In Lin Danzhuang's bedroom.

After she and Lu Taoyao finished reading the update, both of them looked a little strange.

The room was very quiet at this moment, no one spoke first, as if there was a large-scale silence.

Lu Taoyao finally couldn't help it and spoke first: "My stomach suddenly hurts a little, I'm going to the toilet first!"

Lin Danzhuang's face turned black, and she stopped him directly: "Get back!"

"You pretend to have a stomachache when something happens, what's wrong with you?"

"Aren't you afraid that your stomach will complain?"

Lu Taoyao's old face turned red, and then he sat down again in a sullen manner: "I'm not afraid that you will be embarrassed, Danzhuang, after all, according to the lines in the movie, I already know too much."

Lin Danzhuang's face became even darker, and she really wanted to open this hottie's head and see if it was filled with paste.

"What are you thinking about all day long!"

"Do I look like the kind of gangster who would smash someone into a concrete pile and sink him to the bottom of the river if he disagrees with me?"

"Could it be that I would get angry just because I wrote something in my diary? Impossible."

Hearing this, Lu Taoyao's eyes lit up.

"Ah, Danzhuang, you are so generous. I thought you would be angry when Lin Chuan wrote in his diary that you took the initiative to interact with Ye Han."

"Hey, why didn't you say it earlier? I wouldn't be scared if you said it earlier."

Lin Danzhuang snorted coldly: "Virtue, how could I be angry about something that didn't happen? It must be the original author's trick. How could I like a guy like Ye Han?"

"Besides, you know my attitude towards men."

Lu Taoyao nodded desperately: "Ah, yes, yes, everyone knows that my Danzhuang is a famous iceberg beauty."

"But speaking of it, I feel that you are actually very stupid when you take the initiative to interact with others."

"After all, you have been an iceberg for a long time, and you still yearn for something in your heart~"

Lin Danzhuang narrowed her eyes: "Oh? Yearning for something? How come I don't know?"

In the continuous questions, there was already a hint of murderous intent.

But Lu Taoyao didn't realize it yet, and said smugly: "It's simple, Danzhuang, you look strong, but you are actually very hungry. We are all women, I understand."

"Otherwise, why would you secretly cosplay at home, and when Ye Han looked at you and helped you, you couldn't help but be moved?"

"Isn't this a manifestation of being hungry? Danzhuang, don't you think so?"

Lin Danzhuang didn't want to talk, she was already murderous at this moment, and she couldn't stop it.

She suppressed the idea of ​​​​killing people, and said word by word:

"Yes, then someone has a secret crush on a scumbag like Ye Han, what's the matter? You actually want to compete with me for a man, you are really good, Yaoyao~"

Lu Taoyao shuddered at the weird words.

She finally realized that something was wrong, but it was too late.

"Ahem, I'm your maidservant. You're getting married, and as your maidservant, I must help push your butt, right?"

A big "?" appeared on Lin Danzhuang's forehead


Pushing butt?

Lin Danzhuang was not a three-year-old child. After trying to imagine that scene, she couldn't help blushing.

"Lu Taoyao! You really need to wash your brain!"

As she said that, Lin Danzhuang's pink little fist landed on Lu Taoyao's head, using a classic move of double peaks, drilling hard on Lu Taoyao's head.

Lu Taoyao felt pain and begged for mercy: "Hey, don't be angry, Danzhuang, I'm telling the truth. After you married Lin Chuan, I did this kind of work, didn't I..."

Lin Danzhuang became even angrier: "You're still planning on Lin Chuan?! Die, Yaoyao!"


After a while, Lu Taoyao, with messy hair and disheveled clothes, had shrunk into the corner, sobbing silently.

She looked like she was being humiliated, so miserable.

Lin Danzhuang's anger had not subsided yet. She sat on the edge of the bed with her arms folded across her chest, snorting from time to time.

"What a shitty plot the original author designed."

"This shitty author has so much malice towards me. How could I possibly do such a thing? And he arranged for Yaoyao, this fool, to snatch my man. He's really inhuman!"

Lin Danzhuang was so angry.

Fortunately, she knew the plot in advance. Otherwise, if the story was developed as in the original novel, and she really got together with Ye Han, she would regret it later.

However, Lin Danzhuang was still able to distinguish the priorities.

The most urgent thing was to consider the formula of "Shame on the Flower".

After all, this was an important thing related to the subsequent development of Xizi Cosmeceutical Group, and it must not go wrong.

"Since Ye Han can solveIf we can't solve this problem, it means that the formula is not unimprovable, but the R&D department and the people I found can't solve it. "

"If you don't want to be restricted by Ye Han on this point, you still have to find someone to solve it."

"But who should I find?"

Lin Danzhuang thought for a moment and couldn't help but look up at Lu Taoyao in the corner.

This guy is still pretending to be pitiful.

"Don't pretend, help me think, among the famous doctors in Zhonghai City, besides the most powerful Chen Zhongjing, who else can possibly solve the problem of Xiuhua's formula. "

Lu Taoyao said "Oh", wiped the tears from her face, and got up from the ground.

What a quick move.

Lin Danzhuang's face darkened again when she saw this scene. The speed of removing the disguise was too fast.

Lu Taoyao tidied her clothes and hair casually, thought for a moment, and then said slowly: "Chen Zhongjing has the most extensive knowledge of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign medicine. If he doesn't know, it is impossible for others to solve the problem of the formula. "

Lin Danzhuang frowned.

"What should we do? Can we only let Ye Han handle it?"

"That would be too passive for us, right?"

Lu Taoyao pushed his black plain glasses and analyzed calmly: "Not necessarily."

"We don't have to ask Ye Han for help. To be precise, there is another person who may have a way."

Lin Danzhuang's eyes lit up: "Who? "

Lu Taoyao's mouth curled up slightly; "Of course it's Lin Chuan who has read the original novel."

"Since he knows so many things, isn't it reasonable for him to know a solution to improve the formula of shy flowers?"

Lin Danzhuang suddenly realized.

She really didn't think of this because she was confused.

Lin Chuan was her fiancé, and it didn't seem shameful to ask her fiancé for help.

Just when Lin Danzhuang was about to say something else, the diary was finally updated again.

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