In an ordinary car with a plain appearance, Long Shuang'er kept in touch with Long Fei'er while moving quickly to park the car on the side of the road, draw the privacy curtains, and open a laptop that looked quite ordinary.

"Fei'er, are you on your way to the provincial capital now?"

"Help me check the topography around Zhonghai No. 13 Middle School as soon as possible, and roughly determine the place where the killer may ambush her."

"I will check Xiaoye's current location information here first. I will follow her secretly tonight, just in case."

"Her situation is too dangerous this time. Even if she probably has a copy of Lin Chuan's diary and is likely to make preparations in advance, we can't just sit back and watch."

"Yes." On the other side of the communicator, Long Fei'er obviously felt the same way. Upon hearing the voice, she immediately said, "I have pulled over and used our Beidou satellite system's internal database to call up a detailed map of the area around Zhonghai No. 13 Middle School."

"Okay, hurry up, I will also use Skynet to track Xiaoye's location information." After turning on the laptop, Long Shuang'er skillfully entered the administrator password, and soon the computer entered the desktop, which was filled with rows of special agent tool software.

Long Shuang'er opened the software with the word "Doorbell" under the logo, entered the Skynet administrator account, and entered Longguo's Skynet monitoring system.

Then, she began to lock in Wang Xiaoye's whereabouts today and his current location information based on his license plate number.

While she was busy, Long Feier's voice soon came again in the communicator, "I have found a detailed satellite map around Zhonghai No. 13 Middle School."

"I roughly scanned it and there are at least three locations that are very suitable for ambushes at night."

"Moreover, the three locations are quite wide, and the surrounding areas are still vacuum areas of surveillance. In addition, the surrounding area is vast and sparsely populated. As long as the ambush at night is not too slow, it is almost difficult to leave traces."

Although Long Shuang'er rarely goes to the vicinity of Zhonghai No. 13 Middle School, she roughly knows that it is remote. Hearing the voice, while tracking the traces of Wang Xiaoye's vehicle, she said, "You can make a simple analysis of the three areas and send it to me in the form of text messages."

"After I lock on Xiaoye's car location, I will go to the base first to replenish my weapons and equipment to prevent any accidents."

"In addition to sending me text messages of possible ambush areas, you can help me track Xiaoye's traces later and send me the coordinates at any time."

"No problem." On the other side of the communicator, Long Fei'er cooperated with her seamlessly.

"After all, this is not only about saving our friends, but also about preventing a violent collision in the underground world of Zhonghai City."

"To some extent, this is also to maintain stability for Zhonghai City."

"Yes." Long Shuang'er responded, and when the Skynet system tracked Wang Xiaoye's license plate, she zoomed in on the surveillance screen and carefully observed the car for a while.

Until she was sure that Wang Xiaoye was in the car, she said to the other end of the communicator, "I found Xiaoye's location."

"I'll share her car and location information with you, you keep an eye on it for me first."

"I'll go back to the base quickly to replenish weapons and equipment."

After saying that, she synchronized the information to Long Fei'er, and Long Shuang'er put the laptop on the co-pilot seat, opened the privacy curtains, started the car and quickly rushed to the temporary base of the Dragon Group.


And just as the women were doing different things, time blinked and soon came to the evening of that day.

That night, not long after Wang Xiaoye had arranged for his men to be fully armed and lying dormant in the motorcade, an anonymous text message was sent to her mobile phone.

"Tonight, if there is any incident at Zhonghai No. 13 Middle School that requires you to administer justice, remember to be careful on the road, there may be an ambush."

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