It wasn't just Ye Shishi and Lin Youchu.

In the crowd, when everyone's attention was focused on the painting that Ye Han had shaken open, Long Shuang'er and Long Fei'er, who were hiding in it, couldn't help but feel nervous.

Because the scene and direction at this moment were too similar to what Lin Chuan wrote in his diary, that Lin Youchu had been infected with the germs carried by the antiques.

At this moment, Lin Chuan himself had not been shaken over by them.

If Lin Youchu still followed the original plot and got sick because of this, she would probably be controlled by Ye Han today.

They didn't want such a situation to happen.

With this thought, the two of them, like Ye Shishi, subconsciously fixed their eyes on Lin Youchu.

Seeing the cloud of dust splashed by Ye Han's shaking open painting splashing on Lin Youchu, their heartbeats and breathing stopped unconsciously.

At the same time, Lin Youchu, who was holding her breath, turned her head away subconsciously when she was touched by the dust, and said "hmm" with a little disgust.

Then, she shook her body twice naturally to shake off the dust on her clothes.

"Sister Youchu." Until Ye Shishi's slightly surprised voice came again, "You..."

Lin Youchu was shocked. Even if she shook off the dust, her body did not show any abnormality.

Except for the moment when the dust approached, her palpitations and breathing paused for a moment, she was not affected at all.

No illness.

No need to worry about being threatened by Ye Han, the dirty guy.

She couldn't help but feel happy in her heart, and her face was relieved at the same time, "I'm fine, I was just blinded by the smoke and dust and my clothes were dirty."

She was kind and simple, and thought Ye Shishi was worried that she would be splashed by the smoke and dust, and she smiled at Ye Shishi when she spoke.

Ye Shishi breathed a sigh of relief, but she couldn't help but yelled at Ye Han, "Can you take the feelings of the people around you into consideration when you do things?"

"Let's not talk about whether you have consulted me and Sister Youchu, just say you opened the painting, couldn't you just open the painting normally, why did you have to shake it? Didn't you see that all the dust on the painting was shaken onto me and Sister Youchu?"

Ye Han obviously didn't expect the situation to unfold like this.

After Ye Shishi yelled, he was stunned.

Even the onlookers around him didn't expect it to be like this, and they all stood there.

"Sister Youchu, let's go." Ye Shishi ignored their reactions and immediately took the opportunity to pull Lin Youchu away from this troubled place.

"Yeah." At this time, Lin Youchu's impression of Ye Han had actually reached a new level. She responded obediently and let Ye Shishi pull her away.

When she came to the central area of ​​the antique fair again, she took the initiative to say, "Shishi, why don't we just go here today."

"Didn't you say that you found an interesting item at home and wanted to find an appraisal master here to help you identify it? Why don't we just go and identify it now, and then we can go back directly."

She was willing to follow the plot of the original book this time, just because she didn't want to ruin Lin Chuan's plan, lest he be killed by Ye Han in the end.

Now that the plot recorded in Lin Chuan's diary has basically been completed, Lin Youchu doesn't want to make any more trouble or have any extra contact with Ye Han.

"Okay." And Ye Shishi felt almost the same way.

In today's plot, although she is not the protagonist, she lives a more tiring life than the protagonist.

She is actually fed up with such twists and turns, and being repeatedly manipulated by Ye Han.

She would love to leave here as soon as possible.

After finding an appraiser with a relatively short queue and asking the appraiser to help her with the jade pendant she got from her parents' relics, Ye Shishi patiently waited for the appraiser's appraisal results.


[On the first day of the Lunar New Year, I wish you all a happy New Year, and I wish you all a prosperous Dragon Year, and I also wish this book a smooth and prosperous Dragon Year]

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