"What kind of place is this? Paradise?"

Eula looked around her, as if she was in the sky, she could reach out and touch the white clouds, and there seemed to be a clear glass under her feet, but with every step, there were ripples, as if she were walking on the water.


"This is the game I'm talking about, how about it"

With a snap, Xu Junping appeared behind Eula and slapped it.

"What are you doing! it hurts!" Eula clutched her ass.

Xu Junping was stunned, looked at Eula, and his eyes were a little surprised.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Eula felt that something was wrong with Xu Junping.

"I blocked all the negative effects of the game on my body, but this was according to my subconscious.

Xu Junping thought about it and said such a sentence.

"What do you mean?" Eula obviously didn't understand, still rubbing her ass in pain.

What Xu Junping means is that he has designed such a rule very humanely, which will automatically block reactions that he doesn't like.

Barbara, for example, doesn't feel pain, but she can feel smells and all sorts of things.

Or a person, he hates that he has a sense of taste, then he enters this game, he will not have a sense of taste.

But Eula..... She has a sense of pain, and the set program will not go wrong, so Xu Junping can easily conclude that Eula will not be averse to pain, she is a tremor...

"It's okay, can you try what you're different?"

Eula felt it, bouncing around, and spun around twice, um... All good.

Complete with all five senses.

On the other hand, it's quite unique.

"What are these people standing?"

Eula pointed to the few people in front of him, they were different professions, Eula was curious about where the world was, naturally he didn't even know his profession, Xu Junping forgot about this stubble.

They don't understand anything, and they probably don't understand something as simple as choosing a career system.

With a click, Xu Junping snapped his fingers, and all the people who were choosing a profession came to Eula's world.

"Eh, so suddenly you changed places again?"

"What about the few people who were standing in front of me just now? Why are they gone? Hu Tao, why are you here too? And Ganyu, Yaoyao. Xiangling said.

Xu Junping motioned for everyone to be quiet:

"There are a few people standing in front of you, they are different professions, if you look carefully, you will see different information about them......."

Xu Junping popularized the basic description of the online game profession to these people, fortunately, it is not too complicated, and it will be understood quickly.

"Lisa, you should choose this, mage, you can be transferred to a scholar later, and you can speak the law later, it's very powerful to look at. "

Well, if you want to choose Qin, it's better to be a god, although a warrior is more suitable for you, but it's still not suitable for you to pull out the mountain and cover the world or something.

"Just the warriors. You can learn different skills, and the divine envoy looks strong, that is, the ability in his reality is transplanted, and to be honest, he is tired of doing something.

"Okay. Jean

and Lisa chose a warrior and a mage, respectively.

"yes yes yes! you can be an artilleryman!!Klee chooses a shooter, and then she can be transferred to an artilleryman!" Klee chose a shooter

without surprise.

"Yaoyao wants to help others!" Yaoyao chose the priest unsurprisingly.

"It's pretty much the same thing. "Shenhe chose a warrior, not an oracle.

"Hmm.... I'll choose a warrior too. "Hu Tao also chooses fighters.

"Qiqi has to become a pastor in order to save more people!" Qiqi also chose a pastor unsurprisingly.

"Can I be a warrior and a priest? I want to use my abilities to protect others. "

Noelle had a hard time choosing a career, so I wanted to choose both.

"Pick a warrior, the priest is guarded in the rear. Xu Junping said, of course, if you unlock any hidden profession, maybe the priest's ability will be reversed.

"Which, don't you see that there is another profession here?" Ganyu

saw that none of the people had set their eyes on the profession of the fairy wind dao bone next to him, so he had to choose it himself.

"I chose to become an immortal.

Ale, the Immortal Clan,

Ganyu successfully focused the audience's attention on himself.

"Immortal Clan, do you have this profession

?" "No, right

?" Now it was Ganyu's turn to wonder, so what did he see? There is no Immortal Clan?"

Xu Junping explained.

The ability is about the same, that's fine, but it just sounds domineering.

Xiangling also became a warrior unexpectedly, everyone seems to have unified their choice, not looking at the profession of the divine envoy, after all, choosing the profession of the divine envoy, you can reproduce your ability in reality, and you are also the most familiar with it.

But also, playing games is just for freshness, and if it's still the same as in reality, wouldn't it be fun?

Amber had already chosen a profession from the beginning, shooter, which suited her very well.

Then it was Barbara's turn, and she was the only one left who didn't choose a career.

Barbara came to stand in front of the priest, and just when everyone thought she was still the same as reality, as a healing priest, Barbara raised her red lips:

"Studying medicine can't save Mondstadt." The

words of the earth-shattering ghosts and gods, everyone was dumbfounded, especially Xu Junping, this sentence was a little too familiar.

Then the head of the Qin troupe, stunned for a moment, and then looked at Xu Junping viciously, his apricot eyes glared, as if to say: "Did you teach it?"

Xu Junping dared to send ... card, I do seem to have said such a sentence, at that time, it should be to dissuade Barbara not to be pestered with the piano, not to be a nun, what medical studies can't save Mondstadt, follow me to be the trump card of Yihong Academy...

Well, this pot Xu Jun has a flat back.

Barbara left the priest and stepped in front of the mage profession.

Being a mage? That's pretty good, at least it's not a war...

Barbara looked at the mage and shook her head, and walked straight in front of the warrior...

I'll go, warrior.

Xu Junping had to dissuade her, and just as she was about to speak, Barbara put her hand on the body of the warrior professional stone statue, and she chose a warrior...

Several people gasped, especially those who knew Barbara.

Rao is Shenhe's calm posture of not being disturbed by the world, and he was also stunned.

Fortunately, Xu Junping can change the rules at will, and if Barbara really regrets it, she can change it at any time.

"Okay, now that you've chosen your class, it's time to officially enter the game. Xu Junping said.

"Oh, no, no, what about me? I haven't chosen yet.

Paimon was stunned for a moment, frowned randomly, and said unhappily.

Forehead.... Paimon Xu Junping really forgot that this guy was too small, and he barely managed to be a cup for him, even if he chose a career, he probably wouldn't be able to make any sparks.

"Paimon, you just follow me, strength is useless to you. "

It's not nice to speak!"

"I'll treat you to something delicious later." "

Eun Gong is the best!!"

"No thanks, cup."

"Why do you call

me a cup?" "Because you're the size of a cup to me." "

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