At the same time when Lin Danzhuang's eyes lit up.

In the villa area of ​​Mingyun Villa, Lin Youchu's eyes dimmed for a while.

The power furnace in her chest seemed to hurt.

She didn't understand why she was so kind to others, but Ye Han was so mean.

Doesn't this person have any concept of human nature in his worldview?

The Lin family's family education is very strict.

She also grew up with traditional education.

It's really very conservative.

In her worldview, once the innocence is given to someone, then you can only recognize the other person in this life.

Otherwise, she would rather die.

The descriptions of these diary contents of Lin Chuan are almost exactly the same as her situation.

In addition, Lin Chuan's diary is almost 100% fulfilled...

Then there is no doubt that the plot described in this diary will basically come true without suspense.

In this case, if you want to get rid of such an uncomfortable fate, the best way is to eliminate it from the root.

"How about, when Shishi comes back later, she invites me to the antique fair, and I just refuse?"

However, this idea was rejected by her just after it came up for a moment.

"No, no, this will definitely change the plot."

"At that time, not only will Lin Chuan's plot predictions no longer be accurate, but it will also be much more difficult for me to get his positive reviews."

"In that case, the possibility of extending my life through rewards will be greatly reduced."


Lin Youchu's brain was working rapidly:

"Then, change your thinking, pretend to be unaware, continue to accept Shishi's invitation, and go to the antique fair as usual tomorrow?"

"This doesn't seem to work either. Once I get sick, with the hidden illness in my body, there is really no one in the whole Zhonghai who can cure it."

"At that time, the situation will be critical, Grandpa and Dr. Liu are not around, so if Ye Han keeps talking nonsense, maybe Grandpa and the others will stand on Ye Han's side. "


"Or, change your mindset and pretend to be unaware, continue to accept Shishi's invitation, go to the antique fair as usual, but call Dr. Liu in advance and ask her to come over from Yanjing?"

"This seems to be the safest way, so as not to change the plot of the original work, and not to let Ye Han take advantage of her."

"But it seems that there is no way to get Lin Chuan's positive comments..."

But no matter which method she used, it seemed that nothing she could think of could be perfect.

"What should I do?" Seeing that she couldn't find a good solution after thinking for a long time, she was having a headache, and her phone suddenly vibrated.

The caller ID showed that it was Lin Danzhuang.

As soon as the call was connected, Lin Danzhuang's concerned voice came from the other end, "Youchu, I remember you told us before that you have a hidden disease in your body, and this hidden disease has no cure even after visiting famous doctors before, right?"

"Yes, what's wrong, sister Danzhuang?" Lin Youchu thought that Lin Danzhuang was worried about her physical condition, and then said, "But I feel much better during this period."

"It should not easily relapse for a long time."

"That's good." Lin Danzhuang was no longer that cold in front of her, but like an older sister, "I called you this time because I suddenly thought that there may be a real miracle doctor in Zhonghai."

"You may have heard of that person, the eldest son of the Lin family, Lin Chuan."

"Huh?" Lin Youchu was stunned.

How did he get caught off guard and get to Lin Chuan.

"I also encountered a problem in the company today, and went to find Lin Chuan, and I accidentally found it." Lin Danzhuang's voice was still coming out of the phone.

"This guy's medical skills are definitely more than one level higher than those of all the genius doctors in Zhonghai."

"There is a problem with our group's formula. The head of the R&D department and the general consultant can't see the problem. So many famous doctors in Zhonghai can't see the problem, but he can see it at a glance."

"So I think, Youchu, you might try your luck with Lin Chuan for your illness."

"Lin Chuan, the genius doctor..." Lin Youchu's mind also flashed with a flash of light.

After being reminded by Lin Danzhuang, she seemed to have found a wonderful way all of a sudden, which would not affect the direction of the plot, nor would she be calculated by Ye Han, and could also improve Lin Chuan's favorability.

"I know, thank you sister Danzhuang." Lin Youchu's eyes lit up, "I'll ask someone to prepare a gift, and then go to the Lin family to visit that young master Lin."

"Okay, then I'll say hello to Lin Chuan for you." Lin Danzhuang said no more, and hung up the phone.

And Lin Youchu was excitedGet up.

As soon as he put down the phone, he quickly called the secret guard Aunt Wang.

"Aunt Wang, go and help me find out what the eldest son of the Lin family likes, and then help me prepare a generous gift."

"I'm going there in a while to pay a visit."

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