The green pheasant, after finally staying overnight in the village of Yunin, rode his "shared bicycle" from the village of rain ninja, leaving only a frozen road on the sea.

The task of establishing the Rain Shinobi Village in his mind unexpectedly increased to [40%] after a conversation with the green pheasant.

What a bonus!

"It seems that the pheasant... Identified with the ideas of Yunin Village. "

It proves that if the next step is to improve the Rain Ninja Village, that is to let the ideas of the Rain Ninja Village be recognized by more people in the entire Great Voyage Pirate World!

Gu Gongyi watched the green pheasant leave, and the corners of his mouth hooked with great satisfaction.

On the one hand, the completion of the construction of Yu Ninja Village has increased, and on the other hand, the identity of the green pheasant represents the guy of the green pheasant....

Sooner or later, he will break away from the navy, and it is very likely that he will join the Yu Shinobi Village.

As the pheasant rides his bicycle close to the village of Yunin, Furumiya makes a "gamble" as soon as he sees that he is not wearing the coat that symbolizes the admiral.

"Gambling" the pheasant's heart is in turmoil at this moment.

Although Furumiyaichi's reincarnation eye psychic beast did not break into the high-level of the Navy, he still went from Marshal Warring States to the "Holy Land of Mary Joya" and other whereabouts, as well as his own understanding of the world, and basically guessed what happened inside the Navy.

Due to the demise of the Navy, the result of an organization in CP must be that the Navy is punished, and the two forces subordinate to the world government are incompatible.

In this case, the pheasant Kuzan....

It's hard not to doubt again whether the essence of the "naval justice" he says to obey is true justice, or a dog suit worn by Draco called "justice" on the Navy.

Although this is a fact that the navy has been trying to avoid thinking about.

Born in poverty, the green pheasant who joined the Navy in order to achieve true "justice" and the Navy, which is essentially a lackey of the Draco, will eventually separate and cause differences.

Even if the green pheasant becomes a "marshal" after the Warring States, or even sits in the position of "marshal of the entire army of the world government" above the marshal, this ending can never be avoided.

In the original world line, the green pheasant went to cooperate with "Blackbeard" and even rumored to have joined the Blackbeard Pirate Group to achieve the "justice" in his heart.

This wave of Gu Miya Yi is simply a master of mind reading!

Yu Ninja Village is completely in line with the appearance of "justice" in the green pheasant's mind.

Coupled with a wave of mouth cannons from Furumiya's "Naruto possession", he successfully injected the thoughts of Yu Shinobu Village into the mind of the green pheasant! It was like a "steel seal of thought" rooted in his brain!

It can be said that the green pheasant is like the original "Doflamingo killed the rain ninja village", eating to death!

If the future pheasant leaves the navy and comes to Yunin Village, there is a high probability situation!

Of course, this is also because the person who said it is a green pheasant, if the general sent by the Warring States is not a green pheasant, but a yellow ape or a red dog.

The Rain Ninja Village will not let them get close, and a big battle is absolutely inevitable!


Headquarters of the Navy.

The general of the green pheasant returned, and the news that the "Rain Shinobi Village" was unharmed was passed back.

In the office, Sengoku looked at the pheasant.

"Pheasant, didn't you notice anything?"

Although the Warring States did not explicitly say such a thing as "destroying the Rain Ninja Village", it is impossible for the green pheasants sent out not to understand the stakes.

Yu Ninja Village returned without any losses, and it must have been that the green pheasant made some new discoveries.

Sure enough, the green pheasant opened his mouth and said a news that made the Warring States stunned.

"Furumiyaichi of Yu Ninja Village has the ability to resurrect the dead."

Resurrecting the dead, the weight of these four words is self-evident throughout the Great Voyage!

There has never been a person of this ability!

Trafalgar Rowe's surgical fruit, the ultimate mystery may have the ability to make people "immortal", enough to make the world government spend "5 billion Bailey" crazy.

Resurrection of the dead....

This is really an ability that I dare not think about.

"Yes... Seven Martial Sea Moonlight Moria's kind of power. "

Sengoku hesitated for a moment to speak, thinking that the resurrection mentioned by the green pheasant at this moment might be the same as the thing that Moonlight Moria made by using the "shadow fruit", which was mistaken for a resurrection.

The green pheasant said in a firm tone: "No, it is a resurrection in the true sense, I have seen it with my own eyes..."

The green pheasant was so determined that Warring States finally realized that something was wrong.

The matter about Yu Ninja Village was reported at the top, rising layer by layer, and finally alarmed....

Characters above the five old stars!


In Yunin Village, Komiya didn't believe that the navy would give up so easily, but he wouldn't put all his energy into dealing with the navy.

Before the "battle for the top" begins, he has an important plan to carry out in real time.

"Advance the city plan."

If Pirate World can find the most perfect "Payne Making" material from anywhere, then there is no doubt that the first choice must be in "Advance City"!

In this place, there are the most "vicious" prisoners in the whole world!

What they did was so brutal that it was covered up by the world government, and even deliberately concealed in the newspapers.

Perfect Payne raw materials are everywhere!

When the battle of Marin Fandor comes to the top battle, the place where the vicious prisoners are held in the city of Advance is the best opportunity for himself!

If a large number of his own reincarnation eye sea king species approach in advance, I am afraid that it will attract attention, and there are still more than seven days before Ace's execution at this moment, which is the best reality!

Gu Gongyi, who was manipulating more reincarnation eye psychic beasts to go there, noticed that something was wrong with a reincarnation eye psychic beast.

It seems that he has not listened to the call.

This is the first time that this is the first time that this has happened to the reincarnation eye psychic beast.

"Vision sharing."

The vision sharing ability of the eye of reincarnation was activated, and Furumiyaichi was trying to see what went wrong.

The picture begins to shift....

The vision of reincarnation is successfully shared, but Furumiyaichi sees that the sea king he manipulated is not in the ocean at the moment, but on land, and his body cannot be manipulated and moved, as if he has become a vegetative person.

Rolling his eyes as hard as he could, he saw a guy wearing a red vest in a straw hat, eating meat while disgusted.

"It's so unpalatable, the meat of this fish is so unpalatable..."

The sound of disgust in the mouth is constant, but the open mouth that eats meat under the mouth is bigger and bigger every time.

Gu Gong was stunned for two seconds before he understood what had happened.

"My Neptune psychic beast... Caught and eaten by someone?! "


Thank you to the "Happy Horse" boss for the big prize, plus more tomorrow!

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