Although Lin Youchu was a little surprised why Ye Shishi called her brother by his name, and she didn't understand why Ye Shishi was so repulsive to Ye Han, she was looking at Ye Shishi with a silly look, but her mind was spinning fast.

Although the plot has gone around and around and returned to the original direction, Ye Han still has to chase them and take them to pick up leaks, but her body has long been taken care of by Lin Chuan, and she is not afraid of getting sick in case of some unexpected situations.

And most importantly, she has known the subsequent plot direction through Lin Chuan's diary.

When picking up leaks later, just be more careful.

She can even wear a mask and gloves.

Prevent inhalation or infection of some bacteria from the root.

In that way, the possibility of getting sick again today is almost reduced to a level close to zero.

Thinking of this, seeing that Ye Shishi was still frowning, she immediately smiled gently, "Shishi, don't you want to go with your brother to pick up bargains?"

Ye Shishi was obviously stunned when she heard the voice, and thought for a moment before answering, "In fact, it is mainly for you, Sister Youchu."

"Sister Youchu, although your health has improved a lot after Lin Chuan's care, you are still sick after all."

"Before I came here yesterday, I checked some information and it said that many antiques have been stored underground for many years in a dark environment, and they are contaminated with many microorganisms and bacteria. If you, Sister Youchu, are contaminated with these, it may cause some bad consequences."

"So that's the case." Lin Youchu suddenly realized, and then smiled, "Then I can wear a mask first, and then put on gloves."

"In this way, Shishi, you don't have to worry anymore, and you don't have to worry about your brother's affairs anymore."

"Ah?" Ye Shishi was obviously a little unresponsive, and she was stunned for a while before her eyes lit up.


"Why didn't I think of such a good idea?"

"Bacteria and the like mainly cause disease through contact with human skin or invasion of the respiratory tract. As long as you, Youchu, wear a mask and gloves, it can be completely eliminated."

"After we go out, before picking up leaks, just get some masks and gloves first." Lin Youchu still smiled gently, like a lotus in clear water.

"Okay." Ye Shishi grabbed a life-saving straw and hurriedly pulled Lin Youchu out.

"Let's pretend to flush the water and then wash our hands." Lin Youchu pulled her back.

Then, she flushed the water and washed her hands.

After all, she and Ye Shishi were pretending to come in to solve the three urgent problems.

If they didn't flush the water and didn't wash their hands, it would be too suspicious.

"I almost forgot about this." Ye Shishi also had a brain and reacted quickly when she heard this.

She also quickly washed her hands, and then pulled Lin Youchu out of the bathroom together.

"Sister, beautiful Youchu."

Outside the bathroom, Ye Han was still waiting patiently, and as soon as he saw them come out, he immediately showed a greasy smile.

"How about it, can we go find bargains together now?"

"Wait a moment." Ye Shishi protected Lin Youchu behind her, "Sister Youchu needs a mask and gloves."

"I'll take her to buy them first."

"Masks and gloves?" Ye Han's mouth curled slightly, "These things are everywhere at the antique fair, why bother to let you buy them separately."

"Does anyone here have extra ones? Give some to my sister and beautiful Youchu."

As soon as he said this, many of his fans at the scene really took out masks and gloves from their pockets, "Master Ye, I have them here."

"Master Ye, this is an N99 mask, use mine."

"And these gloves, international leading standards..."

Ye Han enjoyed the feeling of being responded to by everyone, and when he looked at Ye Shishi and Lin Youchu, the smile on his mouth deepened.

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