).

Points remaining: 0


Furumiya covered his eyes, and the feeling of the newly acquired power was very good.

"Only the last hungry ghost road remains. "

In addition to the final Hungry Ghost Dao, the basic six powers of the Reincarnation Eye will all be unlocked soon!

In between whispers, Furumiya began to try to use the new power obtained after unlocking the Asura Dao.

"Body modification. "

An ability exclusive to the Asura Dao.

I still remember this ability, and the existence of the Asura Dao in the Hokage World has a sense of super technology that "does not belong to this dimension".

All parts of the body of the "body transformation" Asura Dao can be transformed into various cold weapons such as swords, serrated blades, hooked claws, etc., and even more bizarrely, thermal weapons can be transformed.

"Rocket artillery", "missiles with tracking functions", "energy lasers" and other super-technological powers!

The points added to the "Technology Tree" are far ahead of the Hokage World itself!

"The means of attack can be regarded as many. "

Furumiya said to himself.

In terms of multi-soldier combat strength, the ancient palace with the road of beasts is not weaker than any.

But when it comes to fighting alone, the current fighting method of Gu Gong Yi is still somewhat single.

In addition to the "Heavenly Dao" Shen Luo Tianzheng Wanxiang Tianxiang, the power of repulsion and gravity, he only has one means of attack, the black rod.

However, after unlocking the Asura Dao, this situation has been greatly improved, and it can even be said that it is close to perfection.

Then he raised his arm, and as Furumiya's mind changed, his entire arm began to change.

The flesh began to rotate and change like a transformer deformation, the skin of the fingers all fell off and merged, and with the rotation of the concave metal, a super-technological laser cannon appeared.

Chakra condensed in the palm of his hand, and the laser cannon port in the palm of his hand began to rotate and charge energy, and finally converged into a blue laser cannon!

The ancient palace bombarded the isolated island beside him, and fell with one blow...

A small mushroom cloud has formed on the island!

The power is even several times more ferocious than the shells on ordinary pirate ships!!

If the chakra of condensed laser cannon is enough... And I'm afraid that even the earth-bursting star can be destroyed!

Furumiya Yi: "Perhaps, you can try the ability of this blow after unlocking the ability of the Earth Explosion Celestial Star." "

The Earth Explosion Star is divided from the type of technique, which is regarded as a "sealing technique", and the offensiveness is a relatively weak gear, after all, the original intention of the original invention was not to attack.

But if the Earthburst Sky Star is added with such a "devastating blow", the aggressiveness will be a terrifying boost!

After trying this laser cannon that "the technology tree is a little too advanced", Furumiya tried other changes.

The laser cannon barrel rotated and waved, and then the back of the shoulder began to open, and it was still Chakra that transformed, transforming into a row of missiles!

Furumiya's body seems to have become a robot, and he can transform various weapons at will.

All conceivable weapons can be transformed through Chakra, and even the body becomes "three heads and six arms"!

From now on, Komiya can be said to be a walking "arsenal"!

Without rushing back to the Rain Ninja Village through the ability to fly, Gugong Yi was looking for an isolated island outside to exercise the ability of the Asura Dao.

After all, Yu Ninja Village is its own territory, and it is very distressing for a person who does not destroy something.

Just when Furumiya Yi was familiar with his abilities on a desert island, he felt the reincarnation eye psychic beast outside the Yu Ninja Village, and transmitted back the information screen shared by the reincarnation eye vision.

Yu Shinobi Village... There have been some contingencies.

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